Show First Edition Show Second Edition Show Tribbles Show AllNot Yet Placed |
| | Q: A Dazzling Flash | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Transwarp Network Gateway | Doorway | Q Who? |
| | Medical Tricorder | Equipment | Virtual Promos |
| | 48th Rule of Acquisition | Event | Ships of the Line |
| | Borg Cutting Beam | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Federation Flagship: Recovered | Incident | Virtual Promos |
| | Argus Array, Redirect Subspace Telescope | Mission | Timeless |
| | Argus Array, Redirect Subspace Telescope | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Qo'noS, Heart of the Empire | Mission | Move Along Home |
| | B'Etor, Romulan Conspirator | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Lwaxana Troi, Telepathic Asset | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Ro Laren, Stepping Forward | Personnel | Continuing Mission |
| | Type-2 Galor | Ship | Ships of the Line |
| | U.S.S. Ambassador | Ship | Ships of the Line |
| | 1 Tribbles - Organize | Tribble | Bad Brood Rising |
| | 100 Tribbles - Shift | Tribble | Bad Brood Rising |
Opening Credits |
| | Black Hole | Doorway | Fajo Collection |
| | Q-Flash | Doorway | Q Continuum |
| | Continuing Mission | Incident | The Next Generation |
| | Earth, Cradle of the Federation | Mission | Second Edition |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise | Ship | Borderless Promos |
Season 1 |
| Encounter at Farpoint, Part I |
| | "Rapid Progress" | Dilemma | Return to Grace |
| | Stay Where Thou Art | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | Battle Bridge Door | Doorway | Blaze of Glory |
| | Captain on the Bridge | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Drag Net | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Karemman Fleece | Event | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Loyal Subordinate | Event | The Terran Empire |
| | Not Easily Avoided | Event | These Are The Voyages |
| | Practical Evidence | Event | Star Trek 50 |
| | Q-Net | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Deneb Approach, Exploratory Quandary | Mission | Symbiosis |
| | Deneb IV, Encounter at Farpoint | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Encounter at Farpoint | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Admiral McCoy | Personnel | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Data (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Data, Pinocchio | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Geordi La Forge (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Geordi La Forge, Conn Officer | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Starship Captain | Personnel | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | Leonard H. McCoy, Remarkable Man | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Miles O'Brien, Conn Officer | Personnel | Tapestry |
| | Tasha Yar | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | William T. Riker, First Officer | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Worf, Conn Officer | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Zorn, Prevaricating Groppler | Personnel | Tapestry |
| | Go Back Whence Thou Camest | Q Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Guilty - Provisionally | Q Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Mandarin Bailiff | Q Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Door-Net | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | Frigid | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | Subsection Q, Paragraph 10 | Q Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | The Higher... The Q-er | Q Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | The Issue is Patriotism | Q Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Explorer | Ship | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | U.S.S. Hood | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | 10 Tribbles - Recycle & Freeze | Tribble | Nothing But Tribble |
| Encounter at Farpoint, Part II |
| | Flare of Rage | Dilemma | Balance of Terror |
| | Frozen by Fear | Dilemma | Balance of Terror |
| | Spaceborne Entity | Dilemma | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Indebtedness | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Let's See What's Out There | Event | The Next Generation |
| | Voluntary Withdrawal | Event | Tapestry |
| | Strategic Base | Incident | The Next Generation |
| | Seek Out New Life | Objective | The Next Generation |
| | Admiral McCoy | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Jean-Luc Picard | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | I Will Not Promise... | Q Interrupt | The Trial Never Ended |
| The Naked Now |
| | Coordinated Effort | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | Polywater Intoxication | Dilemma | This Side of Paradise |
| | Tsiolkovsky Infection | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tsiolkovsky Infection | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Supernova | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Beverly Crusher, Chief Physician | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Jim Shimoda | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Jim Shimoda, Under the Influence | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | 1 Tribble - Party | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Freeze | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| Code of Honor |
| | Code of Honor | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | Obtain Vaccine | Mission | Strange New Worlds |
| | Aikido | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Tasha Yar, Weapons Specialist | Personnel | Tapestry |
| The Last Outpost |
| | Blade of Tkon | Artifact | Q Continuum |
| | Chinese Finger Puzzle | Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Ferengi Ambush | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Ferengi Attack | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Portal Guard | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Test of Wisdom | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Ferengi Whip | Equipment | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Unexpected Difficulties | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Ferengi Military Operations | Incident | The Next Generation |
| | Delphi Ardu IV, The Last Outpost | Mission | Strange New Worlds |
| | Steal Technology | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | The Last Outpost | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Kayron | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Kayron | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Kazago, First Officer | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Letek | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Letek | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Mordoc | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Mordoc | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Taar | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Taar, Bristling DaiMon | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | D'Kora Marauder | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| | D'kora Marauder | Ship | Strange New Worlds |
| | Plasma Energy Burst | Tactic | Rules of Acquisition |
| | 1 Tribble - Retreat | Tribble | Star Trek 50 |
| Where No One Has Gone Before |
| | Hunter Gangs | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Hunter Gangs | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Infinite Diversity | Dilemma | Peak Performance |
| | Maman Picard | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Meaningless Modifications | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | Shared Hallucination | Dilemma | Tapestry |
| | Thought Fire | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Where No One Has Gone Before | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | Alternate Universe Door | Doorway | Alternate Universe |
| | The Traveler: Transcendence | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Well Wishes | Event | Zero Hour |
| | Where No One Has Gone Before | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Distortion of Space/Time Continuum | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | New Contact | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Test Propulsion Systems | Mission | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Kosinski | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Kosinski, Arrogant Engineer | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Targ | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | The Traveler, Transcendent Explorer | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | Wesley Crusher, Prodigy | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Lonely Among Us |
| | VIP Welcome | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Panel Overload | Incident | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Diplomatic Conference | Mission | Alternate Universe |
| | Parliament, Attend Diplomatic Conference | Mission | The Omega Directive |
| | Selay, Transport Delegations | Mission | Strange New Worlds |
| | Badar N'D'D, Parliamentary Predator | Personnel | The Omega Directive |
| | Ssestar, Parliamentary Prey | Personnel | The Omega Directive |
| Justice |
| | Edo Probe | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Edo Probe | Dilemma | Inheritance |
| | Legal Inflexibility | Dilemma | Return to Grace |
| | Necessary Execution | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Punishment Zone | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Worshiper | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Legal Appeal | Mission | Engage |
| | Edo Vessel | Ship | Alternate Universe |
| The Battle |
| | Thought Maker | Artifact | Premiere Remastered |
| | An Old Debt | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Rule of Acquisition #76 | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Thought Maker | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Attend Mysterious Rendezvous | Mission | Engage |
| | Reported Activity | Mission | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Bok, Spiteful Salvager | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Captain Picard | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | DaiMon Bok | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Gozar | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, "Hero of Maxia" | Personnel | The Nth Degree |
| | Kazago | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Rata | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Rata, Profiteer | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | D'Kora Transport | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Kurdon | Ship | The Next Generation |
| | Kurdon | Ship | Strange New Worlds |
| | U.S.S. Stargazer | Ship | Q Continuum |
| | U.S.S. Stargazer, Dangerous Gift | Ship | The Nth Degree |
| | Picard Maneuver | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| | 100 Tribbles - Cheat | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Trick | Tribble | A Tribble of a Different Color |
| Hide and Q |
| | Divide and Conquer | Dilemma | Lower Decks |
| | Q's Vicious Animal Things | Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Temptation | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Holding Cell Door | Doorway | Homefront VI |
| | Q's Tent | Doorway | Q Continuum |
| | More Than Meets the Eye | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Q's Planet, Enticing Diversion | Mission | Symbiosis |
| | Jean-Luc Picard | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | K'chiQ | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | William T. Riker, Facing Apotheosis | Personnel | Zero Hour |
| | Pla-Net | Q Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Q-Type Android | Q Dilemma | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Aldebaran Serpent | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | Military Privilege | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | Are These Truly Your Friends, Brother? | Q Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | Gift of the Tormentor | Q Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | Lemon-Aid | Q Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | Wesley Gets the Point | Q Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | Q's Planet | Q Mission | Q Continuum |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Flash | Tribble | A Tribble of a Different Color |
| Haven |
| | Betazoid Gift Box | Artifact | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tarellian Plague Ship | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Plague Planet | Mission | Q Continuum |
| | Tarella, Plague Planet | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Treat Plague Ship | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Treat Plague Ship | Mission | Energize |
| The Big Goodbye |
| | Language Barrier | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | The Big Goodbye | Dilemma | Unity |
| | Holoprogram: The Office of Dixon Hill | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Dixon Hill's Business Card | Interrupt/Event | Fajo Collection |
| | Carlos | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Cyrus Redblock | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Cyrus Redblock, Civil Criminal | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Dixon Hill | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Felix Leech | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| Datalore |
| | Brothers | Dilemma | Lineage |
| | Heart to Heart | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | Hidden Entrance | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Off Switch | Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | Investigate Dead Planet | Mission | Engage |
| | Omicron Theta, Investigate Cybernetics Breakthrough | Mission | Timeless |
| | Lore | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Freeze | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Angel One |
| | Matriarchal Society | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Track Survivors | Mission | This Side of Paradise |
| 11001001 |
| | Bynars' Password | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Spacedoor | Doorway | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Spacedoor | Doorway | Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered |
| | Spacedoor | Doorway | Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered |
| | Bynars Data Transfer | Event | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Bynars Weapon Enhancement | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Auto-Destruct Sequence | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Docking Procedures | Interrupt | Virtual Promos |
| | Earth, Cradle of the Federation | Mission | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | 10 and 01 | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Minuet | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Minuet, Jazz Lover | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | One One, Efficiency Expert | Personnel | Unnatural Selection |
| | One Zero, Efficient | Personnel | Second Chances |
| | Orfil Quinteros | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Zero One, Efficient | Personnel | Second Chances |
| | Zero Zero, Efficiency Expert | Personnel | Unnatural Selection |
| Too Short a Season |
| | Alien Labyrinth | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Rescue Captives | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Cerberus II, Extraction | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Extraction | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Hostage Situation | Mission | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Mark Jameson, Senior Mission Specialist | Personnel | Shore Leave |
| When the Bough Breaks |
| | Malfunctioning Generator | Dilemma | Phage |
| | Aldea, Aid Legendary Civilization | Mission | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Investigate Legend | Mission | Q Continuum |
| Home Soil |
| | Microbrain | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Microbrain | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Terraforming Station | Facility | Q Continuum |
| | Subspace Interference | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Evaluate Terraforming | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| Coming of Age |
| | Psych Test | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | Zaldan | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Unproven Suspicions | Event | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Beltane IX, Cargo Rendezvous | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Cargo Rendezvous | Mission | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Dexter Remmick | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Mordock | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | T'Shanik | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| Heart of Glory |
| | Malfunctioning Door | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Heart of Glory | Event | The Next Generation |
| | Heart of Glory | Event | Energize |
| | Honorable Death | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Klingon Death Yell | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | A Good Place to Die | Mission | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Gault | Mission | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Seize Freighter | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | K'nera | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | K'nera, Klingon Defense Force Commander | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Konmel (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Konmel | Personnel | Premiere Beta (WB95) |
| | Konmel, Renegade Warrior | Personnel | Energize |
| | Korris (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Korris (Premiere Traditional) | Personnel | Premiere Traditional |
| | Korris, Renegade Captain | Personnel | Energize |
