Show First Edition Show Second Edition Show Tribbles Show AllOpening Credits |
| | Reshape the Quadrant | Incident | Emissary |
Season 1 |
| Emissary, Part I |
| | Mysterious Orb | Artifact | Deep Space 9 |
| | Orb of Prophecy and Change | Artifact | The Dominion |
| | Common Thief | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Destined Journey | Dilemma | Genesis |
| | Nonlinear Existence | Dilemma | Return to Grace |
| | Bajoran Wormhole | Doorway | Deep Space 9 |
| | Borg Cutting Beam | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Desperate Counter | Event | Zero Hour |
| | Establish Landing Protocols | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Spiritual Exploration | Event | Return to Grace |
| | Deep Space 9 | Facility | Deep Space 9 |
| | Nor | Facility | Deep Space 9 |
| | Terok Nor | Facility | Deep Space 9 |
| | Here by Invitation | Incident | Emissary |
| | I Miss This Office | Incident | Emissary |
| | Incoming Message - Bajoran | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Incoming Message - Cardassian | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Knowledge and Experience | Interrupt | Necessary Evil |
| | Orb Experience | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Reclamation | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Time to Reconsider | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Bajor, Gift of the Prophets | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Characterize Neutrino Emissions | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Denorios Belt, Locate Celestial Temple | Mission | Return to Grace |
| | Wolf 359, Last Stand | Mission | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Benjamin Sisko (Chain of Command) | Personnel | Chain of Command |
| | Benjamin Sisko, First Officer | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Derell | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Dukat | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Gant | Personnel | Symbiosis |
| | Julian Bashir, "Frontier" Physician | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Jural | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Jural | Personnel | Energize |
| | Kira Nerys, Outspoken Major | Personnel | Genesis |
| | Mond | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Opaka, Kai of Bajor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Prylar Mond | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Quark | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Humanitarian Envoy | Ship | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | U.S.S. Ganges, One of the First | Ship | To Boldly Go |
| | U.S.S. Rio Grande, Built to Last | Ship | To Boldly Go |
| | U.S.S. Yangtzee Kiang, Modified Transport | Ship | Captain's Log |
| | Docking Ports | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| | Docking Pylons | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| Emissary, Part II |
| | More of Your Kind | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Trauma | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | The First Stable Wormhole | Doorway | Emissary |
| | Reaction Control Thrusters | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Call for Reinforcements | Incident | Emissary |
| | New Arrivals | Incident | Emissary |
| | Jasad (Emissary) | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Jasad | Personnel | Genesis |
| | Jean-Luc Picard, Compassionate Advocate | Personnel | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Galor | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | Modern Galor | Ship | Call to Arms |
| | U.S.S. Danube | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | U.S.S. Rio Grande | Ship | The Dominion |
| | Docking Pads | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| | The Celestial Temple | Time Location | Emissary |
| Past Prologue |
| | Back Room Dealings | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Back Room Dealings | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Espionage: Cardassian on Klingon | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Ferocity | Event | Energize |
| | Political Leverage | Event | Energize |
| | Going to the Top | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | You Dirty Rat | Interrupt | The Dominion |
| | Acquire Illicit Explosives | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Cardassian Outskirts, Kressari Rendezvous | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Second Moon of Bajor VIII, Acquire Illicit Explosives | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Captain Lursa | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Danar (Emissary) | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Danar, Irascible Gul | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Graham Davis | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Julian Bashir, "Frontier" Physician | Personnel | Second Skin |
| | Kira Nerys, Impassioned Major | Personnel | Energize |
| | Plain, Simple Garak | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Rase Norvan | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Rase Norvan | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Sarish Rez, Ministerial Adjutant | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Tahna Los | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Tahna Los, Voice of the Kohn-Ma | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Aldara | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | Aldara | Ship | Energize |
| | Bajoran Scout Vessel | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | Bajoran Scout Vessel | Ship | Second Edition |
| | Cha'Joh | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | U.S.S. Yangtzee Kiang | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| A Man Alone |
| | Altonian Brain Teaser | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Angry Mob | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Assassin's Blade | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | DNA Clues | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Framed for Murder | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Garanian Bolites | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Hate Crime | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Flaw in the Plan | Interrupt | Extreme Measures |
| | Unnatural Causes | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Odo | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Rinnak Pire | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Rinnak Pire | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Zayra | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Zayra, Bigoted Witness | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| Babel |
| | Aphasia Device | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Quark's Isolinear Rods | Incident | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Jaheel | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Miles O'Brien (Emissary) | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Surmak Ren | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Surmak Ren, Resistance Doctor | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| Captive Pursuit |
| | Linguistic Legerdemain | Dilemma | Homefront II |
| | Unwanted Guests | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Dropping In | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Prisoner Escort | Interrupt | Blaze of Glory |
| | Drai, First Hunter | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Greitak | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Miss Sarda, Not a Legal Expert | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Sarda | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Tosk | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Tosk, The Hunted | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Security Holding Cell | Site | Blaze of Glory |
| Q-Less |
| | Attractive Antiquities | Dilemma | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Promethean Quartz | Dilemma | Ships of the Line |
| | Underlying Influence | Dilemma | Hard Time |
| | Engineering Tricorder | Equipment | Deep Space 9 |
| | Base Commerce | Event | Unity |
| | Catastrophic Quip | Event | Zero Hour |
| | Delicate Negotiations | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Oof! | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Beware of Q | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
| | Kolos | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Stol, Wealthy Cousin | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Vash (Life From Lifelessness) | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Fightin' Words | Q Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | I Tried to Warn You | Q Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Rhetorical Question | Q Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Risky Business | Q Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | 10 Tribbles - Discord | Tribble | Bad Brood Rising |
| Dax |
| | Klaestron Outpost | Facility | Deep Space 9 |
| | File Mission Report | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
| | Els Renora | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Els Renora, Sharp-Tongued Arbiter | Personnel | Second Chances |
| | Ilon Tandro | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Ilon Tandro, Special Envoy | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Orren Ran | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| The Passenger |
| | Dangerous Liaisons | Dilemma | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Skullduggery | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Too Many Chiefs | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Vantika's Neural Pathways | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Computer Crash | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Recruit Mercenaries | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Station Briefing | Incident | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Delegated Assignment | Interrupt | Strange New Worlds |
| | Preparation | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Establish Tractor Lock | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
| | Durg | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | George Primmin | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Ty Kajada | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Ty Kajada, Relentless Investigator | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Move Along Home |
| | A New Game | Dilemma | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Chula: Crossroads | Dilemma | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Chula: Echoes | Dilemma | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Chula: Echoes | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Chula: Move Along Home | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Chula: Pick One to Save Two | Dilemma | The Dominion |
| | Chula: Pick One to Save Two | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Chula: The Abyss | Dilemma | Blaze of Glory |
| | Chula: The Chandra | Dilemma | The Dominion |
| | Chula: The Chandra | Dilemma | What You Leave Behind |
| | Chula: The Dice | Dilemma | The Dominion |
| | Chula: The Dice | Dilemma | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Chula: The Door | Dilemma | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Chula: The Drink | Dilemma | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Chula: The Game | Dilemma | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Chula: The Game | Dilemma | Return to Grace |
| | Chula: The Lights | Dilemma | Blaze of Glory |
| | Chula: The Precipice | Dilemma | Legacy |
| | Chula: The Way Home | Dilemma | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Chula: Trickery | Dilemma | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Chula: Trickery | Dilemma | Return to Grace |
| | Chula: Unfortunate Roll | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Chula: Unfortunate Roll | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | 1st Rule of Acquisition | Event | Rules of Acquisition |
| | 62nd Rule of Acquisition | Event | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | It's Only a Game | Incident | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Host Tournament | Mission | Emissary |
| | Wadi Homeworld, Dominate Gaming Championship | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Falow | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Falow, Gamemaster | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | George Primmin, Starfleet Security | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| | Ilandra | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | 100 Tribbles - Copy | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Tally | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| The Nagus |
| | Ferengi Locator Bomb | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Ferengi Locator Bomb | Dilemma | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Rule of Acquisition #6 | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Treasured Collectibles | Event | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Vacuum-Desiccated Remains | Event | Balance of Terror |
| | Protection Racket | Incident | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Vacuum-Desiccated Remains | Interrupt | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Veiled Threat | Interrupt | Strange New Worlds |
| | Market Research | Mission | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Stakoron II, Mine Miszinite | Mission | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Stakoron Strait, Patrol Shipping Lane | Mission | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Ferengi Conference | Objective | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Gral | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Gral, Eager Opportunist | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Grand Nagus Zek | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Krax | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Krax, Arrogant Heir | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Maihar'du | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Nava | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Nava | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Quark, Opportunistic Envoy | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Zek, The Grand Nagus | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| Vortex |
| | Croden's Key | Artifact | The Dominion |
| | Vendetta | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Chamra Vortex, Investigate Rumors | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Investigate Rumors | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Rakhari Approach, Extradite Political Refugee | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Ah-Kel | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Ah-Kel and Ro-Kel | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Croden | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Croden, Dissembler | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Kallis Ven | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Ro-Kel | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Miradorn Raider | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | Miradorn Raider | Ship | Second Edition |
| | Rigelian Freighter | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Cheat | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Battle Lines |
| | Clan People | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | None Shall Pass | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | None Shall Pass | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Accepting the Past | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Pacify Warring Factions | Mission | Emissary |
| | Pacify Warring Factions | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Kai Opaka | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Opaka, Healer | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| The Storyteller |
| | Orb Fragment | Artifact | Deep Space 9 |
| | Dal'Rok | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | The Dal'Rok | Dilemma | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Obstacle to Opportunity | Event | These Are The Voyages |
| | Jake and Nog | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Ke Hovath, The Sirah | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Miles O'Brien, Ill-Equipped Storyteller | Personnel | The Nth Degree |
| | The Sirah, The Storyteller | Personnel | Energize |
| | Varis Sul | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Varis Sul, Tetrarch of the Paqu | Personnel | Energize |
| Progress |
| | Between Duty and Respect | Dilemma | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Between Duty and Respect | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Opportunity for Profit | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Profitable Venture | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Self-Sealing Stem Bolts | Equipment | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Self-Sealing Stem Bolts | Equipment | Raise the Stakes |
