This part of the website is only available for logged in users.
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Manage your Star Trek CCG Collection
The lists include the Decipher cards and Trekcc cards and Trekcc Buttons
Manage your haves and wants
The lists include Decipher cards and Trekcc cards (but not the V expansions) and Trekcc Buttons
Updating card and expansion lists
When new cards are added, the lists adapt, no need to update your spreadsheet anymore
hovering the mouse over or tapping the card title shows an image of the card. -
Share your haves and want lists via link{userid}{userid} -
Automatically compare your wants and haves with lists of other users*
tradefinder compares your lists with those of the other users and suggests what can be traded.
When you have 5 and the other player wants one, one is listed.
For each player, the location (county/state) is shown and shows a link to directly pm the player
*requires Premium status