| | Batris | Ship | The Next Generation |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Sabotage | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| The Arsenal of Freedom |
| | Echo Papa Attack | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| | Echo Papa Stasis Field | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | The Arsenal: Divided | Dilemma | Shades of Gray |
| | The Arsenal: Separated | Dilemma | Life From Lifelessness |
| | The Arsenal: Weapons Demonstration | Dilemma | Ships of the Line |
| | Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone | Equipment | Alternate Universe |
| | Droning Invitation | Event | Heroes and Demons |
| | Holo-Projectors | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | La Forge Maneuver | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Minos, Negotiate Bargain | Mission | Timeless |
| | Geordi La Forge, Resolute Presence | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Lian T'su | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Lian T'su | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Paul Rice | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | U.S.S. Drake | Ship | All Good Things |
| Symbiosis |
| | Magnetic Field Disruptions | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Ornaran Threat | Dilemma | Engage |
| | Ornaran Threat | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Felicium | Event | Unity |
| | Sobi, Felicium Dealer | Personnel | Unnatural Selection |
| | T'Jon, Felicium Addict | Personnel | Unnatural Selection |
| | Tasha Yar, Chief of Security | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Skin of Evil |
| | All-Consuming Evil | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Armus - Skin of Evil | Dilemma | Premiere Alpha (WB94) |
| | Armus Roulette | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Armus: Energy Field | Dilemma | Shades of Gray |
| | Armus: Roulette | Dilemma | Shades of Gray |
| | Armus: Skin Of Evil | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Armus: Sticky Situation | Dilemma | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | All-Consuming Evil | Event | Shades of Gray |
| | Security Sacrifice | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Save Stranded Crew | Mission | Shades of Gray |
| We'll Always Have Paris |
| | Automated Weapons | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Security Precautions | Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Technique of a Desperate Man | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| | Temporal Misalignment | Dilemma | Fractured Time |
| | Manheim's Dimensional Door | Doorway | Q Continuum |
| | Anti-Matter Pod | Equipment | Q Continuum |
| | The Manheim Effect | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Holoprogram: Cafe des Artistes | Incident | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Herbert | Personnel | Warp Pack: Emissary |
| | Jenice Manheim | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Paul Manheim | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | ... At Manheim's Lab | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| Conspiracy |
| | Alien Parasites | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Code Forty-Seven | Dilemma | Peak Performance |
| | Shaken Confidence | Dilemma | Zero Hour |
| | Peaceful Coexistence | Event | Balance of Terror |
| | Federation Outpost | Facility | Premiere Remastered |
| | Bluegill Infestation | Incident | All Good Things |
| | Dexter Remmick, Alien Thrall | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Gregory Quinn, Alien Courier | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Rixx | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Savar, Alien Pawn | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| The Neutral Zone |
| | Cryosatellite | Artifact | Alternate Universe |
| | Dead Weight | Dilemma | A Time to Stand |
| | We Are Back | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Investigate Destruction | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Investigate Destruction | Mission | Strange New Worlds |
| | Investigate Massacre | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Starbase 718, Investigate Cryosatellite | Mission | Return to Grace |
| | Tarod IX, Investigate Massacre | Mission | Second Edition |
| | We Are Back | Objective | Engage |
| | D'Vin | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Deanna Troi (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Deanna Troi, Ship's Counselor | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Jenok | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Tebok | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tebok, Posturing Commander | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Thei | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Thei, Candid Analyst | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | D'deridex | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | D'deridex | Ship | Second Edition |
Season 2 |
| The Child |
| | Engage Shuttle Operations | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Katherine Pulaski | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| Where Silence Has Lease |
| | Nagilum | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Nagilum: Test Subjects | Dilemma | Coming of Age |
| | Study "Hole in Space" | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Calisthenics Opponent | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| Elementary, Dear Data |
| | Challenging Revision | Dilemma | Unnatural Selection |
| | James Moriarty, Awakened Nemesis | Personnel | Star Trek 50 |
| | John Watson | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Madam Pulaski | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Sherlock Holmes | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| The Outrageous Okona |
| | B.G. Robinson | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Thadiun Okona, Outrageous Rogue | Personnel | Tapestry |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Charm | Tribble | Bad Brood Rising |
| Loud as a Whisper |
| | Tragic Turn | Dilemma | Fractured Time |
| | Disadvantage Into Advantage | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Berild | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Grenis | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Riva | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Riva, Respected Mediator | Personnel | Second Edition |
| The Schizoid Man |
| | Atmospheric Ionization | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Near-Warp Transport | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Gravesworld | Mission | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Dr. Selar | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Ira Graves | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Ira Graves, Noted Molecular Cyberneticist | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Kareen Brianon | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| Unnatural Selection |
| | Hyper-Aging | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Enforce Quarantine | Mission | Matter of Time |
| A Matter of Honor |
| | Microbiotic Colony | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Well-Prepared Defenses | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| | Officer Exchange Program | Incident | The Next Generation |
| | A Matter of Honor | Interrupt | The Next Generation |
| | B'Somgh | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Dukath | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Duras (Life From Lifelessness) | Personnel | The Next Generation: Supplemental |
| | Kargan | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Kargan, Rash Captain | Personnel | Energize |
| | Klag | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Klag, Second Officer | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| | Mendon | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Q'elyn | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Vekma | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Vekma, Impartial Appraiser | Personnel | Shattered Mirror |
| | Vol'Jin | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | William T. Riker (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | William T. Riker, Exchange Officer | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Zegov | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | I.K.C. K'Vort | Ship | Premiere (Collector's Tin) |
| | I.K.C. Pagh | Ship | Premiere (Collector's Tin) |
| | I.K.S. K'Vort | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | I.K.S. K'Vort | Ship | Second Edition |
| | I.K.S. Pagh | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | I.K.S. Pagh | Ship | Call to Arms |
| The Measure of a Man |
| | Adversarial Trial | Dilemma | Matter of Time |
| | Starbase 247 | Facility | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Data's Medals | Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | Going to the Top | Interrupt | Virtual Promos |
| | Signs of Sentience | Interrupt | Unnatural Selection |
| | Starbase 173, Defend Android Rights | Mission | Shore Leave |
| | Bruce Maddox, Chair of Robotics | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Defense Counsel | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Phillipa Louvois, J.A.G. Officer for Sector 23 | Personnel | Second Chances |
| The Dauphin |
| | The Guardian | Interrupt | Blaze of Glory |
| | Anya | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Gibson | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Salia | Personnel | The Dominion |
| Contagion |
| | Iconian Gateway | Artifact | Alternate Universe |
| | Iconian Computer Weapon | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Virus | Dilemma | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Clear Ultimatum | Interrupt | Strange New Worlds |
| | Posturing | Interrupt | Raise the Stakes |
| | Wrong Door | Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | Iconia, Iconia Investigation | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Iconia Investigation | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Reopen Dig | Mission | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Donald Varley | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Donald Varley, Discoverer of Iconia | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Nefets | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | R'Mal | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Rasul | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | T'Jev | Personnel | Engage |
| | Taris | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Taris, Deceitful Subcommander | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Haakona | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | Haakona | Ship | Second Edition |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Diplomatic Envoy | Ship | Borderless Promos |
| | U.S.S. Yamato | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | U.S.S. Yamato, Contagious Explorer | Ship | Inheritance |
| | 100 Tribbles - Decloak | Tribble | A Tribble of a Different Color |
| The Royale |
| | High Rollers | Dilemma | Shades of Gray |
| | Royale Casino: Blackjack | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Royale Casino: Craps | Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Royale Casino: Craps | Dilemma | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Royale Casino: Elevator | Dilemma | Shades of Gray |
| | Royale Casino: Slots | Dilemma | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Revolving Door | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | The Charybdis | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Hotel Royale | Incident | Shades of Gray |
| | Dead in Bed | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Plot Twist | Interrupt | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | Investigate Anachronism | Mission | Shades of Gray |
| | Mickey D. | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | The Assistant Manager | Personnel | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | The Bellboy | Personnel | Shades of Gray |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Roll | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| Time Squared |
| | Causal Recursion | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| | Doppelganger | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Energy Vortex | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Second Breakfast | Interrupt | Shore Leave |
| The Icarus Factor |
| | Painstik | Equipment | A Private Little War |
| | K'Tesh | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Kyle Riker, Hard as Nails | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| Pen Pals |
| | Sarjenka | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Whisper in the Dark | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Survey Instability | Mission | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Davies | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Davies | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Q Who |
| | Borg Ship | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Q-uality Time | Dilemma | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Redirected Effort | Event | Q Who? |
| | Strength in Numbers | Event | Balance of Terror |
| | We Are the Borg | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | Relentless | Incident | Q Who? |
| | The Ultimate User | Incident | Q Who? |
| | They Will Be Coming | Incident | Engage |
| | Ascertain | Interrupt | Strange New Worlds |
| | The First of Many | Interrupt | Necessary Evil |
| | Examine Distant Sector | Mission | Q Who? |
| | System J-25, Premature Encounter | Mission | Lower Decks |
| | Consume: Technology | Objective | Q Who? |
| | Eight of Twenty | Personnel | Q Who? |
| | Eighteen of Twenty | Personnel | Q Who? |
| | Eleven of Fourteen | Personnel | Q Who? |
| | Five of Fourteen | Personnel | Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 |
| | Logistics Drone | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Nineteen of Twenty | Personnel | Q Who? |
| | Observation Drone | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | One of Fourteen | Personnel | Q Who? |
| | Reinforcement Drone | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Six of Fourteen | Personnel | Q Who? |
| | Sonya Gomez | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | You Will in Time | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | Where's Guinan? | Q Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | J-25 Cube | Ship | Q Who? |
| | Borg Cutting Beam | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| Samaritan Snare |
| | Make Us Go | Dilemma | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Back-Flush Bussard Collectors | Event | Second Edition |
| | We Look for Things | Incident | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Evade Samaritan Snare | Mission | Unity |
| | Samaritan Snare | Mission | Q Continuum |
| | Danderdag | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Grebnedlog | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Grebnedlog, Pakled Captain | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Reginod | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Mondor | Ship | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Mondor, Far From Home | Ship | Captain's Log |
| | "Crimson Forcefield" | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| Up the Long Ladder |
| | Identity Theft | Dilemma | Unnatural Selection |
| | Klingon Tea Ceremony | Event | Peak Performance |
| | Mutual Advantage | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Clone Machine | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Aid Clone Colony | Mission | All Good Things |
| | Aid Clone Colony | Mission | Energize |
| | Aid Lost Colony | Mission | What You Leave Behind |
| | ... In the Cloning Lab | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| Manhunt |
| | Agonizing Encounter | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Antedean Assassins | Dilemma | Engage |
| | Antedean Assassins | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | The Phase | Dilemma | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Lwaxana Troi, Extravagant Ambassador | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| The Emissary |
| | A Good Day to Lie | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Sleeper Ship | Event | Metamorphosis |
| | Intercept Sleeper Ship | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Captain Worf | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Commander K'Ehleyr | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | K'Ehleyr, Uncertain Emissary | Personnel | Zero Hour |
| | K'Temoc | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | K'Temoc, Long Slumbering Commander | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | I.K.S. T'Ong | Ship | Q Continuum |
| | I.K.S. T'Ong, Sleeper Ship | Ship | Captain's Log |
| | 10 Tribbles - Replicate | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| Peak Performance |
| | Outmatched | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | War Games | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Rule of Acquisition #34 | Event | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Strategema | Incident | All Good Things |
| | Shipwreck | Interrupt | Virtual Promos |
| | Braslota, Advanced Battle Simulation | Mission | Strange New Worlds |
| | Military Exercises | Mission | Starter Deck II |
| | Oneamisu Sector, Military Exercises | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Prepare War Game Scenario | Mission | Coming of Age |
| | Bractor | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Bractor, Suspicious Leader | Personnel | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Falar | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Sirna Kolrami | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Sirna Kolrami, Famed Strategist | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | William T. Riker, First Officer | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Kreechta | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Kreechta, Prepared for War | Ship | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Ferengi Energy Weapon | Tactic | Rules of Acquisition |
