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Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event
2020-04-10 - 01:00 AM
I wanted to build an androiddeck using Happy Androids as play engine, just to learn it lacks too many skills to even pass my own dilemma piles. So I just went boring old TOS, hoping I could at least break through the piles more easily.

Round 1DominionFederationAustin ChandlerFL (-100)
We both were unfamiliar with our deck and didnt report any personnel in the first turn. Well after he showed he was Dominion, I knew its over and so it was a couple turns later when he blew my Enterprise and a couple of personnel.

Round 2KlingonCharlie PlaineML (-10)View opponent's Report
Charlie reported a million ships and personnel and attempted a couple missions, just to get stopped by most Dilemma. Lucky for me the first he trapped was Dead End, so he wouldnt solve the first mission too fast. Anyway at 15min before time he finally reached my base and blew up my ship with everybody on it.

Round 3Missed GameMG (0)

Round 4Missed GameMG (0)

Closing Thoughts
what could have been a fun and friendly tournament that focusses on the Squire mechnic turned into a onesided slaughter, so I quit after R2.