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Matt Kirk (CaptMDKirk)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard
2011-05-18 - 06:00 PM
TOSLet's See What She's Got
So TOS was the last tab I had yet to fill in on the Deck Builder, and this seemed a good opportunity to get it out of the way. I liked the idea of 2 easy missions then battling my way to a victory, so I included engagement shenanigans and a Tillman dilemma pile (heavy damage markers). It worked sometimes, but a couple misplays cost me at least one game.

Round 1BlAz3DFL (-25)
AJ has been my kryptonite the last couple events. I had this game locked up until I let him fish for Locutus after Secret ID'ing the Queen, and letting him pass Gomtuu, which would have been the 3rd damage marker on his ship. Got greedy, and it did not pay off.

Round 2StarfleetRogue ShindlerFW (+25)
I was moderately worried when Rogue laid out only one space mission, but playing Starfleet, he would undoubtedly still head there first. I got some scrubs down to get my space mission done with some help from OT Kirk, then he proceeded to walk through my space combo because I misremembered Brennan Scott's skills (I was counting on Coolant Leak to filter him out, but he doesn't have Engineer). He went to planet 1, and I took the opportunity to Kruge the Avenger while he was on the planet, costing him an extra turn while he looked for a Cmd star for Enterprise. Sulu had great fun wakeboarding behind Kruge back to my missions, and I managed to skate past Rogue's last bunch of dilemmas for the win.

Round 3BajoranCharlie PlaineFL (-65)View opponent's Report
Charlie had playtested against the deck, so he knew what to expect. I managed to destroy one of his ships with a timely double team of the Constellation and Qel'poh, but he came back and walked through the rest of his missions, combined with some ground combat, and won handily.