| | 1 Tribble - Go | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Shades of Gray |
| | Unknown Microorganism | Dilemma | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Shades of Gray: Anguish | Event | Shades of Gray |
| | Shades of Gray: Brutality | Event | Shades of Gray |
| | Shades of Gray: Cruelty | Event | Shades of Gray |
| | Shades of Gray: Despair | Event | Shades of Gray |
| | Daneeka, Reassuring Physician | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Katherine Pulaski (Metamorphosis) | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Katherine Pulaski, Chief Medical Officer | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
Season 3 |
| Evolution |
| | Difficult Rescue | Dilemma | Captain's Log |
| | Nanite Attack | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Nanites | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Panel Overload | Incident | Referee Reprints |
| | Kavis Alpha, Research Binary Star | Mission | Hard Time |
| | Study Plasma Streamer | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | ... In the Computer Core | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| The Ensigns of Command |
| | The Sheliak | Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Change of Venue | Event | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Dedication Plaque | Event | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Powerful Example | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Space | Mission | Q Continuum |
| The Survivors |
| | Chimeric Diversion | Event | A Time to Stand |
| | Mission Accomplished | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Rishon Uxbridge | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Rishon Uxbridge | Event | The Menagerie |
| | Kevin Uxbridge | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Kevin Uxbridge | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Kevin Uxbridge: Convergence | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Assist Survivors | Mission | Engage |
| | Rishon | Personnel | Shades of Gray |
| | Husnock Ship | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | Husnock Ship | Ship | Favor the Bold |
| Who Watches the Watchers |
| | Archer | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Local Trouble | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Duck Blind | Event | Shades of Gray |
| | Cultural Observation | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Cultural Observation II | Mission | Live Long and Prosper |
| | Barron | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Barron | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Martinez | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| The Bonding |
| | Full Planet Scan | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| Booby Trap |
| | Aceton Assimilators | Dilemma | The Nth Degree |
| | Ancient Computer | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Archaic Snare | Dilemma | Symbiosis |
| | Gravitic Mine | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Menthar Booby Trap | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Captain's Prerogative | Event | The Terran Empire |
| | Examine Battle Site | Mission | Coming of Age |
| | Dr. Leah Brahms | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Dr. Leah Brahms, Holographic Representation | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| The Enemy |
| | Charged-Particle Precipitation | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | At an Impasse | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Brinkmanship | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Deep Hatred | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Explain Your Presence | Interrupt | Engage |
| | Covert Rescue | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Galorndon Core, Execute Surreptitious Operation | Mission | Heroes and Demons |
| | Bochra | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Bochra, Loyal Centurion | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Starship Captain | Personnel | Promo Cards |
| | Patahk | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Tomalak (Homefront III) | Personnel | Homefront III |
| | Tomalak, Beguiling Adversary | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Deranas | Ship | Engage |
| | Deranas | Ship | Second Edition |
| | Pi | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | Pi, Off Course | Ship | Inheritance |
| The Price |
| | Barzan Wormhole | Doorway | Virtual Promos |
| | Expedient Opportunity | Event | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Business Gambit | Interrupt | The Next Generation |
| | Down to Business | Interrupt | Raise the Stakes |
| | Latinum Payoff | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Opportunity Seized | Interrupt | Peak Performance |
| | Wormhole | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Barzan Wormhole, Wormhole Negotiations | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Chart Stellar Cluster | Mission | Blaze of Glory |
| | Edge of Denkiri Arm, Chart Stellar Cluster | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Preliminary Incursion | Mission | The Gift |
| | Wormhole Negotiations | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Bhavani | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Devinoni Ral | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Devinoni Ral, Hired Gun | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Dr. Arridor (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Goss | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Goss, Direct Negotiator | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Kol (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Leyor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Seth Mendoza | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Seth Mendoza | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Ferengi Scout Vessel | Ship | The Next Generation |
| | Ferengi Shuttle | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| The Vengeance Factor |
| | Malfunctioning Door | Dilemma | Homefront VI |
| | Microvirus | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | The Gatherers | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | The Vengeance Factor | Dilemma | Shades of Gray |
| | Yuta | Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Starfleet Type-2 Phaser | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | Gatherers' Raid | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Amnesty Talks | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Hromi Cluster, Amnesty Talks | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Brull, Encampment Leader | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Chorgan, Leader of the Gatherers | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Dallan | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Galnar | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Marouk | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Marouk, Sovereign of Acamar | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Temarek | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Volnoth | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Yuta, Last of Her Line | Personnel | Unnatural Selection |
| The Defector |
| | Nelvana Trap | Dilemma | The Neutral Zone |
| | Nelvana Trap | Event | Second Edition |
| | Planned Provocation | Event | Return to Grace |
| | Provocative Ploy | Event | Tapestry |
| | Always a Chess Game | Incident | Engage |
| | Alternate Identity | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Covert Installation | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Covert Installation II | Mission | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Nelvana III, Compelling Threat | Mission | Face of the Enemy |
| | Strategic Diversion | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Alidar Jarok | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Alidar Jarok, Conscientious Admiral | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Data, Masquerading Monarch | Personnel | Dead Stop |
| | Tomalak | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tomalak, Smug Antagonist | Personnel | Heroes and Demons |
| | Romulan Scout Vessel | Ship | Second Edition |
| | Scout Vessel | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| The Hunted |
| | Full Security Alert | Dilemma | Reflections 2.0 |
| | General Quarters | Event | The Next Generation |
| | Escape Pod | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Scan | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Roga Danar | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Roga Danar, Decorated Subhadar | Personnel | Energize |
| The High Ground |
| | Aftermath | Dilemma | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Hippocratic Oath | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Hippocratic Oath | Dilemma | Inheritance |
| | Triage | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Triage | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Medical Kit | Equipment | Premiere Remastered |
| | Medical Kit | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | Dimensional Shifting | Interrupt | All Good Things |
| | Dimensional Shifting | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Alexana Devos | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| Déjà Q |
| | Helpless | Dilemma | Shades of Gray |
| | Helpless | Dilemma | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Q Gets the Point | Dilemma | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | So Many Enemies | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | The Charming Mister Riker | Dilemma | This Side of Paradise |
| | Calamarain | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Deja Q | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Immortal Again | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Keeping Track of You | Event | Favor the Bold |
| | Parting Thought | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Data Laughing | Interrupt | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Data Laughing | Interrupt | Shore Leave |
| | Loss of Orbital Stability | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Q2 | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Explore Interstellar Matter | Mission | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Restore Errant Moon | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Restore Errant Moon | Mission | What You Leave Behind |
| | Mortal Q | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Mortal Q, Student of the Humanities | Personnel | Shore Leave |
| | Q's Fantasy Women | Q Event | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Tijuana Crass | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | The Naked Truth | Q Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | 100 Tribbles - Laughter | Tribble | A Tribble of a Different Color |
| A Matter of Perspective |
| | Implication | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Neutral Outpost | Facility | Warp Pack |
| | Nel Apgar, Temperamental Researcher | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Yesterday's Enterprise |
| | Gravimetric Distortion | Dilemma | Blaze of Glory |
| | Favor the Bold | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Rule of Acquisition #45 | Event | Heroes and Demons |
| | Standing Your Ground | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | War Without End | Event | Face of the Enemy |
| | Wartime Conditions | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Temporal Rift | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Battle of Narendra III | Mission | Broken Bow |
| | Identify Temporal Disturbance | Mission | Matter of Time |
| | Beverly Crusher, Battleship Doctor | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Data, Battleship Officer | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Fredericks | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Geordi La Forge, Battleship Engineer | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Guinan, Battleship Bartender | Personnel | Unity |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Battleship Captain | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Jocelyn LoPresti, Coming to Grips | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Rachel Garrett | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Rachel Garrett, Restoring the Past | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Rhys Parker, Fulfilling Destiny | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Richard Castillo | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Richard Castillo, Assuming Command | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Shelley | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Tasha Yar, Requesting a Transfer | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Tasha Yar, Tactical Officer | Personnel | Promo Cards |
| | Tasha Yar - Alternate | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Wesley Crusher, Battleship Helmsman | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | William T. Riker, Battleship First Officer | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise-C | Ship | Alternate Universe |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise-C, Yesterday's Enterprise | Ship | Captain's Log |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Battleship | Ship | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Full Phaser Spread | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| The Offspring |
| | System-Wide Cascade Failure | Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Cybernetics Expertise | Incident | Virtual Promos |
| | Data | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Data, Proud Father | Personnel | Tapestry |
| | Lal | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Lal, Beloved | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Lieutenant Ballard | Personnel | Warp Pack: Emissary |
| | Soong-type Android | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Soong-type Android | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | U.S.S. Excelsior | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| Sins of the Father |
| | A Good Day to Lie | Dilemma | Homefront VI |
| | Discommendation | Dilemma | Return to Grace |
| | Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Discommendation | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Espionage: Federation on Klingon | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Espionage: Klingon on Federation | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Klingon Outpost | Facility | Premiere Remastered |
| | Khitomer, Khitomer Investigation | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Khitomer Research | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Duras (Life From Lifelessness) | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Duras, Son of a Traitor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Jean-Luc Picard (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Worf's cha'Dich | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | K'mpec | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | K'mpec, Protector of the Empire | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Kahlest | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Kahlest, GhojmoH of Worf | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Kurn, Son of Mogh | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Qup'ta | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | Sons of Mogh | Personnel | Enhanced Premiere |
| Allegiance |
| | Chalnoth | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Imperfect Replacement | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Intruder Force Field | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Telepathic Alien Kidnappers | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Study Lonka Pulsar | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Study Pulsar | Mission | Starter Deck II |
| | Kova Tholl | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| Captain's Holiday |
| | Horga'hn | Artifact | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tox Uthat | Artifact | Premiere Remastered |
| | Captain's Holiday | Dilemma | Engage |
| | Captain's Holiday | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Generous Offer | Dilemma | Balance of Terror |
| | Male's Love Interest | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Shore Leave | Dilemma | Shades of Gray |
| | Horga'hn | Equipment | Raise the Stakes |
| | Tox Uthat | Equipment | These Are The Voyages |
| | Jamaharon | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Vorgon Raiders | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Risa, Shore Leave | Mission | What You Leave Behind |
| | Risa Shore Leave | Mission | Alternate Universe |
| | Ajur | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Ajur, Temporal Thief | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| | Boratus | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Boratus, Temporal Thief | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| | Sovak | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Sovak, Treasure Hunter | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Vash (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Vash | Personnel | Premiere Alpha (WB94) |
| | Vash, Treasure Hunter | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Safety | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Tin Man |
| | Gomtuu Shock Wave | Dilemma | Homefront II |
| | Gomtuu Shock Wave | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Exceed Engine Output | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Supernova | Event | Reflections |