| | Rule of Acquisition #141 | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Jeraddo, Relocate Settlers | Mission | A Time to Stand |
| | Relocate Settlers | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Kira Nerys, Bit of a Fighter | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Minister Toran | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Mullibok, Gnarled and Battered Old Tree | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| If Wishes Were Horses |
| | Imagined Emergency | Dilemma | Captain's Log |
| | Rumplestiltskin | Dilemma | Straight and Steady |
| | If Wishes Were Horses | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Taylor Moore | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| The Forsaken |
| | "Pup" | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Important Guests | Dilemma | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Anara | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Anara | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Lojal | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Lojal, Investigative Ambassador | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Lwaxana Troi (20th Anniversary) | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Lwaxana Troi, Extraordinary Ambassador | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| Dramatis Personae |
| | Saltah'na Clock | Artifact | Deep Space 9 |
| | Dramatis Personae | Dilemma | The Maquis |
| | Dramatis Personae | Dilemma | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Colony Preparations | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Saltah'na, Colony Preparations | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Hon'Tihl | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | I.K.C. Toh'Kaht | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| Duet |
| | Aamin Marritza | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Aamin Marritza, Honorable Patriot | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Darhe'el | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Darhe'el, The Butcher of Gallitep | Personnel | Second Edition |
| In the Hands of the Prophets |
| | Misguided Activist | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Misguided Activist | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Xenophobic Outburst | Dilemma | Shattered Mirror |
| | Promenade School | Event | Extreme Measures |
| | Bajoran Outpost | Facility | Deep Space 9 |
| | Wormhole Navigation Schematic | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Keiko O'Brien, School Teacher | Personnel | Energize |
| | Mrs. O'Brien | Personnel | Shades of Gray |
| | Neela | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Neela, Misguided Activist | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Winn Adami, Devious Manipulator | Personnel | Energize |
| | Bajoran Freighter | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | Bajoran Shrine | Site | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Ops | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| | Schoolroom | Site | Shades of Gray |
Season 2 |
| The Homecoming (Part 1) |
| | The Earring of Li Nalas | Artifact | The Dominion |
| | Earring of Li Nalas | Equipment | Extreme Measures |
| | Bajor for Bajorans | Event | Emissary |
| | Prison Compound | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | Prison Compound | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Rescue Captives | Event | Second Edition |
| | Cardassia IV, Hold Secret Prisoners | Mission | Return to Grace |
| | Rescue Prisoners | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Forced-Labor Camp | Objective | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Borum | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Borum, Selfless Hero | Personnel | Energize |
| | Dakol | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Dakol, Lecherous Overseer | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Jaro Essa, Leader of the Circle | Personnel | Energize |
| | Kira Nerys, Liberator | Personnel | Peak Performance |
| | Rionoj | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| The Circle (Part 2) |
| | Kidnappers | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Esteemed Vedek | Event | Metamorphosis |
| | HQ: War Room | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Political Putsch | Event | Captain's Log |
| | The Circle | Event | These Are The Voyages |
| | Alliance for Global Unity | Incident | Emissary |
| | The Prophets' Guidance | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Kressari Rendezvous | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Bareil Antos, Esteemed Vedek | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Deputy Quark | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Jaro Essa | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Li Nalas, Legend of Bajor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Murjo | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Winn Adami, Religious Opportunist | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Zef'No | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Zef'No, Professional Courier | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Calondon | Ship | All Good Things |
| | Calondon, Gunrunner | Ship | Hard Time |
| The Siege (Part 3) |
| | Fly by the Seat of your Pants | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Optical Delusion | Dilemma | Unity |
| | Palukoo | Dilemma | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Slightly Overbooked | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| | Vastly Outnumbered | Dilemma | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Vastly Outnumbered | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Airlock | Doorway | Deep Space 9 |
| | Bajoran Civil War | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Cutting the Strings | Event | Return to Grace |
| | Rash Aggression | Event | Energize |
| | Under Siege | Event | Allegiance |
| | Vedek Assembly | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Chamber of Ministers | Facility | Deep Space 9 |
| | Hidden Fighter | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Hidden Resource | Interrupt | Peak Performance |
| | Natural Instincts | Interrupt | Necessary Evil |
| | Smoke Bomb | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | The Walls Have Ears | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Deliver Evidence | Mission | Dangerous Missions |
| | Altman | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Anneli | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Anneli | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Bareil Antos, Escort | Personnel | Dangerous Missions |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Vastly Outnumbered | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Beyor | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Colonel Day | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Day Kannu, Field Colonel | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | General Krim | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Heyath Yar | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Jadzia Dax, Elder | Personnel | Dangerous Missions |
| | Julian Bashir, Vastly Outnumbered | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Kira Nerys, Hero of Bajor | Personnel | Dangerous Missions |
| | Krim, Thoughtful Tactician | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Li Nalas | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Li Nalas, Vastly Outnumbered | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Miles O'Brien, Vastly Outnumbered | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Mills | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Odo, Vastly Outnumbered | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Paulson | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Paulson | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Quark, Vastly Outnumbered | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Vedek Dax | Personnel | Second Anthology |
| | Vedek Kira | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Assault Vessel | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | Assault Vessel | Ship | Second Edition |
| | Bajoran Raider | Ship | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Talnot | Ship | Necessary Evil |
| | Bajoran Phaser Banks | Tactic | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 10 Tribbles - Draw | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Invasive Procedures |
| | Skeleton Crew | Dilemma | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Skeleton Crew | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Untrustworthy Associate | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Study Plasma Storm | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | T'Kar | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Verad, Rejected Candidate | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Yeto | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| Cardassians |
| | Alter Records | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Deela, Weary Caretaker | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Elim Garak, Plain, Simple Tailor | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Kotan Pa'Dar, Prominent Politician | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| | Kotran Pa'Dar | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| Melora |
| | Gagh Tek Or | Event | Shore Leave |
| | Rule of Acquisition #16 | Event | Captain's Log |
| | Chef Kaga | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Julian Bashir (Emissary) | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Kaga, Melodious Epicure | Personnel | Shore Leave |
| | Melora Pazlar | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Melora Pazlar, Independent Personality | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | 1 Tribble - Draw | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| Rules of Acquisition |
| | Secret Identity | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Secret Identity | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Rule of Acquisition #22 | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | The Stars Are Made of Latinum | Event | Symbiosis |
| | Tulaberry Wine | Event | Unity |
| | Dosi Trading Post | Facility | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Where Opportunities Are Made | Incident | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Rule of Acquisition #239 | Interrupt | Lineage |
| | Expand Business Opportunities | Mission | What You Leave Behind |
| | Further Tulaberry Talks | Mission | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Tulaberry Wine Negotiations | Mission | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Inglatu | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Inglatu, Tulaberry Merchant | Personnel | Unity |
| | Pel | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Pel, Profit-Seeker | Personnel | Legacy |
| | Pimoo | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Pimoo | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Prosar | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Prosar | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Zyree | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Zyree | Personnel | Unity |
| | Aurulent, On a Treasure Hunt | Ship | Second Chances |
| | 10 Tribbles - Convert | Tribble | Star Trek 50 |
| Necessary Evil |
| | Assassin's Blade | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Lockbox | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Secret Compartment | Doorway | Deep Space 9 |
| | A Better Alternative | Event | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Cardassian Protectorate | Event | Fractured Time |
| | Investigator Odo | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Odo, Impartial Investigator | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Pallra | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Trazko | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Trazko, Hired Muscle | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Vaatrik Pallra, Seductive Manipulator | Personnel | The Undiscovered Country |
| Second Sight |
| | Perilous Proposal | Interrupt | A Time to Stand |
| | Reignite Dead Star | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Gideon Seyetik | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Gideon Seyetik, Great Terraformer | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Sanctuary |
| | Refuse Immigration | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | General Hazar | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Hazar | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Minister Rozahn | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Sorad | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Vedek Sorad | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| Rivals |
| | Alien Gambling Device | Artifact | Deep Space 9 |
| | Alien Gambling Device | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | Fair Play | Event | The Dominion |
| | Martus Mazur | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Martus Mazur, Listener | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | ... At Club Martus | Tribble | Star Trek 50 |
| | 100 Tribbles - Rival | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| The Alternate |
| | Berserk Changeling | Dilemma | The Dominion |
| | Berserk Changeling | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Odo's "Cousin" | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Seismic Quake | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Changeling Research | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Changeling Research II | Mission | Life From Lifelessness |
| | L-S VI, Changeling Research | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Mora Pol | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Mora Pol, Pioneering Scientist | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Odo | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Weld Ram | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Weld Ram | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Armageddon Game |
| | Difficult Disposal | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Harvester Virus | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Nanobiogenic Fugitives | Dilemma | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | No Loose Ends | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Nano-Biogenic Disarmament | Incident | Emissary |
| | Eliminate Virus | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | T'Lani III, Eliminate Harvesters | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Bhaduri | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Dr. Nydom | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | E'Tyshra | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | E'Tyshra | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Jakin | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Jakin | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Javed | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Nydrom | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Sharat | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Sharat | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | T'Lani Cruiser | Ship | Emissary |
| | T'Lani Munitions Ship | Ship | Second Edition |
| | U.S.S. Ganges | Ship | Emissary |
| Whispers |
| | Paradan Replicant | Dilemma | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Rule of Acquisition #194 | Event | Lineage |
| | Magnetic North | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Parada II, Expose Security Threat | Mission | Return to Grace |
| | Coutu | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| Paradise |
| | Duonetic Field Generator | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Punishment Box | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Punishment Box | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| Shadowplay |
| | Shadowplay | Dilemma | Lineage |
| | Holo-Projectors | Event | Homefront VI |
| | Holographic Settlement | Incident | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Investigate Omicron Particles | Mission | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Colyus | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Merruk | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Rurigan | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Taya | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Vedek Assembly Transport | Ship | Dangerous Missions |
| Playing God |
| | "Subspace Seaweed" | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Precision Piloting | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Vole Infestation | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Distant Exploration | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Tongo: Confront | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Gagh Tek Or? | Incident | Emissary |
