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Greg Hodgin (tomalak)
Tournament Report - 2E
2016-10-02 - 12:00 PM
First time I've played in a few months, so I dusted off a deck I've been tinkering with for a bit: GQ Stakaron Romulans with an TT/ACE pile. It went... well.

Round 1VoyagerMichael ParrishFW (+100)
Parrish walked in with a Voyager deck. I stopped him at Caretaker's and trashed all his Diplomacy. Not much he could do there. 100-0.

Round 2DS9Michael SheaFW (+100)
Dukat's deck didn't get up and running in time, and I managed to run him over once mine got started. 100-0.

Round 3DS9Will RaimanFW (+60)
Will choked me for a bit, but I was able to keep him slowed down as well. He only got one medical teams out, so that helped. A lot. 100-40, if I remember correctly.

Closing Thoughts
GQ Romulans are fun! Once they get started it's very tough to stop them. I'll be refining this for later.