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Corbin Johnson (Corbinq27)
Tournament Report - 1E
2015-03-08 - 12:00 PM
Thank you to Michael for running the tournament! I built my deck over the course of two days and through springing forward so I was a bit tired in the AM before the tournament. None the less I was excited to get some 1E going! Big thanks go to Ed, Brian and Eric for coming too.

Round 1Edward PigmanTT (0)
Mirror Mirror Mirror match. I had "Crossover: An Invitation" and he didn't. Other than different AQ missions we were rocking very similar tech. Neither of us could solve a mission but we had fun and swapped strategies.

Round 2ByeBY (0)

Round 3FederationMichael MoskopFW (+50)View opponent's Report
Michael was rocking a Finest Crew deck with mucho AMS dudes. Seemed to be going pretty smoothly. Michael was annoyed at how some of the combos were placed but all in all it was a challenging and rewarding game (hopefully for us both).

Closing Thoughts
1E Lives!