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Michael Van Breemen (The Ninja Scot)
Tournament Report - 2E - Trek Masters
2020-03-14 - 12:00 PM
VoyagerRelativityHell's HeartFive Space Hasselhoff
So, I had a few deck ideas for this tournament but decided to go with relative weenies and not worry about having a cadet deck get nailed with multiple Dereliction of Day's and went with all space Voyager. There were a couple of reasons why all space - Homeward Bound is pretty sweet, it didn't seem like something someone would've expected me to play and it seemed safer than/more reliable than some of my other options (almost all of which were dual-hq in some fashion.) Plus, it gave me an easy way to discard Fontaine for card draws. Fontaine discarded by Finding Our Way to get a ship - 2 card draws, B'lenna discarding said ship - 2 card draws, Seven to look at those cards first to see if I want them or not each time - even more fun.

Round 1TOSBen HospFW (+100)
As soon as I saw Ben's missions, I knew what was going to happen (part of the reason why I put in the Astrometrics Lab in the deck) I started with Fontaine in my opening hand which allowed me to draw into Voyager. After that, it went pretty smoothly after that, preventing him from relocating my ship after naming Artificial Wormhole with Inversion Mystery. After solving that mission, I solved the rest of my missions on the same turn - flew both ships to the all my 1-cost people are +1, had a 7 Cunning personnel in hand for Craps, returned Harry Kim to hand to send my ship to Repair Null Space Catapult, had just enough Cunning to solve after getting through a Personal Duty, sending my ship back to Caretakers Array for the win after giving me only planet dilemmas. Apparently he was expecting me to play Bajor/Cardassians which I had no intention of playing.

Round 2RelativityRobin Honeycutt FW (+100)
Once I saw his missions, I knew what he was doing - my day 1 Worlds deck. I kept stopping him primarily because of what I drew for dilemmas I knew what would work against him. I have no doubt that, if he knew 2e more, he'd have gotten at least a mission done.

Round 3RomulanChris MorseFW (+100)
Chris was running a patrol neutral zone deck with lot of harassment - tr-rifle, imperial entanglement, etc. I had the fastest start ever for the deck - christening, dropped chakotay, Thompson, played four people on turn 2 and was able to solve inversion mystery on turn 2, naming unsound logic. By turn six, the game was done (despite interrupts)

Closing Thoughts
So, now it's onto 1e.