| | Docking Procedures | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Protouniverse | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Arjin | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Jadzia Dax (Emissary) | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Jadzia Dax, Science Officer | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Klingon Restaurant | Site | Emissary |
| | Science Lab | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| Profit and Loss |
| | Cardassian Disruptor | Equipment | Deep Space 9 |
| | Ferengi PADD | Equipment | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Small Cloaking Device | Equipment | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Benjamin Sisko (Emissary) | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Hogue | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Hogue, Student of Political Ethics | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Natima Lang | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Natima Lang, Professor of Political Ethics | Personnel | Energize |
| | Quark (Emissary) | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Quark, In Love | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Rekelen | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Rekelen | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Toran | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Toran, Ambitious Brute | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Cardassian Shuttle | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | Cargo Bay | Site | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Garak's Tailor Shop | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| Blood Oath |
| | The Charismatic Mister Kor | Dilemma | This Side of Paradise |
| | Bat'leth | Equipment | Blaze of Glory |
| | Blood Oath | Incident | Blaze of Glory |
| | A Good Day To Live | Mission | Blaze of Glory |
| | Jadzia Dax (Blaze of Glory) | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Jadzia Dax, Sworn Ally | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Kang | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Kang, Honored Warrior | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Koloth | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Koloth, D'akturak | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Kor, Dahar Master | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | The Albino | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | The Albino, Killer of Children | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | I.K.C. Lukara | Ship | Blaze of Glory |
| | I.K.S. Lukara | Ship | Virtual Promos |
| | I.K.S. Lukara | Ship | Second Edition |
| | 100 Tribbles - Battle | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| The Maquis, Part I |
| | Arms Deal | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Protestations of Innocence | Dilemma | The Maquis |
| | Conscription | Event | Energize |
| | Defend Our People | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Organized Terrorist Activities | Event | The Maquis |
| | Organized Terrorist Activities | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Retaliation | Event | Energize |
| | Rule of Acquisition #144 | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | You Could Be Invaluable | Interrupt | Call to Arms |
| | Aramis VI, Search and Rescue | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Investigate Maquis Activity | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Investigate Maquis Activity | Mission | Energize |
| | Search and Rescue | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Sector 04-70, Divert Attention | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Soltok IV, Transport "Medical Supplies" | Mission | Zero Hour |
| | Amaros | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Amaros, Freedom Fighter | Personnel | Peak Performance |
| | Bill Samuels | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Cal Hudson | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Cal Hudson, Nostalgic Rebel | Personnel | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Davidson | Personnel | A Time to Stand |
| | Evek (Homefront II) | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Evek, Attaché to the Demilitarized Zone | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Harana | Personnel | Energize |
| | Kobb | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Kobb | Personnel | Energize |
| | Niles | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Niles | Personnel | Energize |
| | Quark (The Maquis) | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Quark, Middleman | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| | Ralami | Personnel | Zero Hour |
| | Sakonna | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Sakonna, Gunrunner | Personnel | Energize |
| | Shankar, Maquis Soldier | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | William Patrick Samuels, Well-Placed Agent | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Bok'Nor | Ship | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| The Maquis, Part II |
| | Scapegoat | Dilemma | The Maquis |
| | The Secret War | Dilemma | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Holding Cell | Event | Peak Performance |
| | Not So Demilitarized | Incident | The Maquis |
| | You Could Be Invaluable | Incident | The Maquis |
| | Stricken Dumb | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Break Prisoner | Mission | The Maquis |
| | Bryma System, Intercept Maquis | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Intercept Maquis | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | For the Cause | Objective | The Maquis |
| | Admiral Nechayev | Personnel | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | Alynna Nechayev, Adamant Admiral | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Amaros, Earnest Vanguard | Personnel | Energize |
| | Berman | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Cal Hudson, Attaché to the Demilitarized Zone | Personnel | Energize |
| | Dukat (Emissary) | Personnel | Emissary |
| | M'vil | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | M'vil | Personnel | Energize |
| | Parn | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Parn | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Reide | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Reide | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Sakonna, Puzzled Interrogator | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Sark | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Sark | Personnel | Energize |
| | Shankar | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | U.S.S. Mekong | Ship | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Xepolite Freighter | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| The Wire |
| | Blended | Dilemma | Homefront |
| | Boheeka | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Boheeka, Clandestine Connection | Personnel | Energize |
| | Elim Garak | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Enabran Tain (The Gamma Quadrant) | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Enabran Tain, Retired Mastermind | Personnel | Energize |
| | Jabara | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Rax'Na | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Rax'Na | Personnel | Hard Time |
| Crossover |
| | Eye to Eye | Dilemma | Crossover |
| | Eye to Eye | Dilemma | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Rules of Obedience | Dilemma | Crossover |
| | Rules of Obedience | Dilemma | Inheritance |
| | Bajoran Wormhole: Mirror Universe | Doorway | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Racial Disdain | Event | Shattered Mirror |
| | The Best of a Bad Life | Event | Crossover |
| | Alliance Nor | Facility | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Mirror Terok Nor | Facility | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Mirror Terok Nor | Facility | Crossover: Supplemental |
| | Mirror Terok Nor | Facility | Crossover: Supplemental |
| | Emblem of the Alliance | Incident | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Tinkerer | Incident | Crossover |
| | Investigate Intrusion | Mission | Crossover |
| | Historic Coming Together | Objective | Crossover |
| | Process Ore | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
| | Study Divergent History | Objective | Crossover |
| | 0413-Theta | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | 0413-Theta | Personnel | Shattered Mirror |
| | Ahanu | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Aramax | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Outlaw | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | Dorza | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Elim Garak, First Officer of Terok Nor | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | Guron | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Javek Len | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Julian Bashir (Through the Looking Glass) | Personnel | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Kira Nerys (Through the Looking Glass) | Personnel | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Kira Nerys, The Intendant | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | Loreva | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Marauder (Crossover) | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Mr. Quark | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Mr. Sisko (Crossover) | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Mr. Sisko | Personnel | Crossover: Supplemental |
| | Nu'Tal | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Odo, Efficient Overseer | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Overseer Odo | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Quark, Simple Barkeep | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Romara Cal | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Security Chief Garak | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Selot | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Smiley (Crossover) | Personnel | Crossover |
| | T'Vor | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Telok | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Telok, Bodyguard | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | The Intendant | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Vartoq | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Alliance Vor'Cha | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Alliance Vor'cha | Ship | Shattered Mirror |
| | Orb Transport Vessel | Ship | Return to Grace |
| | Ya'Vang | Ship | Crossover |
| | Ops: Mirror Universe | Site | Mirror, Mirror |
| | The Intendant's Quarters | Site | Crossover |
| | 1 Tribble - Mirror | Tribble | A Tribble of a Different Color |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Process | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| The Collaborator |
| | Orb of Prophecy and Change | Equipment | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Destined To Be | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Vision of Violence | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Bareil Antos | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Bareil Antos, Opaka's Protector | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Kira Nerys, Fifth Columnist | Personnel | Apocalypse Rising |
| | Opaka, Collaborator | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Vedek Winn | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| Tribunal |
| | Cardassian Processing | Dilemma | Homefront II |
| | Cardassian Processing | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Extradition | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Awaiting Trial | Event | Metamorphosis |
| | Awaiting Trial | Event | Second Edition |
| | Espionage: Cardassian on Federation | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Process Identification | Event | Second Edition |
| | Swift Justice | Event | Return to Grace |
| | Alliance Outpost | Facility | Crossover |
| | Cardassian Outpost | Facility | Deep Space 9 |
| | Articles of Jurisprudence | Incident | Emissary |
| | Arrest Order | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Gunrunning | Mission | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Boone Impersonator | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Evek, Agent of Cardassian Justice | Personnel | Legacy |
| | Kovat | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Kovat, Public Conservator | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Makbar | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Makbar, Chief Archon | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Nidet | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Raymond Boone | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Tadim | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Patrol Ship | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| The Jem'Hadar |
| | Isolinear Puzzle | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Dominion PADD | Equipment | The Dominion |
| | Jem'Hadar Disruptor | Equipment | The Dominion |
| | Espionage - Dominion on Federation | Event | The Dominion |
| | Field Report | Event | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Ultimatum | Incident | Blaze of Glory |
| | Attack Pattern Delta | Interrupt | Blaze of Glory |
| | Invasive Transporters | Interrupt | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Camping Trip | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Camping Trip | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Space Near New Bajor, Demonstrate Aggressive Intent | Mission | Raise the Stakes |
| | Declan Keogh, Veteran Captain | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Eris | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Eris, Harbinger of the Dominion | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Jace Michaels | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Keogh | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Talak'talan | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Kaza'kime, Effective Demonstration | Ship | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | U.S.S. Odyssey | Ship | The Dominion |
| | U.S.S. Odyssey, Gamma Quadrant Vanguard | Ship | 20th Anniversary Collection |
Season 3 |
| The Search, Part I |
| | Navigational Hazards | Dilemma | The Dominion |
| | Call of the Nagus | Event | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Invasive Beam-In | Event | The Dominion |
| | New Frontiers | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | Stealth Mission | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | The Great Link | Facility | The Dominion |
| | Dominion Hierarchy | Incident | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Rule of Acquisition #33 | Interrupt | What You Leave Behind |
| | Shape-Shift | Interrupt | The Dominion |
| | Sucking Up to the Boss | Interrupt | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Access Relay Station | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Callinon VII, Access Relay Station | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Peaceful Contact | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Reopen Trade Discussions | Mission | Emissary |
| | Explore Gamma Quadrant | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
| | Impersonate Captive | Objective | Blaze of Glory |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Grand Proxy | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Borath, Subconscious Projection | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | Changeling Infiltrator | Personnel | Legacy |
| | Founder | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Founder Architect | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Michael Eddington, Here to Make Friends | Personnel | Second Chances |
| | Ornithar | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Ornithar, First Minister | Personnel | Unity |
| | Quark (The Gamma Quadrant) | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | T'Rul | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | T'Rul, Curt Subcommander | Personnel | Energize |
| | Serrola | Ship | Second Edition |
| | U.S.S. Defiant, Repurposed Warship | Ship | Reflections 2.0 |
| | U.S.S. Defiant, Prototype Warship | Ship | Promo Cards |
| | Attack Wing | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| | Phased Polaron Beam | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| | Target Weapons | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| The Search, Part II |
| | Excluded | Dilemma | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Founder Secret | Dilemma | The Dominion |
| | Friction | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | Friction | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Vorta Experiment Tables | Event | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Dominion Outpost | Facility | Homefront VI |
| | The Great Link | Facility | Reflections |
| | Dominion Hierarchy | Interrupt | These Are The Voyages |
