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Scott Baughman (Neelix)
Tournament Report - 1E - American Nationals Side Event
2013-01-25 - 08:00 PM
KazonKazon Krazy
A little fun tournament to warm up the brains for 2013 1E nationals East

Round 1FerengiMike Camp SrFW (+100)
My Kazon go second and Big Mike has five space missions and Runabout Search. Weird dilemma combos are the rule - I stop him well with a Volcanic Eruption at Runabout Search followed by a Medical Crisis. But on my first attempt, Cullah and Seska die to Ankari Spirits. That figures since Equinox Doc is on Kazon Voyager! Eventually, a few Handshakes refill my hand and Denevean Neural Parasites cripple Mike's Ferengi so I make the win with Janeway (via TMW) leading the Kazon crewed Voyager.

Round 2Non-AlignedKazonJon CarterFL (-100)View opponent's Report
Jon has Kazon too! We both seed Caretaker's but in this game Jon has a WHOLE lot more free plays (Neelix, Paxim, Kes, Etc.) and an Equinox to play with HAFH so he has a gazillion more people in play on his first turn than I will. He uses ASP to power Meditations and draws a lot of cards with it before I beam down and kill Dr. Nydom. I hit an early Denevean Nueral Parasites and lose four people. Later in the game he hits DNP and loses 7. Afterwards, a Barclay's Protomorphosis kills the rest! 15 dead! But I'm locked out of my missions due to Executive Authorization and In The Pale Moonlight. Jon wins with two missions thanks to AMS.

Round 3FerengiRyan SuttonFW (+12)
Ryan's Ferengi get to go first and he has ROUGH dilemma combos. After a few turns I get stuck behind a Medical Crisis. He gets hammered by Macrovirus and The Cloud losing several good Ferengi. He also lost a few guys to a Volcanic Eruption. But my Dead End is being eaten away by his constant Dabo probes! Eventually, I get stuck at 95 points (thanks to a Tarellian Plague ship and Commandeering a ship I had given to him earlier in the game) and am locked out of my Kazon Conference because of Scientific Method. I draw for a few turns looking for more Science. Ryan lost his only Stellar Cartography guy to Macrovirus and can't solve Market Research for his win. It sits there taunting him with no dilemmas remaining. We sit there and draw as Ryan tries to find a way to get more cards into his discard pile to Dabo and I dig for Science. After a few turns I realize I only need 5 points to win! I pile onto Voyager and head through my Aftermath II wormhole to the Alpha Quadrant. One more turn ticks by with Ryan staring quizzically at my Kazon Voyager in the AQ. Time expires and I get to finish my turn. I head to the same mission as his Jovis and beam over to my Boarding Pod and SD Boarding Party. I ram Jovis and once aboard use Boarding Party to steal one equipment for 10 bonus points - that equipment card? Kukalaka!!! I get a full win by stealing his Teddy bear! Kazons are just the worst!

Closing Thoughts
Stealing Ryan's teddy bear for the win was the highlight of my weekend, LOL!