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Mark Napier (Squircifer)
Tournament Report - 1E - Vandros IV Regional
2014-05-17 - 10:45 AM
StarfleetStarfleet: Operation TIme Bandits
Well, I finally figured I would play in a Regional Tourney and try my hand at tom foolery. Since I always (99% of the time) play Starfleet, there was no other choice for me going in. Finished building the deck around 1 in the morning, and then bed. Based in a large part on another Starfleet deck that caught my attention... I was set. Enhanced Shades of Grey;Cruelty and All Consuming Evil dilemmas.

Round 1FederationPeter LudwigFL (-65)
Playing against a Fed deck with some nifty Soong Androids. Plopped down a crew laden ship via Space Time Portal--and left the time location to go sexplore the universe with D'Vela and crew. Kept my hand empty to generate skills... we shared Earth in the space line, so it was heavy with dilemmas, but oh well. The deck tries to complete one space and one planet, then Earth. Got my space dock out (yet another event to sac to D,Vela), but alas... did not make it all the way.

Round 2BajoranFederationJohannes KlarhauserFL (-70)View opponent's Report
Kaiser was rocking the TOS/HQ/BRC deck that has been rippin' up space butt. Got a crew set up for the sexploration of space and shot out. Empty hands rule, when you have D'Vela out and hoppin about. Solved a mission rikki tik and thought all would be good, till I hit V'Ger, unfortunately for me, D'Vela was stopped and I could not cheat through the thing... Boom. By the time I thought I could get a crew together again, Kaiser solved for the win.

Round 3HirogenMarkus EberleinFW (+5)View opponent's Report
Hirogen in the Delta was brewed by Markus... a small space line for me!! STP'ed a crew to sexplore and off we went, slowed down a few times by unlucky choices and stopped D'Velas, actually sweated a bit when Markus hit 95... then managed to D'Vela my way to a win by solving my Earth with File Annual Report and an earlier discarded Grappler.

Closing Thoughts
Over all it was a blast to play Starfleet and actually play in real. Three rounds official and another round to play around with, which was used to shoot the breeze and hang out, was a really fun day. Steak and onions and pizza afterwards... nice.