| | Incoming Message - Federation | Interrupt | Premiere Alpha (WB94) |
| | Incoming Message: Federation | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Beta Stromgren, Investigate Sighting | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Investigate Anomaly | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Investigate Anomaly II | Mission | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Investigate Sighting | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Investigate Sighting II | Mission | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Robert DeSoto | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Tallus | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tallus, Blustering Pursuer | Personnel | Heroes and Demons |
| | Tam Elbrun | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tam Elbrun, Prodigal Telepath | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Worf | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Ehrehin, Avenger | Ship | Heroes and Demons |
| | Gomtuu | Ship | Alternate Universe |
| | Plasma Torpedo | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Freeze | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Hollow Pursuits |
| | Invidium Leak | Dilemma | Engage |
| | Invidium Leak | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Swashbuckler at Heart | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Goddess of Empathy | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Fever Emergency | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Guinan | Personnel | Fajo Collection |
| | Reginald Barclay | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Reginald Barclay, Reclusive Engineer | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| The Most Toys |
| | 1962 Roger Maris Baseball Card | Artifact | Fajo Collection |
| | Mona Lisa | Artifact | Q Continuum |
| | Off-Zel Vase | Artifact | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Persistence of Memory | Artifact | Fajo Collection |
| | Starry Night | Artifact | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Varon-T Disruptor | Artifact | Premiere Remastered |
| | Proximity-Actuated Field | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | Tricyanate Poisoning | Dilemma | The Neutral Zone |
| | Tricorder | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | Varon-T Disruptor | Equipment | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | 1962 Roger Maris | Event | Unity |
| | A Treasure Beyond Comparison | Event | Second Edition |
| | Display of Wealth | Event | Unnatural Selection |
| | Fajo's Gallery | Event | Blaze of Glory |
| | Greed | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Kivas Fajo - Collector | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | Kivas Fajo: Collector | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Bait and Switch | Interrupt | Warp Pack: Access Denied |
| | Fajo's Menagerie | Interrupt | Captain's Log |
| | Palor Toff: Alien Trader | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Flink | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Starship Captain | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Kivas Fajo | Personnel | Fajo Collection |
| | Kivas Fajo, Hoarder | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Kivas Fajo, Collector | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Palor Toff, Trader | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Varria, Lavishly Rewarded Aide | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Jovis | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Jovis, Museum | Ship | Captain's Log |
| | Zibalian Transport | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | 1 Tribble - Clone & Reverse | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| Sarek |
| | Bendii Syndrome | Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Diplomatic Intervention | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Vulcan Mindmeld | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Sakkath | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Sarek | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Sarek, Logical Being | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| Ménage à Troi |
| | Indecent Proposal | Dilemma | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Sweet Nothings | Interrupt | Captain's Log |
| | Betazed, Seize Asset | Mission | Heroes and Demons |
| | Gamma Erandi, Chart Nebula | Mission | A Time to Stand |
| | Study Nebula | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Dr. Farek (The Sky's the Limit) | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Dr. Farek | Personnel | Premiere Beta (WB95) |
| | Farek, Distrusting Doctor | Personnel | Peak Performance |
| | Gozar | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Lwaxana Troi (The Sky's the Limit) | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Lwaxana Troi, Telepathic Asset | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Nibor | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Nibor, Competitive Pawn | Personnel | Heroes and Demons |
| | The Trois | Personnel | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Tog | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Tog, Lecherous DaiMon | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Krayton | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Krayton, Trade Envoy | Ship | Captain's Log |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Cycle | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Time Warp | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Transfigurations |
| | Transfiguration | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Zalkonian Storage Capsule | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Zalkonian Storage Capsule | Event | Face of the Enemy |
| | Defend Evolutionary Link | Mission | Lineage |
| | John Doe | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | John Doe, Emergent Herald | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Sunad | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Sunad | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Zalkonian Vessel | Ship | Q Continuum |
| The Best of Both Worlds: Part One |
| | Brave Words | Dilemma | A Time to Stand |
| | Compromised Tactics | Dilemma | Lower Decks |
| | Stone-cold Bluff | Dilemma | Unnatural Selection |
| | Unorthodox Tactics | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| | Distribution Node | Equipment | Q Who? |
| | Abduction | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Unyielding | Event | Fractured Time |
| | Adapt | Interrupt | Call to Arms |
| | The Wake of the Borg | Interrupt | Blaze of Glory |
| | Evade Borg Vessel | Mission | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Evade Borg Vessel | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Investigate Incursion | Mission | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Jouret IV, Assimilate Colony | Mission | The Menagerie |
| | Visit Tranquil Colony | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Assimilate Counterpart | Objective | Virtual Promos |
| | Assimilate Homeworld | Objective | Homefront IV |
| | Consume: Resources | Objective | Q Who? |
| | Admiral J. P. Hanson | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Elizabeth Shelby, Formidable Presence | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Jean-Luc Picard | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Locutus, Implacable Scourge | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Shelby | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Wesley Crusher | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | William T. Riker | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Locutus' Borg Cube | Ship | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | 100 Tribbles - Assimilate | Tribble | Bad Brood Rising |
Season 4 |
| The Best of Both Worlds: Part Two |
| | Foresight | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Nutational Shields | Event | Premiere Beta (WB95) |
| | Adapt: Negate Obstruction | Interrupt | Q Who? |
| | Anti-Matter Spread | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Saturn, Continue Invasion | Mission | The Menagerie |
| | Secret Salvage | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Secret Salvage II | Mission | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Wolf 359, Assimilate Resistance | Mission | These Are The Voyages |
| | Jean-Luc Picard (Chain of Command) | Personnel | Chain of Command |
| | Locutus, Almost Human | Personnel | Tapestry |
| | Locutus, Voice of the Borg | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Locutus, Implacable Scourge | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Locutus of Borg | Personnel | Fajo Collection |
| | Locutus' Borg Cube | Ship | Blaze of Glory |
| | Locutus' Borg Cube | Ship | Call to Arms |
| Family |
| | Family | Dilemma | Extreme Measures |
| | Holodeck Grid | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Special Modifications | Event | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | The Undiscovered Country | Event | Favor the Bold |
| | Sergey and Helena | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| Brothers |
| | Cybernetic Homing Device | Dilemma | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Unscientific Method | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Follow Homing Beacon | Mission | What You Leave Behind |
| | Install Emotion Chip | Mission | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Dr. Soong | Personnel | Fajo Collection |
| | Lore, Brother and Son | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| | Noonien Soong, Often-Wrong | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| Suddenly Human |
| | Brink of War | Dilemma | Zero Hour |
| Remember Me |
| | Warp Bubble Mishap | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Warp Bubble Mishap | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Static Warp Bubble | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | The Traveler: Transcendence | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | The Traveler | Personnel | Away Team Pack |
| Legacy |
| | Rebel Encounter | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Ishara Yar | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Ishara Yar, Deceitful Soldier | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| Reunion |
| | Archaic Ritual | Dilemma | The Terran Empire |
| | Sonchi | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Ja'chuq | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Klingon Painstik | Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | Klingon Right of Vengeance | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Duras | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Duras, Devious Challenger | Personnel | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | K'Ehleyr | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | K'Ehleyr, Diplomatic Advisor | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | K'mpec (Chain of Command) | Personnel | Chain of Command |
| | K'mpec, Klingon Supreme Commander | Personnel | Energize |
| | Kle'eg | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Worf, Chief of Security | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | I.K.C. Buruk | Ship | Premiere (Collector's Tin) |
| | I.K.C. Qam-Chee (Chain of Command) | Ship | Chain of Command |
| | I.K.C. Vor'Cha | Ship | Premiere (Collector's Tin) |
| | I.K.C. Vorn | Ship | Premiere Beta (WB95) |
| | I.K.S. Buruk | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | I.K.S. Qam-Chee | Ship | Energize |
| | I.K.S. Vor'Cha | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | I.K.S. Vorn | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | I.K.S. Vorn, Ship of Traitors | Ship | Tacking Into the Wind |
| Future Imperfect |
| | Hologram Ruse | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Impassable Door | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Investigate Energy Readings | Mission | Coming of Age |
| | Admiral Picard | Personnel | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Ambassador Tomalak | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Barash | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Commander Data | Personnel | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Commander Troi | Personnel | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Jaron | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Prot | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Decius | Ship | Alternate Universe |
| Final Mission |
| | Radioactive Garbage Scow | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Shuttle Crash | Dilemma | The Neutral Zone |
| | Destroy Radioactive Garbage Scow | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| The Loss |
| | Cosmic String Fragment | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | The Loss | Dilemma | Shades of Gray |
| | Two-Dimensional Creatures | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| Data's Day |
| | Covert Extraction | Dilemma | Hard Time |
| | Undercover Agent | Dilemma | Engage |
| | Barber Pole | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Picking Up the Basics | Event | Energize |
| | Shocking Revelation | Event | Shattered Mirror |
| | Equipment Replicator | Incident | The Next Generation |
| | Imperial Entanglements | Interrupt | Face of the Enemy |
| | My Patience Has Limits | Interrupt | Extreme Measures |
| | In for a Trim | Objective | All Good Things |
| | Admiral Mendak | Personnel | Cold Front |
| | Keiko O'Brien | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Mendak | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Mendak, Duplicitous Admiral | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Selok | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Selok, Deep Cover Operative | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Devoras | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | Devoras | Ship | Strange New Worlds |
| | ... In the Barber Shop | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| The Wounded |
| | Crippling Attack | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Provoked Attack | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Prevent Military Escalation | Mission | Engage |
| | Prevent Military Escalation II | Mission | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Benjamin Maxwell | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Benjamin Maxwell, Misguided Maverick | Personnel | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Daro | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Daro | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Dolak, Offended Neighbor | Personnel | Zero Hour |
| | Keiko O'Brien, Botanist | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Macet | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Macet, Skeptical Commander | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Telle | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Telle, Macet's Aide | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| | Supply Ship | Ship | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Trager | Ship | The Dominion |
| | Trager, Patrol Ship | Ship | Captain's Log |
| | Type III Galor | Ship | Return to Grace |
| | U.S.S. Phoenix | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | U.S.S. Phoenix, Wayward Starship | Ship | Tacking Into the Wind |
| Devil's Due |
| | A Devil Scorned | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Flim-Flam Artist | Dilemma | Homefront |
| | Flim-Flam Artist | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Seismic Quake | Dilemma | Homefront VI |
| | Vanishing Act | Dilemma | Hard Time |
| | Technical Wizardry | Event | The Terran Empire |
| | The Devil | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Acost Jared | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Fek'lhr | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Fek'lhr, Diabolical Warden | Personnel | The Nth Degree |
| | The Devil, Fearsome Illusion | Personnel | Warp Pack: Access Denied |
| Clues |
| | Nutational Shields | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Suppressed Evidence | Event | Face of the Enemy |
| | A Missing Day | Interrupt | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Paxan "Wormhole" | Mission | Q Continuum |
| | McKnight | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| First Contact |
| | Alien Encounter | Dilemma | Extreme Measures |
| | Alien Groupie | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | First Contact | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Mirasta Yale | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| Galaxy's Child |
| | Birth of "Junior" | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Seek Life-form | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Deanna Troi | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Leah Brahms | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| Night Terrors |
| | Night Terrors | Dilemma | What You Leave Behind |
| | REM Fatigue | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | REM Fatigue Hallucinations | Dilemma | Premiere (Collector's Tin) |
| | Guinan's Rifle | Equipment | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Eyes in the Dark | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Phaser Burns | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | U.S.S. Brattain | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | U.S.S. Brittain | Ship | Premiere Alpha (WB94) |
| | U.S.S. Miranda | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| Identity Crisis |
| | DNA Metamorphosis | Dilemma | Fajo Collection |
| | Tarchannen Study | Mission | Q Continuum |
| The Nth Degree |
| | Cytherians | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Programmed Compulsion | Dilemma | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | The Nth Degree | Dilemma | Return to Grace |
| | Alien Probe | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | To Boldly Go | Event | Second Edition |