| | Impose Order | Mission | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Borath | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Borath, Psychological Researcher | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Founder Architect | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Founder Architect | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Founder Councilor | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Garak | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Retana'var | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Science Advisor Borath | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Shah'Razad | Personnel | The Neutral Zone |
| | T'Rul, Guarded Attaché | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Talak'talan, Keen Third | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| The House of Quark |
| | A Bad Case of par'Mach | Dilemma | Qpid |
| | Klingon Law | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | The Great Hall | Facility | The Dominion |
| | D'Ghor | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | D'Ghor, Plotting Like a Ferengi | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| | Quark Son of Keldar | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Stampede | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| Equilibrium |
| | Symbiont Diagnosis | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Dr. Renhol | Personnel | Equilibrium |
| Second Skin |
| | Border Checkpoint | Event | Ships of the Line |
| | Vast Resources | Event | Energize |
| | HQ: Defensive Measures | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
| | Alenis Grem, Occupation Historian | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Ari | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Ari | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Benil | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Corbin Entek, Undercover Operations Supervisor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Entek | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Kira Nerys, Iliana Ghemor | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Tekeny Ghemor, Prominent Official | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Yteppa, Obsidian Order Asset | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| The Abandoned |
| | Jem'Hadar Birthing Chamber | Equipment | The Dominion |
| | Ketracel-White | Equipment | Virtual Promos |
| | Jem'Hadar Birthing Chamber | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Kar-telos Asteroid Belt, Salvage Wreckage | Mission | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Salvage Wrecked Ship | Mission | Emissary |
| | Dikut'ukan | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Mardah | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Mardah, Quite a Writer | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Nalan Bal | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Rano Dake | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Young Jem'Hadar | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Dabo | Tribble | Star Trek 50 |
| Civil Defense |
| | Counterinsurgency Program | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Automated Security System | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Reactor Overload | Incident | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Baseball | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Purchase Moon | Mission | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Purchase Moon | Mission | What You Leave Behind |
| | Danig Kell | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Jake Sisko (Emissary) | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Jake Sisko, Engineer's Apprentice | Personnel | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Ore Processing Unit | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| | ... In the Ore Processing Unit | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| Meridian |
| | Brief Romance | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | I've Been Waiting for You | Interrupt | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Meridian, Without Form | Mission | Raise the Stakes |
| | Trialus, Stabilize Cascade Reaction | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| Defiant |
| | Dead Ringer | Dilemma | Lower Decks |
| | Sabotaged Plasma Conduit | Dilemma | The Maquis |
| | "Observer" from the Obsidian Order | Event | Second Edition |
| | Make a Run for It | Event | Captain's Log |
| | Organized Terrorist Activities | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Central Command | Facility | Deep Space 9 |
| | Operational Necessity | Interrupt | Necessary Evil |
| | Sensor Sweep | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | The Central Command | Interrupt | Allegiance |
| | Expose Secret Buildup | Mission | The Maquis |
| | Intercept Renegade | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Orias Security Cordon, Intercept Renegade | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Repair Sabotage | Mission | Showdown: Four Lights |
| | Borad | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Kalita | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Kalita, Maquis Pilot | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Korinas | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Korinas, Observer from the Obsidian Order | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Tamal | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Tamal, Technician | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Thomas Riker (The Maquis) | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Thomas Riker, Defiant Leader | Personnel | Energize |
| | Turo | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Galor | Ship | Second Edition |
| | Keldon | Ship | Blaze of Glory |
| | Keldon | Ship | Second Edition |
| | Keldon Advanced | Ship | The Dominion |
| | Keldon Advanced | Ship | Second Edition |
| | Kraxon | Ship | Blaze of Glory |
| | Kraxon, Watchful Warship | Ship | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Stolen Defiant | Ship | The Maquis |
| | U.S.S. Defiant, Stolen Warship | Ship | Call to Arms |
| | Pulse Phaser Cannons | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| Fascination |
| | Bajoran Gratitude Festival | Event | Second Edition |
| | Bustling with Activity | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Peldor Joi | Event | Energize |
| | Renewal Scroll | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| Past Tense, Part I |
| | Tampering With Time | Event | Fractured Time |
| | Earth, Home of Starfleet Command | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Espionage Mission | Mission | Homefront |
| | Mobile Micro-Singularity, Analyse Polarized Chronitons | Mission | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Gabriel Bell, American Hero | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Jadzia Dax (Sanctuary) | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Julian Bashir (Sanctuary) | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Julian Bashir, Displaced Doctor | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | O'Brien and Kira | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Party | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Hate | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100 Tribbles - Organize | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Past Tense, Part II |
| | 35th Rule of Acquisition | Event | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Alternate 2371 Earth Orbit, Redress Timeline Contamination | Mission | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Preserving History | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Gabriel Bell | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| Life Support |
| | Life Support | Event | Energize |
| | Extraordinary Methods | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Lasting Peace | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Orb Negotiations | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Assign Support Personnel | Objective | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Jabara | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Turrel | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Infirmary | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| Heart of Stone |
| | Encased in Crystal | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Rule of Acquisition #18 | Event | These Are The Voyages |
| | Bribery | Incident | Homefront II |
| | Kira Founder | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Kira Founder, Curious | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| Destiny |
| | Quarrel | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | The Three Vipers | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | The Three Vipers | Dilemma | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Establish Interquadrant Communications | Mission | Emissary |
| | Protect Wormhole | Mission | Raise the Stakes |
| | Operate Wormhole Relays | Objective | The Dominion |
| | Dejar | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Dejar, Cunning Saboteur | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Gilora Rejal | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Gilora Rejal, Subspace Researcher | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Kira Nerys, Pious Major | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Ulani Belor | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Ulani Belor, Senior Cardassian Scientist | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Yarka | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Yarka, Harbinger of the Prophets | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Type 18 Shuttlepod | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| Prophet Motive |
| | Orb of Wisdom | Artifact | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Scepter of the Grand Nagus | Equipment | Rules of Acquisition |
| | 75th Rule of Acquisition | Event | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Zek, Devolved Benefactor | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Aurulent | Ship | Strange New Worlds |
| Visionary |
| | Worn-Out Welcome | Dilemma | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Espionage: Romulan on Cardassian | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Temporal Shifting | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | Visionary | Event | Energize |
| | Atul | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Bo'rak | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Bo'rak, Klingon Intelligence Agent | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Karina (Homefront II) | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Karina, Intelligence Analyst | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Morka | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Morka, Klingon Intelligence Agent | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Ruwon (Homefront II) | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Ruwon, Intelligence Analyst | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Sorus | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Sorus | Personnel | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Kilhra, Hidden Threat | Ship | Peak Performance |
| Distant Voices |
| | Accelerated Aging | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Lethean Telepathic Attack | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Altovar (Emissary) | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Altovar, Vindictive Criminal | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Through the Looking Glass |
| | Dead End | Dilemma | Homefront |
| | Psychotic Impulse | Event | Shattered Mirror |
| | Rebellious Servants | Event | Crossover |
| | Transporter Buffer | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Terran Outpost | Facility | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Terran Rebellion HQ | Facility | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Center of Authority | Incident | Crossover |
| | Crossover | Incident | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Plenty of Captains | Incident | Crossover |
| | Supplant Opposite | Incident | Through the Looking Glass |
| | You Can't Kill the Captain | Incident | Crossover |
| | Disrupt Alliance | Mission | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Search for Rebels | Mission | Mirror, Mirror |
| | A Safe Place to Hide | Objective | Crossover |
| | Emotional Blackmail | Objective | Crossover |
| | Al Vermont | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Bor Kaffe | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Captain Bashir | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Carri | Personnel | The Terran Empire |
| | Errol | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Errol | Personnel | Shattered Mirror |
| | Jalota Mar | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Julian Bashir, Rebel Captain | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Mardel, Overseer | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | McKay | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Merdan | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Mr. Rom | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Mr. Tuvok (Shades of Gray) | Personnel | Shades of Gray |
| | Overseer Mardel | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Professor Sisko | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Rom, Professional Soldier | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Smiley | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Taymar Bern | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Trepar | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Tuvok, Coldly Logical Soldier | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | V'mor | Personnel | Crossover |
| | V'mor | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Alliance Interceptor | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Mr. Sisko's Interceptor | Ship | Crossover |
| | Rebel Interceptor | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| Improbable Cause (Part 1) |
| | Flaxian Assassin | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Unlikely Pair | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Romulan Disruptor Rifle | Equipment | Blaze of Glory |
| | Brief Reunion | Event | Energize |
| | Espionage: Bajoran on Cardassian | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Far-Seeing Eyes | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Quite a Coincidence | Event | Metamorphosis |
| | Quite a Coincidence | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Mopak | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Mopak | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Odo, Constable | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Retaya | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Retaya, Urbane Poisoner | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Vakis | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Vakis, Misinformed Operative | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Flaxian Scout Vessel | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | Flaxian Scout Vessel | Ship | Second Edition |
| The Die is Cast (Part 2) |
| | Underestimating the Founders | Dilemma | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Covert Collusion | Event | Symbiosis |
| | Defiant Dedication Plaque | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Espionage: Romulan on Bajoran | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Mutual Distrust | Event | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Shape-Shift Inhibitor | Event | All Good Things |
| | Tactical Planning | Event | Second Edition |
| | The Die Is Cast | Event | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Joint Operation | Incident | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Founder Trap | Interrupt | Call to Arms |
| | Inside Operation | Interrupt | Blaze of Glory |
| | Torture | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Founders' Homeworld, Home of the Great Link | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Intelligence Operation | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Stage Bombardment | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Combined Strike | Objective | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Orbital Bombardment | Objective | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Elim | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Elim Garak, Agent of the Obsidian Order | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Enabran Tain | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Enabran Tain, "Retired" Spymaster | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Lovok | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Lovok, Tal Shiar Colonel | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Lovok Founder | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Lovok Founder, Effective Changeling | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Michael Eddington | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Russell Toddman, Security Conscious | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Selan | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Selveth | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Selveth, Tal Shiar Pilot | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Turo | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | D'deridex Advanced | Ship | The Dominion |
