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Michael Van Breemen (The Ninja Scot)
Tournament Report - 2E - Online Event
2015-03-28 - 09:00 AM
DS9I like small ships...
Random choice chose this deck for me so that's how we roll. I never went first...

Round 1CardassianFritz MeissnerFW (+95)View opponent's Report
So I grabbed Enrique with Historical Research but an early draw into Quark lead to Holding Cell. It helped that I had Under Siege drawn the card before Quark was to come out so he was free (only time Under Siege came out that mattered.) Pippi Longstocking wasn't on his side so it stayed for many turns of fun preventing interrupts. I got lucky on first attempt as his Insurrection after Weak will Perish and Hard Time was over-cost, leaving me just enough people to solve Investigate Destruction. Next was Protect the Escapees with 8 which I was given Insurrection (second one) and Oracle's Punishment. He went for mission skills but I burned 5 points with Melora Pazlar to grab the missing mission skills as I had just enough to overcome the Insurrection for the solve. I hadn't drawn into my Promenade School yet so I split up my people so that both ships could fly to Torga IV and solved, putting me at 95. Couple of turns later, I drew into Promenade school after failing a couple of attempts at Historical Research without the requirements. I prevented him solving at Kressari with putting none under the first time, then Breaking the Ice, then Personal Duty followed by Where No One Has Gone Before. By the end of his last turn, there were four under the mission with him ready to score next turn.

Round 2StarfleetTed ReebelFW (+25)
Ted had two Brennan Scott's, mirror Travis and Sight for Sore Eyes on turn 1. If he had any At What Cost's in the early game this probably would've been a different story. I played Holding Cell to grab his Brennan Scotts... but if I had known he had just as recently drawn into all three D'vela's, I would've saved it for them. Oh well. He was running a Chula pile which was fine although he somehow always grabbed all my leadership and no Honor or vice versa in both Precipices each time he played it. No Transport Crash Survivors in this game so we were both taking advantage of it, me getting a micro-team solve at Protect the Escapees before getting through Investigate Destruction shortly thereafter (not without taking a trip to Where No One Has Gone Before however.) I took the opportunity to play Promenade School on them since they weren't going anywhere. I almost made him solve four missions but he had gotten Tucker out the turn before he solved Obtain Illegal Embryos so I couldn't keep him at 35 points (at least, three missions and we each have 100 points which unfortunately wouldn't have gotten me another achievement with the tie... Eventually, my micro-teaming through the last mission was completed before he could solve his last mission for the win.

Round 3CardassianBenjamin RostokerFW (+85)
Yea, new person to add to my list! (253 different people now.) He was playing the same missions as Fritz but he captured a lot more people - Jadzia and Kasidy both took a trip with Evek before I even went out and attempted. Unfortunately he put two extra dilemmas under when his Broken Captive stopped everyone (thanks to a lucky Racial Tension pull taking my Quark.) Eventually, Vic and Paxton went to his side of the table as I grinded through his dilemmas. Meanwhile, Holding Cell showed up early and a double dose of Gomtuu's hurt him in space before my large/small group of attemptees made it through my missions for the win.

Closing Thoughts
Enrique opening turn opens up so many opportunities and having three cards that could download a ship (excluding Tacking into the Wind) made running only three ships seem a lot easier to pull off than I had expected (to be fair, two of the three games I had the Ganges in my opening hand but the other game was a Kira download away.) No more DS9 until more achievements were to be available.