| | Cytherian Lure | Mission | Ships of the Line |
| | Repair Mission | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Geordi La Forge | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Linda Larson | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Reginald Barclay, Exceeding Limits | Personnel | The Nth Degree |
| Qpid |
| | Exe-Q-tioner | Dilemma | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Pinned Down | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Pinned Down | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | The Captain's "Guest" | Dilemma | This Side of Paradise |
| | Science PADD | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | I Am Not a Merry Man! | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Sense of Obligation | Interrupt | Lineage |
| | Uninvited | Interrupt | Favor the Bold |
| | Sarthong Plunder | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Reluctant Swashbuckler | Personnel | Qpid |
| | Van Orton | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Vash, Duplicitous Damsel | Personnel | Qpid |
| | Ar-Q-ologist | Q Dilemma | Holodeck Adventures |
| | His Honor, The High Sheriff of Nottingham | Q Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| The Drumhead |
| | Drumhead | Dilemma | Blaze of Glory |
| | Drumhead | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Inquest | Dilemma | Unnatural Selection |
| | Exchange Program | Interrupt | Peak Performance |
| | Cruses System, Study Cometary Cloud | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Study Cometary Cloud | Mission | Starter Deck II |
| | J'Dan | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | J'Dan | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | J'Ddan (Premiere Traditional) | Personnel | Premiere Traditional |
| | Norah Satie | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Norah Satie, Starfleet Investigator | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Simon Tarses | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | U.S.S. Oberth | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | U.S.S. Oberth | Ship | Symbiosis |
| Half a Life |
| | Hail | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Test Mission | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Test Mission II | Mission | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Timicin | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Timicin, Irresolute Scientist | Personnel | Inheritance |
| The Host |
| | Diplomacy Mission | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Kareel Odan | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | William T. Riker, William Odan | Personnel | Tapestry |
| The Mind's Eye |
| | Covert Ambush | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| | Tense Negotiations | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Tense Negotiations | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Brainwash | Event | Q Continuum |
| | E-Band Emissions | Event | Blaze of Glory |
| | Espionage: Romulan on Klingon | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Hidden Strings | Event | Zero Hour |
| | Reconfiguration | Event | Energize |
| | Shadow Operation | Event | Energize |
| | Subtle Influence | Event | Legacy |
| | The Perfect Tool | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Brainwashing | Interrupt | Necessary Evil |
| | Condition Captive | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Incoming Message - Klingon | Interrupt | Premiere (Collector's Tin) |
| | Incoming Message: Klingon | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Romulan Ambush | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Abduction Plot | Mission | Engage |
| | Krios Suppression | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Risan Approach, Abduction Plot | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Prepare the Prisoner | Objective | Blaze of Glory |
| | Chief O'Brien | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Geordi La Forge, Sleeper Agent | Personnel | Tapestry |
| | Kell | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Kell, Romulan Accomplice | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | La Forge Impersonator | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Romulan Impersonator, "Geordi La Forge" | Personnel | Legacy |
| | Taibak | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Taibak, Prodigious Conditioner | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Tharket | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Vagh | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Goraxus | Ship | Blaze of Glory |
| | Goraxus, Lying in Wait | Ship | Tacking Into the Wind |
| In Theory |
| | Dark Matter Pockets | Dilemma | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Gaps in Normal Space | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Survey Mission | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Jenna D'Sora | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Jenna D'Sora, Veteran Security Officer | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| Redemption: Part One |
| | Divided Loyalties | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Temptation | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Temptation | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | A History of Collusion | Event | Shattered Mirror |
| | Klingon Civil War | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Unseen Manipulations | Event | Energize |
| | The Great Hall | Facility | Homefront |
| | Illegitimate Leader of the Empire | Incident | Engage |
| | Legitimate Leader of the Empire | Incident | The Next Generation |
| | Arbiter of Succession | Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | Expand the Empire | Objective | The Next Generation |
| | B'Etor | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | B'Etor, Sister of Duras | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | B'Etor, Romulan Conspirator | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Filuz | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Gowron | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Gowron, Sole Leader of the Empire | Personnel | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | K'Tal | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | K'Tal, Senior Council Member | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Kromm | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Kromm | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Kurn | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Kurn, Squadron Commander | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Lursa | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Lursa, Sister of Duras | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Sela, Mysterious Operative | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Sisters of Duras | Personnel | Fajo Collection |
| | Toral | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Toral, Arrogant Child | Personnel | Tapestry |
| | I.K.C. Bortas | Ship | Premiere |
| | I.K.C. Hegh'ta | Ship | Premiere Alpha (WB94) |
| | I.K.S. Bortas | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | I.K.S. Bortas | Ship | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | I.K.S. Hegh'ta | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | I.K.S. Hegh'ta | Ship | Second Edition |
Season 5 |
| Redemption: Part Two |
| | In-Fighting | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Logistical Lifeline | Event | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | No Peace in Our Time | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Sensing a Trap | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Spacedock | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | A Family of Traitors | Interrupt | Engage |
| | Secret Conspiracy | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Tachyon Detection Grid | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tactical Scan | Interrupt | Homefront II |
| | Beta Lankal, Medical Relief | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Expose Covert Supply | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Medical Relief | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Christopher Hobson | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Data (Cold Front) | Personnel | Cold Front |
| | Data, Commanding Officer | Personnel | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | Fleet Admiral Shanthi | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Gorath | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Gowron | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Larg | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | Larg, Piece of Baktag | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Lursa, Romulan Conspirator | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Movar | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Movar, Political General | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Sela, Daughter of Tasha | Personnel | Heroes and Demons |
| | Worf, Son of Mogh | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Worf Son of Mogh | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | I.K.C. K'Ratak | Ship | Alternate Universe |
| | U.S.S. Excalibur | Ship | Engage |
| | U.S.S. Nebula | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | U.S.S. Sutherland | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | U.S.S. Sutherland | Ship | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| Darmok |
| | El-Adrel Creature | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | I'm Not Going to Fight You | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Shaka, When the Walls Fell | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Sokath, His Eyes Uncovered! | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | The Beast at El-Adrel | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Captain's Log | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Particle Scattering Field | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Temba, His Arms Wide | Event | Energize |
| | Dathon | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Dathon, Speaker of Tama | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Robin Lefler | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Togaran | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Togaran | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Darmok | Ship | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Tama | Ship | Alternate Universe |
| | Tama | Ship | Energize |
| | Tamarian Vessel | Ship | Second Edition |
| Ensign Ro |
| | Desperation | Dilemma | Extreme Measures |
| | Mot's Advice | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | End Transmission | Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | The Big Picture | Interrupt | Zero Hour |
| | Aid Refugee Colony | Mission | Tapestry |
| | Locate Terrorist Leader | Mission | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Admiral Kennelly | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Dolak | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Guinan, Listener | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Keeve Falor | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Keeve Falor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Mot, The Barber | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Mot the Barber | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Orta | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Orta, Resistance Leader | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Quen Paltra | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Ro Laren | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Ro Laren, Headstrong Ensign | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| Silicon Avatar |
| | Crystalline Entity | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | The Crystalline Entity | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Omicron Theta Outskirts, Crystalline Encounter | Mission | Timeless |
| Disaster |
| | Dealing With Pressure | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Disaster | Dilemma | Hard Time |
| | Exposed Power Relay | Dilemma | Crossover |
| | Exposed Power Relay | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Quantum Filament | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Indelicate Repairs | Event | Unnatural Selection |
| | Plasma Fire | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| The Game |
| | Ktarian Game | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | One Step Ahead | Dilemma | Extreme Measures |
| | Seize Wesley | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Ship Seizure | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Etana Jol | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Etana Jol, Ktarian Operative | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Robin Lefler, Pragmatic Specialist | Personnel | Lineage |
| Unification: Part One |
| | Cowboy Diplomacy | Event | The Next Generation |
| | Espionage: Romulan on Federation | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Forever Linked | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Klim Dokachin | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Romulan Intelligence Network | Event | Second Edition |
| | Office of the Proconsul | Facility | The Dominion |
| | Diplomatic Masquerade | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Security Sweep | Interrupt | Call to Arms |
| | Cloaked Mission | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | B'iJik | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Data (Things Past) | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Data, From the City of Rateg | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Data and Picard | Personnel | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Jacen | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Bearer of Ill Tidings | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | K'Vada | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Kassem, Stern Operative | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Klim Dokachin, Officious Quartermaster | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Toraan | Personnel | Engage |
| | Toraan | Personnel | Energize |
| | Combat Vessel, Heavily Armed | Ship | Unnatural Selection |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| Unification: Part Two |
| | Enemies of the State | Dilemma | Cold Front |
| | Holographic Hoax | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Repurposed Transmission | Event | The Nth Degree |
| | Romulan "Reunification" | Event | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Office of the Proconsul | Facility | Reflections |
| | Romulan Outpost | Facility | Premiere Remastered |
| | The Romulan Underground | Incident | Engage |
| | Secret Agenda | Interrupt | Peak Performance |
| | Vulcan Nerve Pinch | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Qualor II, Qualor II Rendezvous | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Qualor II Rendezvous | Mission | Alternate Universe |
| | Aletia | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | Amarie | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Amarie, Information Broker | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Ambassador Spock | Personnel | Engage |
| | Calandra | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | D'Tan | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | D'Tan, Curious Youth | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Dr. Koramar | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Jean-Luc Picard (Engage) | Personnel | Engage |
| | Kharic | Personnel | Engage |
| | Neral | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Neral, Senate Proconsul | Personnel | Energize |
| | Omag | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Omag, "Fat Ferengi" | Personnel | Heroes and Demons |
| | Pardek | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Pardek, Betrayer | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Proconsul Neral | Personnel | Engage |
| | Sela | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Sela, Cunning Strategist | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Sela, Devious Schemer | Personnel | Promo Cards |
| | Spock | Personnel | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Spock, Celebrated Ambassador | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Tagus | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Tagus | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Tamarith | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Tamarith, Reformist | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Telak | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Combat Vessel | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | Stolen Ship | Ship | The Sky's the Limit |
| | T'Pau | Ship | Q Continuum |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Sabotage | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| A Matter of Time |
| | Time Travel Pod | Artifact | Premiere Remastered |
| | Timepod Ring | Event | All Good Things |
| | Relief Mission | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Relief Mission II | Mission | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Berlinghoff Rasmussen, Temporal "Historian" | Personnel | Peak Performance |
| | Berlingoff Rasmussen | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| New Ground |
| | Evaluate Soliton Wave | Mission | Tacking Into the Wind |
| Hero Worship |
| | Hero Worship | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Explore Black Cluster | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Explore Black Cluster II | Mission | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Sector 97, Explore Black Cluster | Mission | Second Edition |
| Violations |
| | Memory Invasion | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Inad | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Martin | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Martin | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Tarmin | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| The Masterpiece Society |
