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Neil Timmons (ntimmons)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard
2009-11-01 - 11:45 AM
TOSTOS Battle, Evil Style
I've run this deck before, but it was a long time ago, I was counting on people to forget the secrets.

Round 1VoyagerAlexander SchmitzFW (0)
Alex blitzed 2 missions, but I caught up when I blew up Voyager. He used Field Studies to stuff 2 space dilemmas under his 3rd mission, however when he completed his 3rd mission he was stuck at 95 points. I finished my 3rd mission leaving the score of the game 100-95.

Round 2Non-AlignedEd KFW (0)
Ed is a new player, but he is hardcore Team Jersey. I don't like blowing new players' ships up, but when that is the plan, it has to get done. I blew his ship up and won 100-0.

Round 3Non-AlignedJohn CorbettFW (0)
John did not forget what I was up to (and had heard what I was up to). he was able to keep his ships from being blown up by waiting until he had 2 staffed ships & shuttling his ships back and forth. I however used MInuet and Warp Speed Transfer to blow through my first space mission. From there I finished my 2 planet missions before John was able to finish his space mission. 100-0.

Round 4BajoranDarrell MinottFW (0)
Darrell blew through his first planet mission. However when he hit a space mission I was able to blow his ship up giving me the necessary amount of time to win the game. Full win 100-65

Round 5ByeBY (0)