| | D'deridex Advanced | Ship | Second Edition |
| | Serrola | Ship | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Serrola, Tip of the Spear | Ship | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Spiral-Wave Disruptor | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| Explorers |
| | Socializing with the Staff | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Medical PADD | Equipment | Deep Space 9 |
| | Distant Exploration | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Shipwright | Event | Emissary |
| | Verify Legendary Journey | Mission | Emissary |
| | Ben Sisko | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Shipwright | Personnel | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | Elizabeth Lense | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Elizabeth Lense, Valedictorian | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Baraka | Ship | Emissary |
| | Baraka | Ship | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| Family Business |
| | Financial Pitfall | Dilemma | Strange New Worlds |
| | Ferengi Computer | Equipment | Strange New Worlds |
| | 6th Rule Of Acquisition | Event | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Ferengi Financial Data Net | Event | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Ferengi Outpost | Facility | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Bribery | Incident | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Surprise Audit | Interrupt | Extreme Measures |
| | Ferenginar, Financial Hub | Mission | Strange New Worlds |
| | Brunt, FCA Liquidator | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Ishka | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Ishka, Moogie | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Kasidy Yates (The Maquis) | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Kasidy Yates, Conflicted Captain | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Skron | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Confront | Tribble | Star Trek 50 |
| Shakaar |
| | Recurring Injury | Dilemma | The Maquis |
| | Recurring Injury | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Bajoran Resistance Cell | Event | Extreme Measures |
| | Deep Roots | Event | Energize |
| | Duranja | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Duranja | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Just Like Old Times | Event | Second Edition |
| | Militia Patrol | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Recruitment Tactics | Event | Extreme Measures |
| | Sniper | Incident | Blaze of Glory |
| | Natural Instincts | Interrupt | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Off-World Raid | Mission | Extreme Measures |
| | Furel | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Furel, Resistance Fighter | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Kira Nerys | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Kulan, Militia Soldier | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Lenaris Holem | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Lenaris Holem, Bold Veteran | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Lupaza | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Lupaza, Resistance Fighter | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Shakaar Edon | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Shakaar Edon, Resistance Leader | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Treyam, Militia Soldier | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Winn Adami | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Winn Adami, Kai of Bajor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Facets |
| | Inferiority | Dilemma | What You Leave Behind |
| | Endangered | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Curzon Odo | Personnel | Equilibrium |
| | Curzon Odo | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Joran | Personnel | Equilibrium |
| | Kira Nerys, Lela | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Lela | Personnel | Equilibrium |
| | Odo, Curzon Odo | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Torias | Personnel | Equilibrium |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Loyalty | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| The Adversary |
| | Misdirection | Dilemma | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Anything or Anyone | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Blood Screening | Event | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Changeling Sabotage | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Misdirection | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Raktajino | Event | Emissary |
| | Seeing Double | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Set Up | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Under Suspicion | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Pseudopod | Interrupt | Call to Arms |
| | We're Everywhere | Interrupt | Call to Arms |
| | Investigate Coup | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Tzenketh, Investigate Coup | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Assume Identity | Objective | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Install Autonomic Systems Parasite | Objective | The Dominion |
| | Issue Secret Orders | Objective | The Dominion |
| | Ambassador Krajensky | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Founder Instigator, Unmasked | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Krajensky Founder | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Krajensky Founder, Adversary | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Odo Founder | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Odo Founder, Adept Imposter | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Double | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
Season 4 |
| The Way of the Warrior, Part I |
| | Console Overload | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Unscheduled "Assistance" | Dilemma | The Maquis |
| | Bajoran Phaser Pistol | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | Mek'leth | Equipment | Blaze of Glory |
| | Defense System Upgrade | Event | Blaze of Glory |
| | Enemy in Your Midst | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Security Drills | Event | The Terran Empire |
| | Security Drills | Event | Fractured Time |
| | We Need You Here | Incident | Warp Pack: Emissary |
| | No Harm Done | Interrupt | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Defiant Captain | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Bregath | Personnel | Energize |
| | Chancellor Gowron | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Drex, Arrogant Warrior | Personnel | Energize |
| | Dukat, Military Advisor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Jadzia Dax, Conversant Veteran | Personnel | Dead Stop |
| | Kroval | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Martok Founder, False Flag Officer | Personnel | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Megar | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | I.K.S. Negh'Var | Ship | Blaze of Glory |
| | I.K.S. Negh'Var, Imperial Flagship | Ship | Face of the Enemy |
| | Prakesh | Ship | Second Edition |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Cycle | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| The Way of the Warrior, Part II |
| | Strategic Superiority | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Truculent Statecraft | Dilemma | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Cardassian Phaser Pistol | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | A Chance for Glory | Event | Second Edition |
| | All-Out War | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Defensive Upgrades | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Quark's Advice | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | We Will Not Surrender | Event | Energize |
| | Contain Boarding Parties | Incident | Warp Pack: Emissary |
| | The Enemy of My Enemy | Interrupt | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Crensen Gap, Protect the Escapees | Mission | Strange New Worlds |
| | Protect The Escapees | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Jorem | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Kahmis | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Khos | Personnel | Energize |
| | Miles O'Brien, Repair Chief | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Perak | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Vorax | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Worf (20th Anniversary) | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | I.K.S. Negh'Var, Infiltrated Flagship | Ship | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Prakesh | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| The Visitor |
| | Subspace Accident | Dilemma | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Subspace Accident | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Captain Nog | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Jake Sisko, Temporal Anchor | Personnel | Energize |
| | Julian Bashir, Nostalgic Doctor | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Nog, Defiant Captain | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| Hippocratic Oath |
| | Saltah'na Clock | Artifact | Virtual Promos |
| | Close Call | Dilemma | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Close Call | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Hippocratic Oath | Dilemma | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Hippocratic Oath | Dilemma | Inheritance |
| | Bound by Addiction | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Worth the Price | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | White Deprivation | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | In the Bag | Interrupt | The Dominion |
| | Jem'Hadar Sacrifice | Interrupt | The Dominion |
| | Shady Resources | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Aid Fugitives | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Arak'Taral | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Arak'Taral, Suspicious Second | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| | Goran'Agar | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Goran'Agar, Trusted Commander | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Koret'alak | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Meso'Clan | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Meso'Clan, Self-Sacrificing Fourth | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Regana Tosh | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Temo'Zuma | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | 1 Tribble - Replay | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Indiscretion |
| | Burial Ground | Interrupt | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Escape | Interrupt | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Dozaria, Search for Survivors | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Search for Survivors | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Sector 04-70, Verify Evidence | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Verify Evidence | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Process Ore: Mining | Objective | Crossover |
| | Dath | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Dukat | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Heler | Personnel | Zero Hour |
| | Kasidy Yates | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Kasidy Yates, Freighter Captain | Personnel | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Kira Nerys, Rescuer | Personnel | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Razka Karn | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Razka Karn, Scavenger | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| Rejoined |
| | Graviton Wave | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Old Feelings | Interrupt | This Side of Paradise |
| | Bejal Otner, Wormhole Theorist | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Lenara Kahn | Personnel | Equilibrium |
| | Lenara Kahn, Wormhole Theorist | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| Starship Down |
| | Isolated Detachment | Dilemma | Symbiosis |
| | Precarious Position | Dilemma | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Medical Teams | Event | Fractured Time |
| | New Frontiers | Event | Emissary |
| | Scanner Interference | Incident | Blaze of Glory |
| | Expand Karemman Operations | Mission | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Resolve Trade Dispute | Mission | Unity |
| | Hanok | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Hanok, Trade Minister | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Sarita Carson | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Karemma Freighter | Ship | Unity |
| | Karemman Vessel | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| | 100 Tribbles - Exchange | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Little Green Men |
| | Temporal Vortex | Doorway | Virtual Promos |
| | Rule of Acquisition #75 | Event | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Nog, Little Green Man | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Quark, Little Green Man | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Rom, Little Green Man | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Quark's Treasure | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Quark's Treasure, Sabotaged Shuttle | Ship | Captain's Log |
| The Sword of Kahless |
| | Sword of Kahless | Artifact | Blaze of Glory |
| | Historical Pursuit | Dilemma | Hard Time |
| | The Shroud of the Sword | Equipment | Shattered Mirror |
| | The Sword of Kahless | Equipment | Necessary Evil |
| | A Day Long Remembered | Interrupt | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Hur'q, Quest for the Sword of Kahless | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Quest for the Sword | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Kor | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Soto | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Soto | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Toral, Son of Duras | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | 10 Tribbles - Battle | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| Our Man Bashir |
| | Ferengi Ingenuity | Dilemma | Blaze of Glory |
| | '45 Dom Perignon | Equipment | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Holoprogram: Noah's Mountain Retreat | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Anastasia Komananov | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Anastasia Komananov, Russian Seductress | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Dr. Noah | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Duchamps | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Falcon | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Hippocrates Noah, Visionary Mastermind | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Mona Luvsitt | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Mona Luvsitt, Valet | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Mr. Garak | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Professor Honey Bare | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Professor Honey Bare, Way Too Smart for You | Personnel | Second Chances |
| | Secret Agent Julian Bashir | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | U.S.S. Orinoco | Ship | Emissary |
| Homefront (Part 1) |
| | Covert Insertion | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Executive Authorization | Dilemma | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Hollow Hospitality | Event | Balance of Terror |
| | Power Loss | Event | Balance of Terror |
| | Security Precautions | Event | Unnatural Selection |
| | Your Fear Will Destroy You | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Office of the President | Facility | The Dominion |
| | Caught Red-Handed | Interrupt | The Dominion |
| | Changeling Sweep | Interrupt | All Good Things |
| | Clandestine Agent | Interrupt | Strange New Worlds |
| | Flight of the Intruder | Interrupt | The Dominion |
| | Precautionary Measures | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Admiral Leyton | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Acting Head of Starfleet Security | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Erika Benteen, Leyton's Adjunct | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Founder Agitator | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Founder Agitator, Elusive Assassin | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | Jaresh-Inyo | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Jaresh-Inyo, Federation President | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Joseph Sisko, Creole Chef | Personnel | Energize |
| | Leyton, Chief of Starfleet Operations | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Leyton Founder | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Leyton Founder, Hostile Operative | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Nog (Metamorphosis) | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Nog, Eager Cadet | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Sparber | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| Paradise Lost (Part 2) |
