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Corbin Johnson (Corbinq27)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard
2011-09-25 - 12:30 PM
CardassianI ripped this off (Cardassian Style)
My second 2E deck in so many weeks. Easily good to say that this is my second 2E tournament ever.

Round 1RomulanEdward PigmanFL (-95)
A gentleman and a scholar. Edward offered to help me refine my 2E skills in the coming days and weeks and I do appreciate that. He answered my questions about 2E and gave me some very high level answers to the 2E culture. In our game, he beat the pants off of me. I only scored 5 points thanks to one of his NA dudes. I captured and conditioned one of his people which was kind of cool. It didn't matter in the end though.

Round 2ByeBY (0)
The bye was my toughest opponent. I managed to sit still for an hour though. I got some of Dan Hamman's Tribbles decks together during this trying time.

Round 3VoyagerBrian LeonardFL (-60)
Brian was a gracious opponent and very good at the game. My dilemmas I think made him attempt Caretaker's Array 3 times. He solved the Borg nebula mission for 60 points and used a field studies on it to do some cheesy dilemma overcoming. I managed in the course of this to Ensnare both Janeway and Revised Neelix. I think I gave her back with an inequitable exchange. Anyway, I solved commandeer prototype to get the phoenix out but Brian was able to get 110 points with a third mission. Good game!