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Ross Fertel (Faithful Reader)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard
2011-12-21 - 06:00 PM
Non-AlignedDo Stuff!
Having no idea what the local meta was, I made a pure vanilla deck. All Non-aligned covering every single skill in the game. My dilemma pile was all Dual (meaning that I could place them at any mission) and required a skill (so that Legacy wasn’t an issue). I was also limited by my supply of cards, but put something together that wasn’t too embarrassing. Not that I was horribly successful as I don’t think I scored a hundred total points during the tournament!

Round 1Terok NorBRADLEY DAVID EIERFL (+100)
Brad had the Ruling council deck. This was a poster child for the deck type, scoring seventy points at his first mission! Very focused and tight deck. Odo was played at +5 points and the rest of the deck soon followed. All I needed was a way to disrupt his hand and he would have been lost. He played this specifically because ‘the new mission kills it.’

Round 2DominionMatt KantorFL (+40)
Matt played the straight Dominion Deck. It seemed all around with the three species, but may have leaned towards Founders. I Don’t Like to Lose and the Trial Never Ended helped buy me time, but not long enough to erk out a win, although I did get some missions.

Round 3RomulanJames BookerFL (+100)
James has the classic Romulan Deck. All the events you are expecting, lining up my deck just the way he wanted and taking full advantage. Prejudice and Politics helped with other games, but stayed out of this one. I was able to solve a mission before he won.