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Mark (soggy_amphibian)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event (Mission to Talos IV)
2014-01-06 - 12:00 AM
CardassianFederationTalos 3.4 - Vacuum-Packed Cardies

Round 1CardassianMatthew TingFL (-65)View opponent's Report
Round 1 - vs Wedge772: 5 shared missions. This was a really short spaceline. My unshared mission was Study Badlands, his was Bajor. I went first, played Kotran Pa'Dar to Matthew's Nor (my Guest Quarters), I was using him for much of the game. We both drew and played a bunch, until Mr Ting attempted first - my Study Badlands. He had a bunch of Nav for his Navigate Plasma Storms, which he used to good effect to beat Subspace Seaweed. He had a Rifle for the Vole Infestation, and Engineers for Isolinear Puzzle. Darn, I think I could have solved it at that point! (+25). a few turns later, I moved past that to the end of the spaceline (Verify Evidence) and attempted. Vantika hit Ty Kajada. Another Vantika hit Ghoren. I'm not sure I would have gone there if I'd remembered what I seeded... I got through Isolinear Puzzle, then Toran got Framed For Murder. Only had one unique personnel: Toran. Didn't have any Biology that could get Cunning enough to cure it. Last up was Vendetta, placed on the Vantika'd Ghoren. Mr Ting attempted Bajor. There were A LOT of cards seeded under here. Weapons Lockers, Espionages and Sites were 9 of the cards there. Perak beat Lockbox. Skullduggery killed Dr Nydom. Kidnappers stopped Ulani Belor, sadly I wasn't able to get back in time to capture her. Assassin's Blade was overcome, Mr 772 brought Enabran Tain and Kalita for the solve (+40 with Lockbox points =65). I attempted all the way at the other end of the spaceline at Establish Station. On my way there, Matthew's combined Non-Aligned forces had damaged the Prakesh. I swapped at Wedge's Nor with the Xepolite Freighter I'd free-played there. Perak beat Lockbox. Assassin's Blade was foiled by a bunch of Security. Vendetta was played on Toran. That was a stop. Wedge daisychained all his personnel to Establish Station. Ulani Belor redshirted, and got caught by Kidnappers. A couple of Security redshirted and passed Assassin's Blade, and tripped Extradition. What do you know, I had a lot of personnel there. I sent 3 Security and 2 hand weapons to Matthew's ship. I couldn't prevent his solve, so I did the next best thing: captured Enabran Tain because it was funny. Matthew sent down a solving crew, +35 brought him to 100 points and the win. Good game. A pleasure playing Mr Ting for the first time. It seems I even taught him something. I hope he writes reports because I want to see whether and how he exploits the information... Final score: Wedge772 got 100, I got 35.