| | In Development | Dilemma | Second Skin |
| | Black Operation | Event | Warp Pack: Access Denied |
| | Martial Law | Event | Balance of Terror |
| | Office of the President | Facility | Homefront |
| | Homefront | Incident | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Paradise Lost | Interrupt | Warp Pack: Access Denied |
| | Ceres Ecliptic, Intercept Perceived Threat | Mission | Zero Hour |
| | Earth, Home of Starfleet Command | Mission | Move Along Home |
| | HQ: Secure Homeworld | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
| | O'Brien Founder | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | O'Brien Founder, Agent Provocateur | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Odo, Surreptitious Ally | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Oq'nab, Academy Commandant | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | U.S.S. Lakota, Modified Starship | Ship | In A Mirror Darkly |
| Crossfire |
| | Ferengi Bug | Dilemma | Rules of Acquisition |
| | First Minister Shakaar | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Kira Nerys, First Officer | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Sarish Rez | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Shakaar Edon, First Minister of Bajor | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Guest Quarters | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| | Security Office | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| Return to Grace |
| | Sudden Stealth | Dilemma | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Cardassian Disruptor Rifle | Equipment | Deep Space 9 |
| | Battle Drills | Event | Second Edition |
| | Only a Temporary Setback | Event | Classification: Civilian |
| | System 5 Disruptors | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Establish Station | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Korma, Security Briefing | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Security Briefing | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Damar | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Damar, Loyal Glinn | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Dukat, Ambitious Commander | Personnel | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Dukat, True Cardassian | Personnel | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | Kira Nerys, Ambitious Ally | Personnel | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Tora Ziyal, Ambitious Daughter | Personnel | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Tugat | Personnel | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Zetal | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Groumall | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | Groumall, Inauspicious Command | Ship | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Military Freighter | Ship | Deep Space 9 |
| | Naprem | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Naprem | Ship | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| Sons of Mogh |
| | Kira Nerys, Defiant Leader | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| | Kurn (Life From Lifelessness) | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Kurn, Bajoran Security Officer | Personnel | Energize |
| Bar Association |
| | Hired Muscle | Dilemma | Energize |
| | These Things Happen | Dilemma | Apocalypse Rising |
| | Unionize | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | 211th Rule of Acquisition | Event | Rules of Acquisition |
| | We're All On Strike | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Bodyguards | Incident | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Mouth of the Wormhole, Form Labor Union | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Mouth of the Wormhole, Deep Space 9 | Mission | Move Along Home |
| | Automated Server | Personnel | Infinite Diversity |
| | Brunt | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Frool | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Frool, Old and Fragile | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Grimp, Pessimist | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Krozh | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Rom, Union Organizer | Personnel | Continuing Mission |
| | 10 Tribbles - Confront | Tribble | Star Trek 50 |
| Accession |
| | D'jarras | Event | Shades of Gray |
| | For The Sisko | Event | Energize |
| | For the Sisko | Incident | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Accession | Interrupt | Return to Grace |
| | Akorem Laan | Personnel | Straight and Steady |
| | Akorem Laan, Misguided Mystic | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Kira Nerys, Ih'valla | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Porta, Advisor to the Emissary | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| Rules of Engagement |
| | Formal Hearing | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Protect Shipment | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Ch'Pok | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Ch'Pok, Vexing Advocate | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | T'Lara | Personnel | Homefront III |
| | T'Lara | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Hard Time |
| | Hard Time | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Hard Time | Dilemma | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Weapons Locker | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Argratha, Rehabilitate Convict | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Enrique Muniz | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| Shattered Mirror |
| | Multidimensional Transport Device | Equipment | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Multidimensional Transporter Device | Equipment | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Crossover: An Invitation | Event | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Predicament | Event | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Pride of the Fleet | Event | Crossover |
| | Mirror Terok Nor | Facility | Virtual Promos |
| | An Important Victory | Incident | Crossover |
| | The Art of Diplomacy | Incident | Mirror, Mirror |
| | The Regent's Flagship | Incident | Crossover |
| | Test Warship | Mission | Crossover |
| | Construct Starship | Objective | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Evaluate Starship Systems | Objective | Crossover |
| | Reap All the Glory | Objective | Crossover |
| | Benjamin Sisko (Through the Looking Glass) | Personnel | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Captain Dax | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Elim Garak, Crafty Underling | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Jadzia Dax, Soldier of Fortune | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Kira Nerys, Resourceful Prisoner | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Marauder | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Miles O'Brien, "Smiley" | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | Mr. Andrews | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Mr. Nog | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Nizari | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Nog, Bar Owner | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Professor Sisko (Crossover) | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Regent Worf (Crossover) | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Regent Worf | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Rinox | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Rukor | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Sarah Shaw | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Stoichkov | Personnel | Crossover |
| | The Intendant | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Worf, Regent of the Alliance | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | Alliance Galor | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Alliance Galor | Ship | Shattered Mirror |
| | Alliance K'Vort | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Defiant | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Defiant, Mirror Warship | Ship | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Regency 1 | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| The Muse |
| | Psionic Attack | Dilemma | Captain's Log |
| | The Muse | Event | To Boldly Go |
| For the Cause |
| | Smuggling Run | Event | Energize |
| | Deliver Supplies | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Divert Attention | Mission | The Maquis |
| | Dreon VII, Deliver Supplies | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Study Badlands | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Brathaw | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Brathaw, First Mate | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Kasidy Yates, Maquis Smuggler | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Michael Eddington, Traitor to Starfleet | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | S.S. Xhosa | Ship | The Maquis |
| | Xhosa, Sponsored Transport | Ship | Tacking Into the Wind |
| To the Death |
| | Joint Operation Drills | Dilemma | Captain's Log |
| | Renegade Ambush | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Kar'takin | Equipment | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Battle Lust | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Building a Bridge | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Devastating Melee | Event | The Nth Degree |
| | Energize | Event | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Friction | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Jem'Hadar Shrouding | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Obedience Brings Victory | Interrupt | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Shrouded in Light | Interrupt | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Strike Three | Interrupt | The Dominion |
| | Victory Is Life | Interrupt | Blaze of Glory |
| | Vorta Discipline | Interrupt | Peak Performance |
| | Destroy Iconian Gateway | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Vandros IV, Destroy Iconian Gateway | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Azet'izan | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Gurat'urak | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Omet'iklan | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Omet'iklan, Steely Disciplinarian | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Toman'torax | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Toman'torax, Obstinate Second | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Virak'kara | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Virak'kara | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Weyoun | Personnel | The Dominion |
| The Quickening |
| | Product Placement | Event | Infinite Diversity |
| | The Blight | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Cure Blight | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Teplan Prime, Cure Blight | Mission | Second Edition |
| Body Parts |
| | The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition | Equipment | Rules of Acquisition |
| | 47th Rule of Acquisition | Event | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Tower of Commerce | Facility | Homefront |
| | Writ of Accountability | Incident | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Brunt | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Gint, The First Grand Nagus | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Grand Nagus Gint | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| Broken Link |
| | Broken Link | Dilemma | Extreme Measures |
| | The Great Link | Facility | Homefront |
| | Ultimatum | Incident | Virtual Promos |
| | Outgunned | Interrupt | Blaze of Glory |
| | Archanis Dispute | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Archanis Dispute | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Founders' Homeworld, Contingent Refuge | Mission | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Amat'igan | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Amat'igan, Founder Bodyguard | Personnel | Peak Performance |
| | Chalan Aroya, Accessible Restaurateur | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Founder Leader | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Founder Leader, Forbidding Judge | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Rionoj | Personnel | Hard Time |
Season 5 |
| Apocalypse Rising |
| | Depression | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Anything or Anyone | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Dial Martok for Murder | Event | Blaze of Glory |
| | Espionage - Dominion on Klingon | Event | The Dominion |
| | Hall of Warriors | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Order of the Bat'leth | Event | Second Edition |
| | Treacherous Advice | Event | All Good Things |
| | Warrior's Birthright | Event | Crossover |
| | Warrior's Birthright | Event | Second Edition |
| | Team of Infiltrators | Interrupt | Allegiance |
| | Expose Changeling Influence | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Benjamin Sisko, "Jodmos, Son of Kobor" | Personnel | Apocalypse Rising |
| | Gowron, Celebrated Leader | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Jodmos | Personnel | Second Anthology |
| | Margh | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Martok Founder | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Martok Founder, Poison of the Empire | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Miles O'Brien, Chief of Operations | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Odo, "Kodrak the Unenthused" | Personnel | Apocalypse Rising |
| | T'vis | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Wo'Din | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Qapla' | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| The Ship |
| | Mission Fatigue | Dilemma | The Dominion |
| | Surprise Assault | Dilemma | The Dominion |
| | Ak'voh | Event | Energize |
| | Gunboat Diplomacy | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Mouthpiece | Event | Matter of Time |
| | Salvaging the Wreckage | Event | Energize |
| | Rescue Founder | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Torga IV, Salvage Dominion Ship | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Administrator Kilana | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Enrique Muñiz, Dependable Troubleshooter | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Guna'shan | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Hoya | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Hoya | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Kilana | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Kilana, Dissembling Envoy | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | T'Lor | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | T'Lor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Varen'agor | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Varen'agor | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places |
| | Cultural Differences | Dilemma | Emissary |
| | Cultural Differences | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Looking for Par'mach | Dilemma | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Grilka | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Grilka, Glorious Lady | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Quark, Son of Keldar | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Thopok | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Tumek | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| ...Nor the Battle to the Strong |
| | Artillery Attack | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Bleeding to Death | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Casualties of War | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Hazardous Duty | Dilemma | Blaze of Glory |
| | Under Fire | Dilemma | Blaze of Glory |
| | Lethal Wound | Event | Shattered Mirror |
| | The Truth of War | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Ajilon Prime, Surgery Under Fire | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Surgery Under Fire | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Kalandra, Battlefield Surgeon | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Voktak | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| The Assignment |
| | Dumb Waiter | Dilemma | Face of the Enemy |
| | Keiko O'Brien, Pah-Wraith Hostage | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Rom | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Rom, Diagnostic and Repair Technician | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Trials and Tribble-ations |
| | Orb of Time | Artifact | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Anachronistic Deviation | Dilemma | Face of the Enemy |
| | Infestation | Dilemma | Second Skin |
