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Bruce Parrish (Captain Parrish)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event
2016-10-07 - 12:00 AM
This was my first ever time playing Starfleet in a tournament, I just had to the Warp 5 Program is such a powerful card.

Round 1BajoranStephanFW (+18)
My first game was against Pazuzu who was running a very fast solver, unfortunately starfleet is also a very fast solver. This game came down to 1 range for pazuzu and it could have went either way. Pazuzu was stuck on a planet with no range left on his ships to get to his mission that had dead end on it. I on the other hand had an Enterprise with over 30 range on it thanks to condition red and a mass amount of people. ( So easy to get them in play with the warp program/protect the timeline). I went first to Test Mission with my seeded mission specialist that has physics with a grappler on the Enterprise and Test Objective plus the warp 5 program it turns a 2 point mission into a 50 point mission. This was a huge game of Solitaire with little interaction.

Round 2CardassianJordan SmithFL (-55)View opponent's Report
Against Mogor it was definetly not a game of solitaire more of a chess game. I had to constantly make very tactical decisions on where to move my enterprise to keep from being boarded and where to attempt to keep my starfleet folks safe. Mogor did manage to capture some folks but had a hard time just anhilating my crew thanks to transport inhibitor which he did try to disruptor overload I would say about 6 times, again thx to starfleet for having so many downloadable equipement. I only managed out 1 mission against mogor though I had the setup for another mission when I lost the game due to not being able to regenerate and Mogor scoring the last 5 points he needed with labor camp.

Round 3FederationAlexander SchmitzFW (+20)View opponent's Report
My game against Alexander was another game of Solitaire. Pure race to missions and Starfleet excels at that game especially again im going to say here The Warp 5 program, such a beautiful card.

Closing Thoughts
I played this deck at my local league and it did very well only being stopped by a cloud/ Quantam torpedo which says your ship cant attempt space missions. The weakness of the warp 5 program is having only 1 ship since the pods dont exist in 1e.