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Mark (soggy_amphibian)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event
2012-05-21 - 12:00 AM
KazonK-Zon Overachievers
The Achievement Bait tournament. The vast majority of hidden achievements require one to actually win the tournament, and that's not really my strong suit, so I didn't go the route of going for hidden achievements. The next in order of preference is earning a public gold achievement, and easy ones of those have pretty much dried up. This left going for the third in order of preference: "The player whose deck is eligible for the most public achievements". I can do a bunch of those, and hopefully break the tiebreaker with "If there's a tie for #3, then the tie will be broken by the player who actually earned the most achievements for the tournament". These are the achievements ("or families of achievements") that the deckbuilder lists: Kazon Player (Play with Kazon, family includes the Win version). The Bare Minimum (win with a deck that consists only of 30 seed cards and 30 draw deck cards) What Quadrant Is This Again? (win with a Delta affiliation with only one Delta mission) Three Stops Me (use exactly 18 dilemmas, family includes the Win version) Highlander (play with no duplicate dilemmas in deck, family includes the Win version) IDIC (win with no duplication anywhere in the deck) Guramba (play with a deck that has Guramba) In My Day... (play with PAQ-themed dilemmas, family includes the Win version) Common Problems (no high-rarity dilemmas, family includes win version). Because I wasn't paying attention, I miss out on the draw deck version of the last one, with a P-rarity mission and a P-rarity personnel. That's 9 families there, if you count the Win versions in the same family as a separate eligibility, that's 14. With this deck, I will earn 3 of the above, plus "Can't Do That In 2e" - I've already played Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, Terran Empire, Hirogen and Vidiian. There is also the chance that I will earn "Deck of Many Things" for the deck (post 25 public decks in the deckbuilder), I think I'll get that for either Talos 8 or this one. Eligible for 9 or 14 (depending how you count it), and earning 4 or 5, I think I may stand a chance for that challenge, even if I achieve only my customary position on the scoreboard: either somewhere in the middle, or at the very bottom.

Round 1RomulanBen HospFL (-100)
Round 1: vs BenHosp As soon as I saw Mr Hosp putting Battle Bridge Door on the table, I knew this would be tricky. We played and drew for a while. Some of my Non-Aligned free plays showed up early. Vina and Harrad-Sar were killed pretty quickly. Ben attempted first, I flipped a Shades Of Gray: Cruelty face-up. He decided to stop at Edo Probe. With a different crew, he attempted elsewhere, I flipped Anguish, but he got stopped at The Arsenal: Divided. I nearly attempted the DQ mission, but went crazy and thought the mission required 2 Engineer. It doesn't. I did attempt Collect Metaphasic Particles. Lacking Exobiology, DNA Clues meant future Medical Dilemmas required 2 more Medical. Next up was Medical Crisis. No Medical present meant no passing that. Ben started attempting at another mission. I flipped Brutality. Frame Of Mind was quite ineffective when it selected one of the Narik twins, who lost his Computer Skill, and gained Transporter Skill and Cantankerousness. He lost half his Strength and more than half his Cunning, but gained an Integrity. Cardassian Trap hit, grabbing the quite useful Will Riker. Realising Aftermath II needed only one Engineer, I attempted. Dead End. Injector Assembly One got blown up. Ben finally mustered all he needed to pass The Arsenal: Divided, the Gravitic Mine damaged his Science Vessel. Elsewhere, Interphasic Plasma Creatures hit, lowering the Strength of all his personnel by 2. With a bunch of Strength-based missions, this added up to a lot of math. I moved between quadrants, I hadn't realised that using two Wormhole missions, you only have to flip one when you travel from one to the other. I played a Long-Range Scan to re-open it. I picked up D'Nesh from Free Orion Slaves (next to the Wormhole), moved to Amnesty Talks (the next mission), and attempted with most of the Kazon on the Fighter. Jabin stayed on the Raider and docked at the Neutral Outpost there. Displaced moved Lagren back to Free Orion slaves. Tense Negotiations stopped D'Nesh, and Gomtuu Shock Wave damaged the Fighter and sent it in orbit around Lagren. I put my folk from Insurrection on the Son'a Shuttle, moved it across one to the Neutral Outpost, packed everyone with Jabin on the Raider, and sent it over to Free Orion Slaves to team up with Lagren and attempt. Founder Secret stopped them all. I used Rielat's download of Thermal Deflectors before he died. Ben solved the cleared Strategic Diversion with two Mission Specialists for 40. The Haakona came and attacked the damaged Fighter (Shields 1, I think Weapons probably the same). Of course it perished with all hands. Just in time for me to play Isomagnetic Disintegrator. Stone Of Gol was discarded with Mercenary Raiders for 15 points (Ben at 55). The Pi redshirted Compromised Mission, and got damaged with Null Space. After careful calculation, the Mercenary Vessel came over and solved Compromised Mission with 3 Mission Specialists for 50 points. Full Win for Ben, 105-0. I think I managed to do more than I expected to be able to do. Fun game.

