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Jerad Berhow (Jerad)
Tournament Report - 2E Virtual
2011-02-19 - 04:00 PM
Terok NorStarfleetSacrafice of Angels
Not much to say I had the shittiest day I have in a long time. Modded to this from a standard and missed a few things.

Round 1CardassianChris VolkFL (0)
Game was going good and ran several goes at my commandeer prototype but fell short of getting first mission so had to try all 3 missions now. After a few goes at Risa he destaffed my only ship the deck runs and I conceded.

Round 2KlingonJohn WesternFW (0)
Not much here my opponent conceded after my second mission attempt as he wasn't feeling well.

Round 3TOSMatthewScott DaleMW (0)
Strong start and quickly had enough Jemmies to play 3 Entrenchments. I easily held him to 1 mission with some careful caretakers guests and in fighting. He held me to a 60 pt commandeer.