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Tyler Fultz (DJstormtrooper)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard - German National
2011-06-26 - 11:00 AM
KlingonAlex Downloads West Germany
Klingons are the bomb, so decided to go with them.

Round 1Andre HorstenkampFW (+70)
Andre had not played in over 5 years so was literally reading every card in his deck for the first time. While having new players is great, it's also a little scary with an hour time limit. A MW first game could easily wreck a CVP tiebreaker so tried to move things along as much as I could. He completed a mission before I was able to get the two I needed for the win. Hope Andre comes back for more tournaments!

Round 2DS9-EarthThomas SchneiderFW (+75)
Thomas had decided to go with the DS9 Jaresh deck so I knew I couldn't use my Unfair Comparisons without serious risk. I also knew that I couldn't afford to use my GPTs on anything but Holding Cell. Luckily for me, he choose to play a HC early on my K'tal, alloowing my to blow it up the next turn with Korath, who I sucessfully protected for the rest of the game with GPT. After bring his core down to a manageble two or three cards, my Klingons were able to scoot through missions pretty effectively.

Round 3KlingonJens BeilsteinFW (+70)
Jens hadn't changed his deck much from two years ago but that doesn't mean it wasn't good. he attempted P-P-S but didn't manage to fight past the killing pile. The highlight of the game was him Kruge-ing my Vorcha only to have me Kruge it back on a subsequent turn. Final Confrontation: After the official 6 rounds, we still had to play a final confrontation to determine the winner. I felt pretty good going in, but Jens switched strategies to multiple small attempts. This worked much better and got him through missions without losing too many folks. I also go hit hard by his 3 copies of AIoT and a WNOHGB. In the end, I failed to download Surprise Amity when I needed it and Jens got through his last mission off 3 attempts in a single turn. Bummer, really wanted to win a DM before going home...

Round 4Marwin WanekFW (+75)
Marwin was playing a Voyager deck, which was actually quite Kruge proof thanks to his multiple Exocomps. Still, being able to battle him whenever I wanted was a big help and earned me quite a few bonus points. In the end, I was able to outspeed him through missions.

Round 5Terok Norsascha kieferMW (+40)
Sascha was playing a good TN deck that did an effective job destroying my events and keeping me playing slow. He also surprised me with two late game Tapestries that let him get his discard pile back. What saved me was that I managed to destaff his Tenak'talar at Kressari which bought me a few turns. However, I wasn't able to crank out my second mission before time was called.

Round 6MaquisTobias RausmannFW (+100)
Tobias was playing Maquis denial, which I was pretty well prepared for. The Klingons can simply download so many cards and spend so many counters with Energize and Surprise Party that Maquis tricks become less than deadly. He also didn't have stellar kill protection and lost a lot of people to my dilemmas. The result was pretty well decided by 30 minutes in.