| | Female's Love Interest | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Stellar Core Fragment | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Colony | Facility | Q Continuum |
| | Avert Danger | Mission | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Avert Danger | Mission | Energize |
| | Sabotage Biosphere | Mission | The Terran Empire |
| | Aaron Conor | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | Aaron Conor, Born Leader | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Hannah Bates | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Hannah Bates, Biosphere Expert | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Martin Benbeck, Strict Interpreter | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| Conundrum |
| | Conundrum | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Satarran Gambit | Dilemma | Tapestry |
| | The Seen and the Unseen | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Memory Wipe | Event | Starter Deck II |
| | Kieran MacDuff, Executive Officer | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| Power Play |
| | Friendly Fire | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Computer Crash | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | Endangered | Event | Necessary Evil |
| Ethics |
| | Hypospray | Equipment | Infinite Diversity |
| | Genetronic Replicator | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Genetronic Treatment | Interrupt | Allegiance |
| | Assign Mission Specialists | Objective | The Next Generation: Supplemental |
| | Alexander Rozhenko | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Toby Russell | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| The Outcast |
| | Null Space | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Soren | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| Cause and Effect |
| | Temporal Causality Loop | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Raise the Stakes | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Subliminal Signal | Event | Favor the Bold |
| | All Threes | Interrupt | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Data, Keep Dealing | Interrupt | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Senior Staff Meeting | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Explore Typhon Expanse | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Explore Typhon Expanse II | Mission | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Morgan Bateson | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Morgan Bateson, Confident Commander | Personnel | Peak Performance |
| | U.S.S. Bozeman, Well-Preserved Antique | Ship | Peak Performance |
| The First Duty |
| | The First Duty | Dilemma | Infinite Diversity |
| | Practice Orbital Maneuvers | Mission | Metamorphosis |
| | Practice Orbital Maneuvers | Mission | To Boldly Go |
| | Andrea Brand | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Andrea Brand, Academy Superintendent | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Boothby | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Boothby, Groundskeeper | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Jean Hajar | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Jean Hajar, Nova Squadron Navigator | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Nicholas Locarno, Nova Squadron Leader | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Nick Locarno | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Satelk | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Sito Jaxa, Nova Squadron Pilot | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Wesley Crusher (Homefront III) | Personnel | Homefront III |
| | Wesley Crusher, Nova Squadron Pilot | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| Cost of Living |
| | Nitrium Metal Parasites | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | The Higher... The Fewer | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Wind Dancer | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Fire Sculptor | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Infinite Combinations | Interrupt | Lineage |
| | Parallax Arguers | Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | The Juggler | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Homn, Lurching Valet | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Lwaxana Troi | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Mr. Homn | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | 100 Tribbles - Replicate | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| The Perfect Mate |
| | Brute Force | Mission | Alternate Universe |
| | Brute Force | Mission | Energize |
| | Kriosian Passage, Mediate Peace Treaty | Mission | Legacy |
| | Kamala | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Kamala, The Perfect Mate | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Par Lenor | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Par Lenor, Lascivious Emissary | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Qol | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Qol, Lascivious Lackey | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Exchange | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Imaginary Friend |
| | Isabella | Event | Extreme Measures |
| | Isabella | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | FGC-47 Research | Mission | Alternate Universe |
| I, Borg |
| | Topological Anomaly 4747 | Dilemma | Straight and Steady |
| | Expand the Collective | Event | Fractured Time |
| | Severed Link | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Hugh | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Salvage Borg Ship | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Salvage Borg Ship | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Garvey | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Livingston | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Scout Drone | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| | Six of Thirteen | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Third of Five | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Third of Five, Wayward Drone | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| | Twelve of Thirteen | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| The Next Phase |
| | Interphase Generator | Artifact | Premiere Remastered |
| | Malfunctioning Door | Dilemma | Lineage |
| | Phased Matter | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | The Next Phase | Dilemma | Unity |
| | Power Shift | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Versatile Vessel: Applied Science | Event | Ships of the Line |
| | Disruptor Overload | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Agyer | Personnel | Engage |
| | Mirok | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Mirok, Interphase Researcher | Personnel | Energize |
| | Parem | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Parem, Special Security | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Varel | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Varel | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Apnex | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Science Vessel | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| The Inner Light |
| | Ressikan Flute | Artifact | Alternate Universe |
| | The Launching | Dilemma | Extreme Measures |
| | Drought Tree | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Ressikan Flute | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | The Inner Light | Event | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Investigate Alien Probe | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Investigate Probe Origin | Mission | Star Trek 50 |
| | Parvenium System, Investigate Alien Probe | Mission | Second Edition |
| | The Inner Light | Objective | Star Trek 50 |
| Time's Arrow: Part One |
| | Data's Head | Artifact | Alternate Universe |
| | Help Out a Forty-Niner? | Dilemma | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | Devidian Door | Doorway | Alternate Universe |
| | Feast on the Dying | Event | Second Edition |
| | Devidian Foragers | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Assist Temporal Disruption | Mission | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | Devidia II, Investigate Time Continuum | Mission | Inheritance |
| | Investigate Time Continuum | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Frederick La Rouque | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Madam Guinan | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | The Foragers | Personnel | Shades of Gray |
Season 6 |
| Time's Arrow: Part Two |
| | Ophidian Cane | Artifact | Alternate Universe |
| | Samuel Clemens' Pocketwatch | Artifact | Alternate Universe |
| | Life's Simple Pleasures | Event | Metamorphosis |
| | The Play's the Thing | Event | Fractured Time |
| | What You Leave Behind | Event | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Data's Body | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Samuel Clemens | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| Realm of Fear |
| | Heisenberg Compensators | Event | Q Continuum |
| | Barclay Transporter Phobia | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Plexing | Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | Miles O'Brien | Personnel | Fajo Collection |
| | Miles O'Brien, Transporter Chief | Personnel | Energize |
| Man of the People |
| | Receptacle Stones | Artifact | Alternate Universe |
| | Psychic Receptacle | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Ves Alkar | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| Relics |
| | In the Way | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Ingenious Jury-rig | Dilemma | Matter of Time |
| | Dyson Sphere Door | Doorway | Shades of Gray |
| | Intoxicating Spirits | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Miracle Working | Event | Face of the Enemy |
| | Dyson Sphere, Explore Mysterious Structure | Mission | Return to Grace |
| | Explore Dyson Sphere | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Montgomery Scott | Personnel | Warp Pack |
| | Montgomery Scott, Relic | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Rager | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| Schisms |
| | Alien Abduction | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Alien Abduction | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Alien Abduction: Test Subjects | Dilemma | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Cutting Remark | Dilemma | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Subspace Schism | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Warped Space | Mission | Alternate Universe |
| True Q |
| | Amanda Rogers: Protector | Event | The Terran Empire |
| | Amanda Rogers | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Amanda Rogers | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Countermanda | Interrupt | Warp Pack |
| | Hide and Seek | Q Dilemma | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Amanda's Parents | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | Into the Breach | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | Jealous Amanda | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | Scottish Setter | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | Trust Me | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | Incoming Message - The Continuum | Q Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| Rascals |
| | Molecular Mishap | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Molecular Reversion Field | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | Rascals | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Rascals | Dilemma | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Small Problems | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | Stupefy | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| | Acquired Disruptor Rifle | Equipment | Heroes and Demons |
| | Ferengi Disruptor | Equipment | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Friendship and Good Will | Event | Shore Leave |
| | Rule of Acquisition #62 | Event | Heroes and Demons |
| | "Tag!" | Interrupt | The Next Generation |
| | Humuhumunukunukuapua'a | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Impromptu Prison | Interrupt | Strange New Worlds |
| | Acquire Surplus Ships | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Botanical Research | Mission | Starter Deck II |
| | Distress Mission | Mission | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Falsify Distress Signal | Mission | Extreme Measures |
| | Mine Vendarite | Mission | Extreme Measures |
| | Baht | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Berik | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Berik, Now Boarding | Personnel | Heroes and Demons |
| | Borts | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Dr. Borts | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Follis | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | Krunk | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Krunk | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Levin | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Levin | Personnel | Symbiosis |
| | Lurin | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Lurin, Renegade DaiMon | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Morta | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Morta | Personnel | Heroes and Demons |
| | Obol | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Obol | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| | B'rel | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Type VI Shuttlecraft | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise (20th Anniversary) | Ship | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Salvaged Ship | Ship | The Undiscovered Country |
| A Fistful of Datas |
| | Lending a Hand | Dilemma | This Side of Paradise |
| | Personal Forcefield | Event | Energize |
| | Holoprogram: Deadwood | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Deanna Troi, Durango | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Deputy Rozhenko | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Durango | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Eli Hollander | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Frank Hollander | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Sheriff Worf | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| The Quality of Life |
| | Quality of Life | Dilemma | The Terran Empire |
| | Exocomp | Equipment | Legacy |
| | Particle Fountain | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Dr. Farallon | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Exocomp | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| Chain of Command: Part One |
| | Cardassian Trap | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Duty Schedule | Dilemma | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Setting the Stage | Dilemma | Infinite Diversity |
| | Taspar Egg | Equipment | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Ensnared | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Oo-mox | Event | Unity |
| | Taken Prisoner | Event | Second Edition |
| | Get It Done | Incident | The Next Generation |
| | Know Your Enemy | Incident | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Latest Provocation | Incident | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Well-Crafted Lure | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Bioweapon Ruse | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Celtris III, Construct Elaborate Trap | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Covert Incursion | Mission | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Secure Covert Transportation | Mission | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Torman V, Conduct "Legitimate" Commerce | Mission | The Nth Degree |
| | Dispatch Metagenic Experts | Objective | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Ensnared | Objective | Engage |
| | Beverly Crusher (Showdown: Four Lights) | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | DaiMon Solok, Cargo Runner | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Data (Showdown: Four Lights) | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Deanna Troi (Showdown: Four Lights) | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Edward Jellico (Showdown: Four Lights) | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Edward Jellico, Brusque Martinet | Personnel | A Less Perfect Union |
| | Gates | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Gul Madred | Personnel | Homefront III |
| | Madred, Persistent Inquisitor | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Mekar | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Solok | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Tajor | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | U.S.S. Cairo | Ship | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Exchange | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Chain of Command: Part Two |
| | Confined to Quarters | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Shall We Begin Again? | Dilemma | Engage |
| | Extracted Confessions | Event | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Inexorable Torture | Event | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Interrogation | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Obstructive Posturing | Event | Heroes and Demons |
| | Psychological Pressure | Event | Metamorphosis |
| | Psychological Pressure | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Torture | Event | Blaze of Glory |
| | Secret Prison | Facility | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Taken Prisoner | Incident | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Fresh Tactic | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Means of Control | Interrupt | Strange New Worlds |