| | Lineup | Dilemma | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Classic Communicator | Equipment | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Classic Medical Tricorder | Equipment | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Classic Tricorder | Equipment | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Storage Compartment | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Temporal Investigations | Event | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Protect the Timeline | Incident | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Tribble Bomb | Incident | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Fitting In | Interrupt | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Fitting In | Interrupt | Fractured Time |
| | Scan Cycle Check | Interrupt | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 2268 Deep Space Station K-7, Dispose of Explosive Tribble | Mission | Second Chances |
| | Iota Geminorum IV, Relocate Polygeminus Grex | Mission | Hard Time |
| | Klingon-Occupied Outland, Enact Poetic Revenge | Mission | Second Chances |
| | HQ: Return Orb to Bajor | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
| | Arne Darvin, "Hero of the Empire" | Personnel | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Barry Waddle | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Command Staffer | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Captain Kirk | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Dulmer | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Dulmer, Temporal Investigator | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Ensign O'Brien | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Jadzia Dax, Communications Staffer | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Julian Bashir, Medical Staffer | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Lt. Bashir | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Lt. Dax | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Lt. Nagata | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Lt. Sisko | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Lt. Watley | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Lucsly | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Lucsly, Temporal Investigator | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Miles O'Brien, Engineering Staffer | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Nagata | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Odo (The Trouble with Tribbles) | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Odo, Vigilant Staffer | Personnel | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Ro'suv | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Trader Worf | Personnel | A Private Little War |
| | Watley, Recent Transfer | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Worf (The Trouble with Tribbles) | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Worf, Strategic Operations Officer | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | I.K.C. Gr'oth | Ship | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Starship Enterprise | Ship | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | ... At Quark's Bar | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| | 1 Tribble - Bonus & Freeze | Tribble | Trials and Tribble-ations |
| | 1 Tribble - Go | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 1 Tribble - Go | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Bonus | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Bonus | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Discard | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Discard | Tribble | Tribbles |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Rescue | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Rescue | Tribble | Tribbles |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Reverse | Tribble | Tribbles |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Time Warp | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| | 10 Tribbles - Bonus | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 10 Tribbles - Bonus | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 10 Tribbles - Go | Tribble | Trials and Tribble-ations |
| | 10 Tribbles - Skip | Tribble | Tribbles |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Go | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Go | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Poison | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Poison | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Safety | Tribble | Trials and Tribble-ations |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Time Warp | Tribble | Trials and Tribble-ations |
| | 100 Tribbles - Bonus | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 100 Tribbles - Bonus | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 100 Tribbles - Poison | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 100 Tribbles - Poison | Tribble | Tribbles |
| | 100 Tribbles - Rescue | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 100 Tribbles - Rescue | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 100 Tribbles - Reverse | Tribble | Tribbles |
| | 100 Tribbles - Time Warp | Tribble | Star Trek 50 |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Discard | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| Let He Who Is Without Sin... |
| | New Essentialists | Dilemma | Blaze of Glory |
| | Warm Welcome | Dilemma | This Side of Paradise |
| | This Side of Paradise | Event | Peak Performance |
| | Improved Scenery | Interrupt | Raise the Stakes |
| | Arandis | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Arandis, Risan Facilitator | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Leeta | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Leeta, Union Member | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| Things Past |
| | Tribunal Sentencing | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Ghoren | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Okala Ahnlo, Unsung Hero | Personnel | Zero Hour |
| | Romara Cal, Personal Physician | Personnel | Shattered Mirror |
| | Thrax | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Thrax, Chief of Security | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| The Ascent |
| | Orion Syndicate Bomb | Dilemma | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Peak Performance | Event | Extreme Measures |
| | Lambda Oros, Runabout Search | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Runabout Search | Mission | Rules of Acquisition |
| Rapture |
| | The City of B'hala | Artifact | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Walk the Line | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Trust the Prophets | Incident | Warp Pack: Emissary |
| | Charles Whatley, Professional Admiral | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Kai Winn | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Ranjen Koral | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Ranjen Koral, Student of B'hala | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | The Emissary | Personnel | Away Team Pack |
| The Darkness and the Light |
| | Hunter Probe | Dilemma | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Remat Detonator | Dilemma | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Days of Atonement | Event | Second Edition |
| | Espionage: Cardassian on Bajoran | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Resistance Tactics | Event | Crossover |
| | Resistance Tactics | Event | Second Edition |
| | Sabotaged Transporter | Event | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Brilgar | Personnel | Shades of Gray |
| | Brilgar | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Silaran Prin | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Silaran Prin, Between Darkness and Light | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| The Begotten |
| | Shape-Shift | Interrupt | Homefront II |
| For the Uniform |
| | Maquis Vendetta | Dilemma | The Maquis |
| | Maquis Vendetta | Dilemma | Dangerous Missions |
| | Biogenic Weapon | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Outmaneuvered | Event | Unity |
| | Activate Tractor Beam | Interrupt | Deep Space 9 |
| | Alarming Rumors | Interrupt | Raise the Stakes |
| | Cascade Virus | Interrupt | These Are The Voyages |
| | Elude Federation Forces | Mission | What You Leave Behind |
| | Quatal Prime, Quiet Mining Colony | Mission | A Time to Stand |
| | Supply Terrorists | Mission | The Maquis |
| | Navigate Plasma Storms | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
| | Benjamin Sisko | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | George Sanders | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Michael Eddington, Loyal Leader | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Nog, Communications Relay | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Vance, Sympathetic Pilot | Personnel | A Time to Stand |
| | Fantine, Raid Vanguard | Ship | A Time to Stand |
| | Guingouin | Ship | The Maquis |
| | Guingouin | Ship | Energize |
| | Maquis Raider | Ship | The Maquis |
| In Purgatory's Shadow (Part 1) |
| | Holding Cell Door | Doorway | Blaze of Glory |
| | Clandestine Kidnapping | Event | Return to Grace |
| | Death's Shadow | Event | Symbiosis |
| | Internment | Event | Emissary |
| | Jem'Hadar Ambush | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Internment Camp 371 | Facility | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Getting to Know You | Incident | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Internment Operations | Mission | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Stage Covert Fleet | Mission | Lineage |
| | Establish Dominion Foothold | Objective | The Dominion |
| | Bashir Founder | Personnel | Second Anthology |
| | Bashir Founder, Nefarious Saboteur | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Brun | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Emok | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Emok | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Rogesh | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Surjak | Personnel | Symbiosis |
| | Tora Ziyal, "Poor Judge of Character" | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| | Evasive Maneuvers | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| By Inferno's Light (Part 2) |
| | Know Thy Enemy | Dilemma | Hard Time |
| | Jem'Hadar Disruptor Pistol | Equipment | Call to Arms |
| | Jem'Hadar Disruptor Rifle | Equipment | The Dominion |
| | Common Purpose | Event | Strange Bedfellows |
| | For All Our Sons | Event | Second Edition |
| | Mental Discipline | Event | Energize |
| | No Escape | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | The Spirit of Kahless | Event | Captain's Log |
| | Undercover Resource | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Cardassian Outpost | Facility | Virtual Promos |
| | Valuable Prisoner | Incident | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Counterintelligence | Interrupt | Blaze of Glory |
| | Suicidal Attack | Interrupt | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | The Tides of Fortune | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | B'hava'el, Prevent Systemic Annihilation | Mission | A Time to Stand |
| | Rescue Prisoners of War | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Open Diplomatic Relations | Objective | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Training Ring | Objective | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Amar'itak | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Amar'itak | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Bashir Founder | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Bashir Founder, Imperturbable Infiltrator | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Breen Founder, Persuader | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Deyos | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Deyos, Ruthless Administrator | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Ikat'ika | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Ikat'ika, Honorable Warrior | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Kalenna | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Kalenna, Sentry | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Martok | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Miles O'Brien (Blaze of Glory) | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Oken'alak | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Rodak'koden | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Rogesh | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Tora Ziyal | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| Doctor Bashir, I Presume? |
| | Artificial Ability | Dilemma | Unnatural Selection |
| | Indecent Proposal | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Holographic Communicator | Incident | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Julian Bashir, "Unnatural Freak" | Personnel | Energize |
| | L.M.H. Mark I, Scintillating Personality | Personnel | Zero Hour |
| | Leeta, Dabo Girl | Personnel | Energize |
| A Simple Investigation |
| | Assassin Team | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| | Marshor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Business as Usual |
| | Dangerous Liaisons | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Breen CRM 114 | Equipment | The Nth Degree |
| | Breen CRM114 | Equipment | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Under Scrutiny | Event | Energize |
| | Tongo | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Feldomite Rush | Mission | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Parsion III, Feldomite Rush | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Gaila | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Gaila, Arms Dealer | Personnel | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Hagath | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Jadzia Dax, Tongo Player | Personnel | Unity |
| | Quark, True Ferengi | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| Ties of Blood and Water |
| | Occupational Hazards | Dilemma | Homefront VI |
| | Occupational Hazards | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| | Resistance Rifle | Equipment | Extreme Measures |
| | Shri-tal | Interrupt | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Symbol of Devotion | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Ties of Blood and Water | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Bajoran Resistance Cell | Objective | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Furel, Resistance Scout | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Gantt | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Paenol, Resistance Soldier | Personnel | Unity |
| | Tekeny Ghemor | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Tenak'talar, Weyoun's Warship | Ship | Call to Arms |
| Ferengi Love Songs |
| | 59th Rule of Acquisition | Event | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Rule of Acquisition #102 | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Tower of Commerce | Facility | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Incoming Message - Ferengi | Interrupt | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Maihar'du, Silent Servant | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| Soldiers of the Empire |
| | The Warrior's Anthem | Interrupt | Return to Grace |
| | Engage Cloak | Objective | The Dominion |
| | Leskit, Embittered Warrior | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Martok, Soldier of the Empire | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Ortakin | Personnel | Symbiosis |
| | I.K.C. Rotarran | Ship | The Dominion |
| | I.K.S. Rotarran, Ship of Tears | Ship | Second Edition |
| Children of Time |
| | Pitching In | Dilemma | Peak Performance |
| | Souls of the Dead | Interrupt | Metamorphosis |
| | Souls of the Dead | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Fulfill Temporal Paradox | Mission | Unity |
| | Brota, Son of Mogh | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Jadzia Dax | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Miranda O'Brien, Proud Descendant | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Odo, Timeless | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Yedrin Dax | Personnel | Equilibrium |
| | Yedrin Dax, Heir Apostate | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| Blaze of Glory |
| | Adopted Authority | Dilemma | Second Skin |
| | Cornered | Dilemma | A Time to Stand |
| | Not Easily Taken | Event | Unity |
| | Athos IV, Maquis Base | Mission | Energize |
| | Find Hidden Base | Mission | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Terikof Belt, Navigate Plasma Storms | Mission | Lower Decks |
| | B'amara | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | B'amara | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Michael Eddington, Noble Hero | Personnel | Energize |
| | Rebecca Sullivan | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Rebecca Sullivan, Resistance Fighter | Personnel | Energize |
| | Rogers | Personnel | A Time to Stand |
| | Taylor | Personnel | Caretaker |
| Empok Nor |
| | Dangerous Derelict | Dilemma | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Garak Has Some Issues | Dilemma | Deep Space 9 |
