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J (The Mad Vulcan)
Tournament Report - Tr - Online Event
2014-08-06 - 07:00 PM
The Third Well on the Left
Another Wednesday night, and another online Tribbles event. This time, we played two relatively fast games with 4 of our regular players: Justin, Josh, Ted, and myself (in reverse order of importance).

Round 1 ()
This was a quick one, and I went out. Justin was playing a Go, Go, Poison deck with no 1K or 10K, as I recall. He got 100K off of a poison and so did I (back to back hitting Ted) and Josh also had 100K, though I forgot from what (I think he might have been Utilizing). Ted came away with just 10 here. When I went out, I apparently had a few big bills in the pile as it was for 312K to put me on 412K.

Round 2 ()
Also relatively quick. I got just a bit of change from Poison (11,020 off of four). Justin got another big pull from Poison here and ted also had a 100K (likely from copying a point card.) Josh went out here with 233K to put him into second with 333K.

Round 3 ()
The quickest of rounds. Josh went out again, this time with 122K to get a slight lead on me with a total of 455K. Justin and I only had the chance to Poison once each for 10 and 1 respectively.

Round 4 ()
While Josh did have the lead at this point, he did not score again for the rest of the game. This round was quick like last time, but luckily Justin went out since his deck was nothing but change: with 22K. I was the only other person to score in this round, with 10 off of Poison.

Round 5 ()
Final Round, and it was me who went out. Ted got 10 points in this round and Justin pulled down 1001 off two Poisons. I only had a 1000 off of one Poison, so I didn't think I'd win since I had very few cards in my playpile. But the score was pretty close between me and Josh here and I did happen to have one big money in the pile to pull me slightly ahead.

Closing Thoughts
Nice to get another win (my 5th so far) and an achievement in Copy Cat. That means it is time to remod this deck to qualify for a different random achievement.