Round 2Non-AlignedMatt KirkFL (-100)
Round 2 - vs CaptMDKirk Mr Kirk was playing with TNG Non-Aligned. It was efficient with its draws and reports. We shared Amnesty Talks. There was am opposing mission between Free Orion Slaves and the Alpha Wormhole, Investigate Derelict was next, then Genesis Planet, then Insurrection on the end. Getting the Alpha bunch together was somewhat unlikely to happen. Naturally he got to attempting first. Frame Of Mind made Anya Non-Aligned (!), Cardassian Trap grabbed Baran (OK, not too bad), and that was the mission attempt over. Next turn, a reattempt gave him Interphasic Plasma Creatures with Brutality, but Galen, Tallera and 2 Vekors got through it. Qualor 2 was solved with Dr Farek as a mission specialist, scoring 35 points. A turn or two later, Mr Kirk's minions attempted the Genesis Planet. Edo Probe was up first, and he chose to continue. A Shaka, When The Walls Fell enhanced by Cruelty was easily passed, but 11 points were lost with The Higher The Fewer. Matt's total score: 74. Finally I get Jabin and Lagren into play. I attempt Aftermath II. Damaged Reputation was first: didn't lose points, but didn't have 2 Diplomacy and was about 10 short on Strength. Kirk's crew made it across to Ancient Burial Site. Alien Abduction grabbed Data, who couldn't contribute his Exobiology to overcoming it. Doubled Archer was easily passed, and he had a ton of Strength left for passing Rebel Encounter, scoring 40 points, bringing him to 114. Using Genesis Planet's text, he lost 5 points to make that mission a Space, bringing him to a Full Win at 109-0.

Round 3Missed GameMG (0)
Round 3 - vs Trekker777: Mr 777 was playing Block Feds, maybe to see if there was an achievement for playing with a Block deck in a non-Block tournament. It seems reasonable: 2e has a similar achievement. WE both played a bunch of cards, we both got Duck Blind working on our second turn. He had a much larger deck. My third turn, I redshirt my Delta mission with the 3 Kazon I had in play. Murder Investigation found no Security, Vastly Outnumbered found me without vast Integrity. (now, writing this report, I notice that was a mis-seed, a Space dilemma under a Planet mission). Much better prepared than I was, ha attempted his Duck Blind mission. Armus Roulette took out a vital Anthropology (because of Duck Blind), Royal Casino: Elevator was next. I played Ril (seemed more useful, all the stats of the folk I had in hand added up to the same anyway), TNG Geordi was returned to hand, winning Chris the points. Alien Parasites was next, 3 Range had been used on the Oberth, I moved it one mission away (but couldn't do anything useful apart from that). I reattempt Aftermath II, I had the Integrity for it being an Alpha mission, but not a Delta mission. A while later I do have the Integrity for the Delta requirements, but with such high Strength I lost 5 points. Next up was Dead End. Oh well. Chris solved the cleared-out Avert Solar Implosion, putting him on 42 points. His next turn, he attempted a Space mission. The Arsenal: Divided took a bunch of folk out, Gravitic Mine: Anguish damaged the Enterprise. I had started moving the Son'a Shuttle with Raelin (ad then Krozh) along from Insurrection (way over at one end of the spaceline) towards Free Orion Slaves (bang in the middle of the spaceline, the one shared mission which was the boundary between our two sides of the spaceline). After getting past the wormhole mission I reach Investigate Derelict, which I decide to redshirt with Rae'lin and Krozh. Murder Investigation stops them both. Mr 777 reattempted his space mission with the damaged Enterprise - Null Space: Anguish finds him 1 short of Navigation, so the Enterprise blows up with all 11 hands aboard. I'm still trying to get all the Kazon out. Krozh and Rae'lin attempt again, but get stopped by Vastly Outnumbered. My next turn I got my Kazon ships out (one card play, one free) and take them to the Alpha Quadrant. I play a Long-Range Scan to reopen the wormhole, and the Kazon go and rescue the Orions. My turn after that, the Non-Aligned redshirts attempt Amnesty Talks. Crowded Bar got Chris a card draw (my deck had been empty for a while), I stopped Rae'lin. Friendly Fire killed Krozh. The folk on Insurrection (Dougherty and others) attempt that mission, but don't pass Oh No!. The Kazon came across to Investigate Derelict, losing 5 points to Vastly Outnumbered. This puts me on -10. Next up is Dal'Rok, my millions of people nullify it. (I think there were 14 people in that crew.) Lastly was Distracted By Thoughts Of Home, but I solve for 35 points, bringing me to 25. My next turn the Son'a Shuttle reaches Insurrection, so Rae'alin joins the party. This is enough to pass Oh No!. Restricted Area stops Anij, but I can't pass Damaged Reputation. The turn after, the Kazon arrive. I sent Jabin, Rettick, Saldin, Ril and Dougherty to attempt. they pass Damaged Reputation but not Founder Secret. I sent everyone else to attempt, they squeak the Strength requirement of Founder Secret, but are short a Treachery for solving. Mr 777 tries another planet mission. He chooses to continue through Edo Probe, Shaka, Cruelty stopped him and lost him 10 points. (42 goes down to 32.) Rae'alin, Dougherty and Jabin solve Insurrection with the alternate requirements (and Injector Assembly One in orbit), taking me to 60. With Friendly Fire counted down, I go back to Amnesty Talks. Next up is Forsaken. I send Narret and Kazat, my two Honor Kazon, to the deck (hey, I have a deck again!). The final dilemma is The Arsenal: Separated. I make sure I have the mission requirements in both face-down piles (with the possible exception of Security, which is in the Universals), so I solve that mission, putting me on 95 points. I go through the wormhole to the Delta Quadrant. Ending the turn, I draw Narret, then with the second turn provided by Collect Metaphasic Particles, I play him. With Dead End gone, I beam everybody down. Dal'Rok is next, it's nullified. I solve the mission for 30 points, taking me to 125 points and the win. Final score: I had 125 points, Trekker777 had 32.