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Suden Käpälä (SudenKapala)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event
2021-03-08 - 12:00 AM
StarfleetWhat`s Wrong With Scox`s Multiple Multi-Chula-Cultural Main MACOs? (2v14)

My second run with a more refined (i.e., only slightly less butchered) version of Scox' Obsessed Starfleet MACO deck. (See the concurrently running 1-day LoC gig -- tourney 11734, just replace the '11694' in this page's URL -- for details on my deck choices.) My contingent of MACOs hadn't been obsessed at all, though -- I reserved that pleasure for an earlier TNG Borg hive.

Again, it was a joy to play with the MACOs -- even if failing utterly. I probably said it before: I really like this affiliation and its cards, and while Season 3 is my least favourite of the Enterprise series (which as a whole I do like a lot), I can't get enough of Major Hayes' marines.

Round 1Non-AlignedJoseph WisniewskiMW (-3)

g233 (an adventure in 3 parts): Below, pls find my 'raw draft' notes, that I kept for the both of us to keep track. It was a mess but it was also almost funny, and good to see how we could work together to get the game in, anyway.

g233a (21.03.14, 15h): Scheduling SNAFU (DST had gone into effect recently for Joseph, which I didn't know and thus we lost an hour). We had to split up the game (session "a" 1500-1600; then "b" 2000-2100) in order to "git 'r done". Session "a": Gerald started the game. Malik (AT #3?) beamed down and encountered 1st dilemma (Chula Pick One). Stopped by Squire but drew a card from Malik's ability. Gerald doesn't want to end turn (#5) yet. Session "b": will start inside Gerald's turn #5 (execute segment). Of note: I'll want to start a (first) mission attempt, in my next turn (#6)!

g233b (20h): Joseph's turn (#5): first, see notes (on cards in my savegame) after session A (Malik gets stopped, and thus a card draw, for Chula Pick). Next attempt (session B): team got through Chula Pick, but had 3 people stranded there (Malik, Trevix, Darrit; due to the 2nd dilemma, Cardassian Processing.) Gerald moved ship to Stellar Nursery. Started mission; Chula Drink (1 personnel stopped by Squire). Somehow this stalls their team (too few remaining people?), and Joseph ends turn.

My turn (#6): I play Arik & Fiona for free. Draw card (STP) from Finally Swim; play STP. NCP: MACO EVE; reveal 3; play Money & Chang (Hoshi goes below deck).

All my team board NX-01 and fly to Refurbish Base. Everybody down unto planet, landed, w/ pod. First 3 dilemmas (that is -- excl. Chula-beefer, A New Game; incl. 2x DL'ed Chula) cleared; Raktajino (SDL from QTSD) on Fiona for DL'ed dilemma: Chula Door (1). Jury-Rig (SDL from draw) on Amanda for DL'ed dilemma: Chula Drink (2). Due to Let Me Help, not 2 but 4 people were Devolved by Tom Paris/Janeway dilemma (Primal Urge; 3) and went to end of 'line (my RHS); 2x Specialists (Mayweather & Danica), Sascha Money, and the MACO which I still also have on hand (Forbes).

Then the game crashed (server down!), while I was about to encounter (mandatory) next (last?) dilemma.

Session "a" lasted from [14:58:32] - [16:01:33]. Session "b", forgot to save log in time, but was only a quarter hour max. So Gerald was right about his estimate. (But I'll still need some extra time to get back into game.)

g233c: either monday 15/3 my noon (his 0600), or saturday 20/3. (It became 21.03.20.) I was so happy that we got the game finished that I didn't make additional notes. From the single screensnap I made, I can recall that his offer to Let Me Help didn't do much for me, LOL! And our score of "2/5" looks, paradoxally, more spectacularly dim than "0/0". But that's just me.

Thanks for keeping good spirits through it all, Joseph.

Round 2KlingonMichael Van BreemenFL (-100)

g234 (21.03.21): Thong'ed-- Ahhrr... Tong'ed Klingons. I made no notes after the game. But screenshots made me remind the beautiful mission of Rura Pente, and the harsh labour camp located there. The Ninja went for a casting Achievement. (Matrex?) Jon Archer might, or might not, have been a model prisoner -- but he hung 'round.

Round 3DominionEnsign qML (-35)View opponent's Report

g236 (21.03.26): Ensign Q played a Dominion battle deck with Transport Inhibitors and Kar'Takins (do I spell that right?), so that sucked. My deck was not at all teched against it, and after one and a half turn of being massacred, I wanted to call it a game. If I'd have had a better day, I might have wanted to play it all out and learn from it, but not today. This is, of course, part of the game -- but having my very first experience of it during this game, I find that this is not a (kind of) game I'd be willing to play often. (Good that there's the concept of conceding then, so we can go back to doing nice stuff. Because if it isn't fun, you shouldn't waste time with it, I think. OTOH: this is a legitimate part of the game and I must accept that, if only as a courtesy to battle players.)

But we did decide to go through the motions of the rest of the game, after all. Which means that all my people kept getting killed right after being reported, and Q got to solve a Botanical Research. Together with his Victory Is Life, that landed him 35 pts.

Despite the game itself shocking me and not being fun for me (I like to do stuff with my peeps before they get cut in half just as much as the next person, LOL!), the banter and atmosphere were not bad during this game. (I just didn't have my week.) So when Q writes in his AAR that I 'wasn't happy at all', he (correctly) meant, that I was taken aback by discovering this 'bloody' side to the game.

Closing Thoughts

A weirdly, logistically challenged game (Round 1) which was quite nice but for the interruptions; a standard "Thanks for trying but bam you're dead" game (Round 2 during which I didn't stand a chance, but could do my own stuff and learn, so it was great Trek IMO); and a "You don't get to try, bam you're dead" game (Round 3), the kind of which I should accept but hope I don't have to get used to.

To elaborate on that last round: it saw me drenched in the blood of MACOs (my first battle deck massacre). Well played by Q, but to be at the receiving end of this kind of deck: meh.

I'll admit, it'll take some getting used to this kind of game (if ever). I just don't like it. But then again, to be fair to myself: if most people will e.g. commandeer a Borg cube -- effectively blocking me and ending the game -- with only half the charm that Niall does it with, or I get trampled by Seppel's shenanigans, or I can see MvB's stoic and quiet mastry at work, it could perhaps also -- eventually? -- be a joy losing and learning against this kind of deck. And who knows. I might... grow. (And then, "Your life, as it has been, is over", y'all!)

The Squire, indeed, didn't do much to stop Q as he said in his TR/AAR -- nor the other players. But it did work a lot better -- well, even, perhaps? -- in some other games/events. (I hope I made note of that; I start mixing them up.) I played it partially for speed/ease of set-up. (Faster seeding, which I consider a good thing given I'm new at this; and had we discussed it at that time, Q might have appreciated that I run the fun & fast but rather meek Squire mechanic, to speed up my seeding. And in the same manner, had I gotten the chance, I might've showed my appreciation for the seeming fact that in our next tourney after this one, Q did not run another battle deck as he said to have intended, but a TNG Borg deck, possibly to showcase it to me. Sadly, neither of us got the chance to express these possible sentiments.)

Oh, but wait! This iteration of The Squire was slated to land me the Chula and the Do No Harm Achievements; so indeed, it was even meeker than usual. This may well be the cause for 'bad Squire performance', which had been expected but accepted.

The event was eventually changed from 4 to 3 rounds, regretfully, due to "drop-outs". (That sounds bad, writing it like that. I hope anyone that dropped is okay, and had even nicer/better things to do.)