| | Shared Delicacy | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Superior Position | Interrupt | Peak Performance |
| | Cardassia Prime, Hardscrabble World | Mission | Second Edition |
| | McAllister C-5 Nebula, Marshal Invasion Fleet | Mission | Heroes and Demons |
| | Mine Enemy Fleet | Mission | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Nebula | Mission | Q Continuum |
| | Get Him Cleaned Up | Objective | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Corak | Personnel | Engage |
| | Gul Madred | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Human | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Jil Orra | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Lemec | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Lemec, Posturing Negotiator | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Lepel | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Madred | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Madred, Calculating Captor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Tajor | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | William T. Riker (Showdown: Four Lights) | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Worf (Showdown: Four Lights) | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Reklar | Ship | All Good Things |
| | Reklar | Ship | Second Edition |
| Ship in a Bottle |
| | Nothing to Lose | Dilemma | Qpid |
| | Holodeck Arch | Event | Unity |
| | Holoprogram: 221B Baker Street | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Study Stellar Collision | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Professor Moriarty | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Regina Barthalomew | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| Aquiel |
| | Canar | Artifact | Q Continuum |
| | Coalescent Organism | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Compromised Mission | Mission | Alternate Universe |
| | Aquiel Uhnari | Personnel | Shades of Gray |
| | Morag | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Torak | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | I.K.C. Qu'Vat | Ship | Premiere |
| | I.K.S. Qu'Vat | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| Face of the Enemy |
| | Romulan Disruptor Pistol | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | Escaping Detection | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Insult | Interrupt | Call to Arms |
| | Outlining the Stakes | Interrupt | Necessary Evil |
| | Protection of the Tal Shiar | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Twist of Fate | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Kaleb Sector, Covert Rendezvous | Mission | Face of the Enemy |
| | Quash Conspiracy | Mission | Alternate Universe |
| | Deanna Troi, Major Rakal | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Major Rakal | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Mengran | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | N'Vek | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | N'Vek, Soldier of the Underground | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Palteth | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Palteth | Personnel | Energize |
| | Stefan DeSeve | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Stefan DeSeve, Disillusioned Expatriate | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Toreth | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Toreth, Cautious Commander | Personnel | Energize |
| | Khazara | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | Khazara | Ship | Energize |
| Tapestry |
| | A Bad End | Dilemma | Homefront VI |
| | A Bad End | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Nausicaans | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | A Second Chance at Life | Event | Homefront VI |
| | A Second Chance at Life | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Delivery Boy | Event | Favor the Bold |
| | Life-Changing Encounter | Event | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Res-Q | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Slightly Awkward | Event | Infinite Diversity |
| | Tapestry | Event | Second Edition |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Unraveled | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Lt. (j.g.) Picard | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Zon | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Zon, Fated Challenger | Personnel | Symbiosis |
| | Picard's Artificial Heart | Q Artifact | Fajo Collection |
| | Dr. Q, Medicine Entity | Q Interrupt | Q Continuum |
| | Quandary | Q Interrupt | Holodeck Adventures |
| Birthright: Part One |
| | Legacy | Dilemma | Peak Performance |
| | Plasma Shock | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Out of Options | Event | Fractured Time |
| | Jaglom Shrek - Information Broker (Premiere Traditional) | Interrupt | Premiere Traditional |
| | Jaglom Shrek: Information Broker | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Nequencia System, Sensitive Search | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Jaglom Shrek | Personnel | Homefront III |
| | Jaglom Shrek | Personnel | Energize |
| | Julian Bashir, Visiting Colleague | Personnel | Shattered Mirror |
| | Lopez | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Lopez | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Yridian Shuttle | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| Birthright: Part Two |
| | Necessary Execution | Dilemma | Captain's Log |
| | Discovered | Event | These Are The Voyages |
| | Conceal Unlikely Society | Mission | Engage |
| | Conceal Unlikely Society | Mission | Lineage |
| | Sensitive Search | Mission | Warp Pack |
| | Ba'el | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Ba'el, Clutching Two Worlds | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Gi'ral | Personnel | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Gi'ral, Reproachful Matriarch | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Khev | Personnel | Engage |
| | L'Kor | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | L'Kor, Ranking Elder | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Losta | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Losta | Personnel | Energize |
| | Tokath | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tokath, Keeping the Peace | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Toq | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Toq | Personnel | Lineage |
| Starship Mine |
| | Authorized Access Only | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Tedious Soiree | Dilemma | Crossover |
| | Trilithium Heist | Dilemma | Extreme Measures |
| | Baryon Buildup | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Captured | Incident | Blaze of Glory |
| | Remmler Array, Steal Weapons-Grade Waste | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Kelsey, Heist Mastermind | Personnel | Continuing Mission |
| Lessons |
| | Close That Door! | Dilemma | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Firestorm | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Firestorm | Event | Allegiance |
| | Ressikan Flute | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Thermal Deflectors | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Neela Daren | Personnel | Premiere Beta (WB95) |
| | Nella Daren | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Nella Daren, Head of Stellar Cartography | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Richardson | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| The Chase |
| | Kurlan Naiskos | Artifact | Premiere Remastered |
| | Conflict of Interests | Dilemma | Lineage |
| | Federation PADD | Equipment | Premiere Remastered |
| | Medical Tricorder | Equipment | Premiere Remastered |
| | B'aht Qul Challenge | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Biosphere Toxin | Event | Metamorphosis |
| | Common Ground | Event | Energize |
| | Common Purpose | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Profound Discovery | Event | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Standard Cardassian Procedure | Event | Second Edition |
| | You Are a Monument | Event | The Next Generation |
| | Dig | Incident | Homefront II |
| | Lying in Wait | Interrupt | Necessary Evil |
| | Excavation | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Excavation II | Mission | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Hunt for DNA Program | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Kurl, Excavation | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Loren III, Combined Discovery | Mission | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Ruah IV, Uncover DNA Clues | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Uncover DNA Clues | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Vilmor II, Hunt for DNA Program | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Ansomah | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Galathon | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Galathon, Steadfast Rival | Personnel | Energize |
| | Nu'Daq | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Nu'Daq, Tenacious Rival | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Ocett | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Ocett, Dogged Rival | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Richard Galen | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Richard Galen, Legendary Archaeologist | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Tarus | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Bralek | Ship | Homefront III |
| | Bralek | Ship | Second Edition |
| | I.K.C. Maht-H'a | Ship | Q Continuum |
| | I.K.S. Maht-H'a | Ship | Second Edition |
| | Trolarak | Ship | Homefront III |
| | Trolarak | Ship | Energize |
| Frame of Mind |
| | Frame of Mind | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Frame of Mind | Dilemma | Dead Stop |
| | Pattern Enhancers | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Reflection Therapy | Objective | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Dr. Syrus | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Orderly Mavek | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Suna | Personnel | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| Suspicions |
| | Magnetic Field Disruptions | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Scientific Method | Dilemma | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Unscientific Method | Dilemma | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Metaphasic Shields | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Patient Schemer | Event | Metamorphosis |
| | Scientific Diplomacy | Incident | The Next Generation |
| | Host Metaphasic Shielding Test | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Vaytan, Host Metaphasic Shielding Test | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Alyssa Ogawa, Enterprise Medical Assistant | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Beverly | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Dr. Christopher | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Dr. Reyga (Life From Lifelessness) | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Dr. Reyga | Personnel | Premiere Alpha (WB94) |
| | Jo'Bril | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Jo'Bril, Patient Schemer | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Kurak | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Kurak, Warp Field Specialist | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Reyga, Young Scientist | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| | T'Pan | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| Rightful Heir |
| | Bat'leth | Equipment | Energize |
| | The Promise | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | We Are Klingon | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Boreth, Place of Questions | Mission | Shattered Mirror |
| | Investigate Disturbance | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Divok | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Divok | Personnel | Energize |
| | Kahless | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Kahless, The Greatest Warrior of Them All | Personnel | Energize |
| | Koroth | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Koroth, High Cleric of Boreth | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Torin | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Worf, Desirous Disciple | Personnel | Zero Hour |
| | U.S.S. Galaxy | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | U.S.S. Galaxy | Ship | Second Edition |
| Second Chances |
| | One to One | Dilemma | Crossover |
| | One to One | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Distortion Field | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Thomas Riker | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| Timescape |
| | Disruptor Accident | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Healing Hand | Dilemma | Peak Performance |
| | Quantum Singularity Lifeforms | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Timescape | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Tricorder | Equipment | Premiere Remastered |
| | Warp Core Breach | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Emergency Transporter Armbands | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Temporal Narcosis | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Investigate "Shattered Space" | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Jera | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Jera | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Mareth | Personnel | Engage |
| | Mareth | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Relam | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Relam | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Tacil | Personnel | Engage |
| | Takket | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tarvang | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Taul | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Taul | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Tomek | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tomek, Displaced Alien | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Runabout | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| Descent: Part One |
| | All Available Personnel | Dilemma | The Next Generation |
| | Data Has Some Issues | Dilemma | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Outpost Raid | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Rogue Borg Ambush | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Rogue Borg Ship | Dilemma | Legacy |
| | All Available Personnel | Event | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Lore Returns | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Recover Components | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Repurposed Outpost | Facility | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Followers of the One | Incident | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Holoprogram: Historical Poker Game | Incident | Shades of Gray |
| | Conflict | Interrupt | Allegiance |
| | Crosis | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Long-Range Scan | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Reprimand | Interrupt | Warp Pack: Access Denied |
| | Transwarp Conduit | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Foster New Collective | Mission | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Investigate Raid | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Albert Einstein | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Bosus | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Data and Geordi | Personnel | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Lieutenant Crosis | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Lore, The One | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Sir Isaac Newton | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Stephen Hawking | Personnel | Shades of Gray |
| | Tayar | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | Assimilator | Ship | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Assimilator, Rogue Borg Vessel | Ship | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Fold | Tribble | Star Trek 50 |
Season 7 |
| Descent: Part Two |
| | Stellar Flare | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Lore's Fingernail | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Rogue Borg | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Rogue Borg Mercenaries | Interrupt | Premiere (Collector's Tin) |
| | Varria Corona, Defeat Rogue Borg Vessel | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Varria III, Locate Missing Crewman | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Beverly Crusher, Encouraging Commander | Personnel | Tapestry |
| | Crosis, Fanatical Lieutenant | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Data (The Sky's the Limit) | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Data, Loyal Brother | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Giusti | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Goval | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Goval, Follower of the One | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Hugh, Rogue Borg | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Lore | Personnel | Fajo Collection |
| | Morik | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Morik | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Taitt | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | The One | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Third of Five (The Sky's the Limit) | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| Liaisons |
| | Intuition | Incident | Metamorphosis |
| Interface |
| | Incoming Message: Attack Authorization | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Dr. La Forge | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| Gambit: Part One |
| | Pillage and Plunder | Dilemma | Infinite Diversity |