Round 2William HoskinFL (-5)
Round 2 - vs Gumbo: Funnily enough, in this game we shared 5 missions. His unshared one was Deliver Supplies, and mine was Study Badlands. I had the Cardie and Klaestron Outpost, of course, and he had a Cardie Outpost and a Nor (no Ops, but docking site and Guest Quarters). Will attempted first, at Acquire Illicit Explosives (at the end of the spaceline opposite the Badlands). Vendetta hit Ulani Belor, stopping the attempt. On the reattempt next turn, the crew passed Untrustworthy Associate, and Common Thief hit a Cardassian Disruptor Rifle. Isolinear Puzzle and Assassin's Blade were also easily passed. The mission was solved, putting Gumbo on the board at 25 points. A few turns later he attempted another mission, Search For Survivors. First up was Lockbox, and Rionoj had the Greed. Second was another Lockbox. Garak gave Dr Nydom some Issues. Rionoj faced Kidnappers. Gumbo had quite a few Freighters out, I only had a Freighter, and I had a Flaxian Scout in hand, would have been dangerous going to pick her up. A Common Thief brutally murdered a Science Kit. The Assassin's Blade was beaten by a couple of Security. The mission was solved that turn and Gumbo got 10 points from the Lockboxes (+40 =65). I decided I needed some points, but wasn't ready to play the Scout Vessel yet (skills are so much nicer). I attempted the mission we both had our Cardie Outposts at: Establish Station. Toran went in a Punishment Box. I showed 2 Security for Assassin's Blade (it's easier to count to 2 than to >36). Dal'Rok was next. I had a Disruptor, a Rifle, and a Cardie PADD out as well as 9 people attempting. Each personnel thus needed an average base I+C+S of a fraction under 10. Yep, we beat that. Kidnappers selected my Rionoj (my, she's popular today). I beat None Shall Pass on Strength, and fortunately neither person on Mr Hoskin's Outpost had Law, Treachery or Security for the Extradition. I solved the mission, bringing me to 35 points. Will played a Security and captured Rionoj. He then attempted Verify Evidence. Dal'Rok was beat, Skullduggery stopped Rionoj (what a busy lady), Aphasia Device hit the crew, then Vendetta stopped them, selecting Perak. I played the Flaxian Scout, taking my people to the Nor, and taking the Freighter onwards to Verify Evidence. I beat Isolinear Puzzle and Assassin's Blade, and solved (+35 =70). I couldn't go further, so I docked at the handy Klaestron Outpost I had there. I next attempted Study Badlands. I beat Dal'Rok. Vantika hit Jaheel. Isolinear Puzzle was again easily beat. As were the mis-seeded Q dilemmas and Espionages. I solved the mission (+25 =95). 5 points to go. From here I definitely made a couple of mistakes. The first was that I didn't try for the Vendetta points (which were about to become achievable). The second was not putting a VIP in the guest quarters as soon as I could, to try and get the Prakesh out so I could at least attempt Intercept Maquis. Will attempted the other remaining mission, Deliver Supplies. To start with, there were a bunch of mis-seeded Sites and Espionages. Vantika hit Dakol. Untrustworthy Associate hit. I should have put it on the Aphasiad ship. next turn, Common Thief hit a Science Kit. Then Vole Infestation hit the ship, ending the attempt. I don't have Transporter Skill in my card pool, so I couldn't steal the mission. I drew into the Prakesh (I used Guest Quarters to draw 2, if I'd done it a turn earlier then I would have got it then). Will solved the mission (+40 =105). Good game, very close! Final score: Gumbo won, 105 to my 95.

Round 3ByeBY (0)
Round 3 - vs Maelwys: Scheduling problems led Maelwys to concede. Sad face. (The play 40 different people achievement was only a part of this sad face.)

Round 4Chris MorseFL (-65)
Round 4 - vs Trekker777 Only three shared missions this time: Establish Station and Search For Survivors (my two Planet missions) and Intercept Maquis. Lots of playing and drawing til about half our decks were gone (I think our draw decks were the same size). I went first, but Chris attempted first, at the shared Search For Survivors. Perak got through Lockbox, no females were around for either Kidnappers. Clan People and Assassin's Blade were easily bust through. The skills were short, however, for Odo's "Cousin". That mission was right next door to my outpost mission. Sadly, I was also short a skill for passing that dilemma, so I couldn't come and steal it. It took Chris a couple of turns to get some other people over to the attempt. The cousin went away, another Lockbox was found, None Shall Pass was easily beat with a couple of Anthropology, and the mission was solved. 5 for a stopped Science from Odo's Cousin, 5 for Lockbox and 30 for the mission brought Chris to 40 points. I threw all the males at Establish Station. I passed Assassin's Blade and Kidnappers, lost the Rifle to a Common Thief, breezed through Extradition (no opposing personnel at that mission) and another Kidnappers, and had just enough Strength to beat None Shall Pass. The guys all had the skills to pass the mission. Thirty-five points to me. I loaded everyone on the Prakesh and headed into the Badlands. Mr 777 attempted Eliminate Virus. Unfazed by the mis-seeded Espionages, Vantika hit Kotran Pa'Dar, who was the only unique personnel and so got Framed For Murder. Graham Davis then was the target of a Vendetta. I played a Xepolite Freighter and made it over to Eliminate Virus (was the other way from the Badlands). Sadly, Chris then flipped an HQ Defensive Measures so I couldn't steal the mission. He solved Eliminate Virus (+30 =70). He moved across one ot Intercept Renegade and threw everyone he had at it. First up were some sites. There was much Cunning for Untrustworthy Associate. Kotran Pa'Dar was again selected, this time for Skullduggery (but sadly he now had Treachery so didn't die). Isolinear Puzzle was easily beat, as was Assassin's Blade. The mission was solved, bringing Chris to 100 points and the game's end. Final score: Trekker777 got 100 and I got 35.