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Neil Timmons (ntimmons)
Tournament Report - 2E Traditional - Sector 001 Regional
2008-03-15 - 02:00 PM
This was the first tournament John Corbett came so far south to play while I have been playing. We drove down to the tournament with me muttering to myself "speed or power... speed or power..." I had 2 decks in my hand, one cadet speed deck, and one Dominion Infiltration power deck. The cadet deck was just built to go fast and get through missions, while the dominion deck was built around Tactical disadvantage and Founder Trap. It has been so long I don't remember the actual decks, but I assume that the cadet deck was about 50 cards with 5 ships, 35 guys and 10 other cards (Unexpected Difficulties, Moral Choice, some other grease etc) while the dominion deck was 72 cards (I always build my decks in multiples of 6) with 12 ships and lots of infiltration stuff. The idea is that the ships are big so Tactical Disadvantage can't be beat. So run them into a Tragic Turn deck, ending with Tactical Disadvantage, then use the dominion tricks to draw/spend more dilemmas and make subsequent attempts 'very' deadly because you can draw/spend just as many dilemmas as your opponent has people, except you have Tragic Turn on the mission. All the while my Dominion dudes are following you around (with blinid spot) and shooting at you trying to kill guys; or space ribbons are trying to put your guys out of play. After I do 1 mission I have the Dominion Defiant to shuffle dilemmas over to another mission. and when I run out of dilemma tricks, then you have to face 3 founder traps.

Round 1DominionCharlie BeamFW (0)
I don't remember much about this game. I believe I was a game where all of my stuff came together and I was able to win. This was early in my trek career and the first game of the day is always really scary. I used to fall asleep to thoughts of my opening draw and would have restless sleep because I would worry about the 7 cards in my opening hand of my first game. So to see that I won my first game is puts me in good for the day.

Round 2DominionDale HanakFL (0)
This game was a bust from the get go. I was supposed to get a bunch of high weapon ships to stall Dale at his first space mission, however he was also playing dominion. I remember his saying "I only have 6 ships in the deck" He had 3 ships in play making it impossible to follow him around because he just had enough range to do whatever he wanted, and he had 3 copies of the dominion Defiant in his hand totaling 30 shields. I was unable to find 4 ships (to beat 30 shields) before he was able to break through his space mission. I played TD, but he revealed his 30 shields to destroy the dilemma.

Round 3Sean JonesMW (0)
This was a super slow game. Sean is not known to be the fastest player in the world, and this game, that should have taken 45 minutes, ended up going to time. If memory serves, he was almost locked out by the time it was called, and had I had 2 more turns I would have had a full win (while he digs for his last Intelligence guy) but time just flat ran out too quickly.

Round 4BajoranTNGNick MacrinoFW (0)
I don't have a memory of this game, so things must have just gone according to plan and I was able to catch Nick with all of my tricks and win the game.

Round 5TNGJohn CorbettFL (0)
John was playing a straight TNG solver that was the picture of speed. He was able to get out on turn 3 and start attempting missions. I believe I ran him through the gauntlet of my dilemma pile, but there just wasn't enough time. for me to catch up because even if he was losing his people left and right, he was able to play them almost as fast and was able to complete 3 missions in the time I completed 1.