| | Reluctant Informant | Dilemma | Engage |
| | Coordinated Larceny | Event | Unnatural Selection |
| | Mercenary Raiders | Incident | The Next Generation |
| | Barradas III, Plunder Ruins | Mission | Shattered Mirror |
| | Gather Information | Mission | Lineage |
| | Plunder Site | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Raid Ancient Burial Site | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Seek Illicit Relic | Mission | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Galen | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Vekor | Personnel | Energize |
| | Yranac | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Klingon Transport | Ship | Ships of the Line |
| | Mercenary Ship | Ship | Premiere Remastered |
| | Mercenary Ship | Ship | Energize |
| Gambit: Part Two |
| | Vulcan Stone of Gol | Artifact | Premiere Remastered |
| | Authenticate Artifacts | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Piratical Boarders | Dilemma | Heroes and Demons |
| | The Stone of Gol | Equipment | Necessary Evil |
| | Neural Servo Device | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Scum and Villainy | Event | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Hyralan Sector, Raid Flagship | Mission | The Nth Degree |
| | Arctus Baran, Mercenary Captain | Personnel | Energize |
| | Arctus Baran, Treasure Seeker | Personnel | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | Baran | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Dacres | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | Galen | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Koral (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Koral | Personnel | Premiere (Collector's Tin) |
| | Koral, Dour Smuggler | Personnel | Energize |
| | Narik | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Narik | Personnel | Energize |
| | Rybak | Personnel | Engage |
| | Tallera | Personnel | Fajo Collection |
| | Tallera, Covert Isolationist | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Vekor | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Will Riker | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | William T. Riker, Treasonous Thieving Pirate | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Fortune, Raider for Hire | Ship | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | Fortune | Ship | Virtual Promo Cards |
| Phantasms |
| | Android Nightmares | Dilemma | Q Continuum |
| | Disarming Dream | Dilemma | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Interphasic Plasma Creatures | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Holodeck Door | Doorway | Holodeck Adventures |
| | I.P. Scanner | Equipment | Alternate Universe |
| | Vascular Pad | Equipment | What You Leave Behind |
| | A Few Minor Difficulties | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Cellular Peptide Cake | Event | Homefront VI |
| | Cellular Peptide Cake | Event | Genesis |
| | Brain Drain | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Sigmund Freud | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Sigmund Freud, Father of Psychoanalysis | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| Dark Page |
| | Dark Page | Dilemma | Infinite Diversity |
| | Empathic Touch | Interrupt | Virtual Promos |
| | Wolf | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Ian Andrew Troi | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Lwaxana Troi, Psychic Tutor | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Maques | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Maques, Cairn Delegate | Personnel | Energize |
| Attached |
| | Shared Problems | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Jean-Luc and Beverly | Personnel | Enhanced Premiere |
| Force of Nature |
| | Spot | Dilemma | Inheritance |
| | Subspace Rift | Event | A Time to Stand |
| | Subspace Warp Rift | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tetryon Field | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Investigate Disappearance | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Prak | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Prak | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Rabal | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Serova, Warp Field Theorist | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Spot | Personnel | Fajo Collection |
| Inheritance |
| | Avert Disaster | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Juliana Tainer | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Juliana Tainer, Unknowing Automaton | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Pran Tainer, Atrean Seismologist | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Parallels |
| | Fractured Time | Dilemma | Homefront II |
| | Fractured Time | Dilemma | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Parallel Romance | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Quantum Fissure | Dilemma | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Quantum Incursions | Doorway | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Space-Time Portal | Doorway | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Quantum Incursions | Event | Fractured Time |
| | Surprise Party | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | Surprise Party | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Disconcerting Displacement | Interrupt | Matter of Time |
| | Honor Challenge | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Bat'leth Tournament | Mission | Blaze of Glory |
| | Fissure Research | Mission | Alternate Universe |
| | Forcas Sector, Restore Quantum Barriers | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Alyssa Ogawa, Chief Medical Officer | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Andro | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Andro | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Deanna Troi, Par'Mach'kai | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Nador | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Nador, Curious Commander | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Worf, First Officer | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | B'tanay | Ship | Fractured Time |
| | Bajoran Warship | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Rokassa, Tampering Vessel | Ship | Raise the Stakes |
| | 1 Tribble - Party | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Quadruple | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| The Pegasus |
| | Phased Cloaking Device | Artifact | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Just Following Orders | Dilemma | Extreme Measures |
| | Pulling Rank | Event | Face of the Enemy |
| | Asteroid Sanctuary | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Incoming Message - Romulan | Interrupt | Premiere (Collector's Tin) |
| | Incoming Message: Romulan | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Devolin System, Pegasus Search | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Pegasus Search | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Eric Pressman | Personnel | Premiere Alpha (WB94) |
| | Erik Pressman | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Erik Pressman, Stern Authoritarian | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Sirol | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Sirol, Diplomatic Adversary | Personnel | Energize |
| | Terix | Ship | Q Continuum |
| | Terix | Ship | Energize |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise (Chain of Command) | Ship | Chain of Command |
| | U.S.S. Pegasus | Ship | All Good Things |
| Homeward |
| | Unorthodox Preservation | Dilemma | Homefront VI |
| | Homeward | Mission | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Beverly Crusher | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Nikolai Rozhenko | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| Sub Rosa |
| | Anaphasic Organism | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Howard Heirloom Candle | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| Lower Decks |
| | Dressing Down | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | In Development | Dilemma | Infinite Diversity Remastered |
| | Lower Decks | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Critical Assistance | Interrupt | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Argaya System, Apprehend Escapee | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Recover Prisoner | Mission | Engage |
| | Alyssa Ogawa | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Ben, Civilian Server | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| | Joret Dal | Personnel | Engage |
| | Joret Dal, Patriotic Visionary | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Sam Lavelle | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Sito Jaxa | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Sito Jaxa, Undercover "Terrorist" | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Taurik | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | 1 Tribble - Fold | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| Thine Own Self |
| | Bridge Officer's Test | Interrupt | Raise the Stakes |
| | Thine Own Self | Interrupt | Alternate Universe |
| | Beverly and Will | Personnel | Enhanced Premiere |
| Masks |
| | What Lies Beneath | Dilemma | The Undiscovered Country |
| | D'Arsay Archive | Event | Second Edition |
| | Masaka Transformations | Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | The Mask of Korgano | Event | Alternate Universe |
| | Obelisk of Masaka | Incident | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Investigate Rogue Comet | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Sector 1156, Investigate Rogue Comet | Mission | Second Edition |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Masaka | Tribble | Nothing But Tribble |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Masaka | Tribble | Nothing But Tribble |
| Eye of the Beholder |
| | Empathic Echo | Dilemma | Alternate Universe |
| | Calloway | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Daniel Kwan | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| | Daniel Kwan | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Darian Wallace | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| Genesis |
| | Ardent Predator | Dilemma | Tapestry |
| | Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| Journey's End |
| | Ominous Presence | Dilemma | Lineage |
| | Plasmadyne Relay | Equipment | Q Continuum |
| | Determined to Stay | Event | The Maquis |
| | Habak | Event | Unity |
| | Ignored Jurisdiction | Event | A Time to Stand |
| | Nothing That Happens is Truly Random | Event | Second Edition |
| | Dorvan V, Evacuate Colony | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Evacuation | Mission | Premiere Remastered |
| | Alynna Nechayev | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Anhaica | Personnel | Coming of Age |
| | Anhaica | Personnel | Unity |
| | Anthwara, Leader of the Tribal Council | Personnel | Unity |
| | Evek | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Glinn Telak | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Gul Evek | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Jack Crusher | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Jack Crusher, Beloved Father | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Kituhwa, Tribal Historian | Personnel | Unity |
| | Lakanta | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | The Traveler, Lakanta | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Vengar | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Vengar | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Wakasa, Tribal Councilor | Personnel | Unity |
| | Wesley Crusher, Apprentice Traveler | Personnel | Tapestry |
| | Vetar (Showdown: Four Lights) | Ship | Showdown: Four Lights |
| Firstborn |
| | A Klingon Matter | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Honorable Pursuit | Dilemma | Peak Performance |
| | Klingon Disruptor Pistol | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | Noble Cause | Event | Fractured Time |
| | Qapla'! | Interrupt | Homefront III |
| | Maranga IV, Ecological Crisis | Mission | Hard Time |
| | Alexander Rozhenko, K'mtar | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Batrell | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Gorta | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | K'mtar | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | K'rad | Personnel | Shattered Mirror |
| | Khar | Personnel | Energize |
| | Kitrik | Personnel | Q Continuum |
| | Kitrik, "The Tyrant Molor" | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Quark (The Next Generation) | Personnel | The Next Generation |
| Bloodlines |
| | Subspace Transporter | Event | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Life-form Scan | Interrupt | Premiere Remastered |
| | Revenge Plot | Mission | The Next Generation |
| | Birta | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Birta, "Helpful" DaiMon | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Bok | Personnel | Premiere Remastered |
| | Tol | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| Emergence |
| | Emergent Life-form | Dilemma | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Entanglement | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | New Life | Event | Face of the Enemy |
| Preemptive Strike |
| | Allegiance | Event | Peak Performance |
| | Defiant Reprisal | Event | A Time to Stand |
| | For the Cause | Event | Energize |
| | Maquis Raid | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Stalling for Time | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Strafing Fire | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Bleed Resources | Incident | The Maquis |
| | Defending Their Homes | Incident | The Maquis |
| | Used to Being Outnumbered | Incident | The Maquis |
| | Advanced Tactical Training | Interrupt | What You Leave Behind |
| | Stalling for Time | Interrupt | The Maquis |
| | Strength for Our Struggle | Interrupt | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Assist Damaged Vessel | Mission | Engage |
| | Hugora Nebula, Border Crossing | Mission | A Time to Stand |
| | Belcalis | Personnel | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Gollek | Personnel | Engage |
| | Gollek | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Goran | Personnel | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Goran | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Kalita (The Maquis) | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Macias | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Macius | Personnel | Energize |
| | Piller | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Riker Wil | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Ro Laren (The Maquis) | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Ro Laren, Maquis Sympathizer | Personnel | Energize |
| | Santos | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Santos, Squad Leader | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Cosette | Ship | The Maquis |
| | Cosette, Reliable Raider | Ship | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Javert, Maquis Flagship | Ship | Raise the Stakes |
| | Close Quarters Combat | Tactic | The Maquis |
| All Good Things…, Part I |
| | More of Gravy Than of Grave | Dilemma | Shore Leave |
| | Ohhhh! Nothing Happened! | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Portent | Event | Unnatural Selection |
| | Temporal Shifting | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | The Trial Never Ended | Event | Call to Arms |
| | You Know I'd Like to Help | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | Attention All Hands | Incident | The Next Generation |
| | Investigate Anti-Time Eruption | Mission | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Examine Singularity | Objective | Blaze of Glory |
| | Admiral Riker | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Beverly Crusher, Captain Picard | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Data, Lucasian Chair | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Geordi La Forge, Retired Engineer | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Vintner | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Jessel, Housekeeper | Personnel | Timeless |
| | Future Enterprise | Ship | Alternate Universe |
| | I.K.C. Fek'lhr | Ship | Alternate Universe |
| | U.S.S. Pasteur, Medical Ship | Ship | What You Leave Behind |
| | Maximum Firepower | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| All Good Things…, Part II |
| | Rotation Damage Marker (The Next Generation) | Damage Marker | Virtual Promos |
| | Q | Dilemma | Premiere Remastered |
| | Always Welcome | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Anti-Time Anomaly | Event | Premiere Alpha (WB94) |
| | Ohhhh! Nothing Happened! | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Quarantine | Event | Fractured Time |
| | Finest Crew in the Fleet | Incident | The Next Generation |
| | Collapse Anti-Time Anomaly | Mission | Fractured Time |
| | Admiral Riker | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Beverly Picard | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Commander Tomalak | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Governor Worf | Personnel | Alternate Universe |
| | Tomalak, Irate Commander | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | William T. Riker, Wistful Admiral | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Worf, Governor of H'atoria | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | My Ship, My Crew | Q Dilemma | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Anti-Time Anomaly | Q Event | Premiere Remastered |
| | Future Enterprise | Ship | Reflections |
| | I.K.S. Chang | Ship | Fajo Collection |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Personal Flagship | Ship | Fractured Time |
| | U.S.S. Pasteur | Ship | Fajo Collection |
| | Maximum Firepower | Tactic | BaH! |
| | Pulse Disruptor | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |