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Brian Leonard (MrVorlon)
Tournament Report - Tr
2012-05-27 - 04:00 PM
It's Battle Cattle...er...Tribbles!
I was playing my battle deck. I expected some poisons/utilizes and did not expect to go out. However... Ed went out with a poison targeting me which resulted in a 100k Antidote allowing me to go out as well. I only had 100k in my pile so it wasn't a huge victory. However... SOMEBODY *coughjasoncough* played a 1000 REVERSE to give the turn back to me which allowed me to play 10000 Go -> 100000 Tally allowing me to go out. I had 600k in my pile this time. Big victory for Battle here, even though I did not really battle much. When I did battle, I think I lost more than I won.

Round 1 ()

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