| | Garak Has Some Issues | Dilemma | The Omega Directive |
| | Paralyzed by Fear | Dilemma | The Sky's the Limit |
| | Sleeper Trap | Dilemma | The Dominion |
| | High Command "Motivation" | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Kotra | Event | Energize |
| | Empok Nor | Facility | The Dominion |
| | Empok Nor, Deadly Salvage | Mission | Dead Stop |
| | Mining Survey | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Trivas System, Mining Survey | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Boq'ta | Personnel | Unity |
| | Jerax | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Jerax | Personnel | Second Edition |
| In the Cards |
| | Incentive-Based Economics | Dilemma | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Kukalaka | Equipment | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Hollow Pleasantries | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Diplomatic Contact | Incident | Homefront II |
| | Renewed Spirit | Interrupt | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Dohlem | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Dohlem | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Elias Giger, Cellular Entertainer | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| | Guna'shan | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Jake Sisko | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Meraht | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Meraht | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Winn Adami, Uneasy Shepherd | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Tenak'talar, Vanguard of the Occupation | Ship | Virtual Promo Cards |
| Call to Arms |
| | Virtual Reality Headset | Equipment | Allegiance |
| | Engage Shuttle Operations: Dominion | Event | Blaze of Glory |
| | New Power Rising | Event | The Nth Degree |
| | Reclaim Terok Nor | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Sabotage Program | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Self-Replicating Roadblock | Event | Return to Grace |
| | Sisko 197 Subroutine | Event | The Dominion |
| | Combined Task Force | Incident | Star Trek 50 |
| | Baseball | Interrupt | Virtual Promos |
| | Render Assistance | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Bold Captain | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Damar, Useful Adjutant | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Dukat, Liberator and Protector | Personnel | Promo Cards |
| | Paxton Reese | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Paxton Reese, Stellar Cartographer | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Seskal, Comrade in Arms | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Weyoun, Warship Commander | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Alpha Attack Ship | Ship | Blaze of Glory |
| | Jem'Hadar Warship | Ship | The Dominion |
| | Jem'Hadar Warship | Ship | Call to Arms |
| | Tenak'talar, Vanguard of the Occupation | Ship | Legacy |
| | Weyoun's Warship | Ship | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Commander's Office | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| | Strafing Run | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
Season 6 |
| A Time to Stand |
| | Dispensing the White | Event | Call to Arms |
| | The New Occupation | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Primary Supply Depot | Facility | The Dominion |
| | Remote Supply Depot | Facility | The Dominion |
| | Greater Glory of Cardassia | Incident | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Reward from the Founders | Incident | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Inevitable Triumph | Interrupt | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Untapped Influence | Interrupt | Balance of Terror |
| | Construct Depot | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Mouth of the Wormhole, Terok Nor | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Restock Ketracel-White | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Amet'alox | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Resourceful Captain | Personnel | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Dukat, Cardassian Representative | Personnel | Peak Performance |
| | Edan'Atal | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Edan'Atal | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Rak'tazan | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Rak'tazan | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Tozara'Kesh | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Varat'idan | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Weyoun, Scheming Negotiator | Personnel | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Weyoun, Loyal Subject of the Dominion | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Jem'Hadar Attack Ship | Ship | The Dominion |
| | Salvaged Attack Ship, Sheep in Wolf's Clothing | Ship | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | U.S.S. Centaur, Patrolling Ship | Ship | Legacy |
| Rocks and Shoals |
| | Deliberate Tactical Error | Dilemma | The Maquis |
| | Inequitable Exchange | Dilemma | Extreme Measures |
| | Keevan | Equipment | Second Skin |
| | Jem'Hadar Entrenchment | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Relentless Charge | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Hostage Trade | Incident | Mirror, Mirror |
| | No Way Out | Incident | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Explicit Orders | Interrupt | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Leap of Faith | Interrupt | Return to Grace |
| | Our Death is Glory to the Founders | Interrupt | Second Skin |
| | The Order of Things | Interrupt | Necessary Evil |
| | Signal for Rescue | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Signal for Rescue | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Post Garrison | Objective | The Dominion |
| | Rescue Personnel | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
| | Subjugate Planet | Objective | The Dominion |
| | Keevan | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Keevan, Pragmatic Captor | Personnel | Symbiosis |
| | Kira Nerys, Grudging Ally | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Limara'Son | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Limara'Son, Fierce Soldier | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Mavek, Science Officer | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Noret'ikar | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Odo, Bajoran Representative | Personnel | Peak Performance |
| | Remata'Klan | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Remata'Klan, Unit Leader | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Remata'Klan, Steadfast Sentinel | Personnel | Second Skin |
| | Revok, Eager Ally | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Turan'Ekan | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Yak'Talon | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Yak'Talon, Deadly Patroller | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Yassim, Vocal Martyr | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| Sons and Daughters |
| | D'k Tahg | Equipment | Blaze of Glory |
| | To Be a Warrior | Event | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | To Serve the Empire | Event | Classification: Civilian |
| | Terok Nor | Facility | Virtual Promos |
| | New Arrivals | Incident | Homefront VI |
| | Cargo Haul | Mission | Energize |
| | Secure Supply Lines | Mission | Crossover |
| | Alexander Rozhenko (Metamorphosis) | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Jadzia Dax, Defiant Captain | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | N'Garen | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Tora Ziyal, Beloved Daughter | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Alliance Freighter | Ship | Crossover |
| | I.K.S. Vor'cha | Ship | Second Edition |
| | Target Engines | Tactic | Blaze of Glory |
| Behind the Lines |
| | Let Them Worry | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Restricted Area | Dilemma | Homefront |
| | Restricted Area | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Caught in the Act | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Dark Dissension | Event | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Intoxicating Spirits | Event | Warp Pack: Access Denied |
| | Tenuous Alliance | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | The New Resistance | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Paralyzing Procedure | Interrupt | Balance of Terror |
| | Phaser Array Power Cell | Interrupt | Blaze of Glory |
| | Ruling Council | Interrupt | Peak Performance |
| | Navigate Argolis Cluster | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Navigate Argolis Cluster | Mission | These Are The Voyages |
| | Admiral Ross | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Damar, Resourceful Supervisor | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Founder Leader, Beguiling Teacher | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Jake Sisko, Reporter Behind the Lines | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Kira Nerys, Reformed Collaborator | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Odera'Klen | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Odo, Wayward Link | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Odo, Bajoran Representative | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Quark, Practical Apologist | Personnel | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Quark, Resistance Informant | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Rom, Undercover Spy | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| Favor the Bold (Part 1) |
| | Bold Plan | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Key to the Alpha Quadrant | Dilemma | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Skeptical Superiors | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Time for Action | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Clarity | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Espionage - Dominion on Romulan | Event | The Dominion |
| | Espionage: Bajoran on Dominion | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | Line of Defense | Event | Homefront VI |
| | Line of Defense | Event | Second Edition |
| | Undermined Defenses | Event | Balance of Terror |
| | Crippling Strike | Interrupt | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Swagger | Interrupt | Strange New Worlds |
| | The Founder is Wise | Interrupt | Call to Arms |
| | Damar | Personnel | Reflections |
| | Davin | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Founder Leader | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Imat'Korex | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Imat'Korex | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Magren | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Morn | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Morn, Silent Partner | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Nasin, Following Orders | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Yelsar | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| Sacrifice of Angels (Part 2) |
| | Rotation Damage Marker (Deep Space Nine) | Damage Marker | Virtual Promos |
| | The New Resistance | Dilemma | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Tragic Turn | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | 34th Rule of Acquisition | Event | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Disable Sensors | Event | Energize |
| | Espionage: Bajoran on Dominion | Event | All Good Things |
| | Pierce Their Defenses | Event | Second Edition |
| | Power to the Weapons | Event | Energize |
| | Trap Is Sprung | Event | Return to Grace |
| | War of Attrition | Event | Balance of Terror |
| | Deep Space 9 | Facility | Virtual Promos |
| | Allies on the Inside | Interrupt | Necessary Evil |
| | Contested Defense Perimeter, Penetrate Enemy Lines | Mission | Lineage |
| | Agent Garak | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Dukat, Liberator and Protector | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Elim Garak, Federation Agent | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Founder Leader, Intergalactic Warlord | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Leeta, Rebel Supporter | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Makla'Gor | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Nerot | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Thorel | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Thorel | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | U.S.S. Defiant, Repurposed Warship | Ship | Virtual Promo Cards |
| You are Cordially Invited... |
| | Bre'Nan Ritual | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Revelry | Dilemma | Dangerous Missions |
| | Interstellar Treaty | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Raktajino | Event | Homefront VI |
| | Alexander Rozhenko, Good Luck Charm | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Jadzia Dax, The Second Heart | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Manuele Atoa, Something Fun to Look At | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| | Martok | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Sirella, Forbidding Matriarch | Personnel | A Less Perfect Union |
| | Worf, The Strongest Heart | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Worf and Jadzia | Personnel | Equilibrium |
| Resurrection |
| | A Fast Ship Would Be Nice | Dilemma | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Orb of Prophecy and Change | Equipment | Return to Grace |
| | Raid Opposite Quadrant | Objective | Crossover |
| | Bareil | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Bareil Antos, Petty Thief | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| Statistical Probabilities |
| | Oh No! | Dilemma | Lineage |
| | Overwhelmed | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | We're Mutants | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Group Therapy | Incident | Metamorphosis |
| | Jack | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Jack, Maladjusted Misfit | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Julian Bashir | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Karen Loews | Personnel | Deep Space 9 |
| | Karen Loews, Patient Chaperone | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Lauren | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Lauren, Seductress | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Patrick | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Patrick, Idiot Savant | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Sarina | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Sarina Douglas, Cataleptic Conundrum | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| The Magnificent Ferengi |
| | Ferengi Infestation | Dilemma | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Friendly Fire | Dilemma | The Dominion |
| | Friendly Fire | Dilemma | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Oops! | Dilemma | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Ferengi Disruptor Rifle | Equipment | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Keevan | Equipment | The Nth Degree |
| | Bred for Battle | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Prisoner Exchange | Incident | Blaze of Glory |
| | Empok Nor, Negotiate Prisoner Exchange | Mission | Apocalypse Rising |
| | Exploit "Drought" | Mission | Lineage |
| | Assemble Rescue Team | Objective | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Ishka | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Ishka, Opportunistic Hostage | Personnel | Symbiosis |
| | Leck | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Leck, Eliminator | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Nog | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Nog, Drill Instructor | Personnel | The Nth Degree |
| | Quark | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Yelgren | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Yelgrun, Blunt Negotiator | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Audit's Spoils | Ship | Strange New Worlds |
| | Brunt's Shuttle | Ship | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Personal Transport | Ship | Strange New Worlds |
| | 100 Tribbles - Rescue | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Waltz |
| | U.S.S. Nebula | Ship | Second Edition |
| Who Mourns for Morn? |
| | A Pleasant Surprise | Dilemma | The Maquis |
| | A Pleasant Surprise | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Center of Attention | Dilemma | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Center of Attention | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Skullduggery | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Gold-Pressed Latinum | Equipment | Homefront II |
| | Ill-gotten Gains | Event | Unnatural Selection |
| | Latinum Storage | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Morn, Barfly | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | 1 Tribble - Convert | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Juxtaposition | Dilemma | What You Leave Behind |
| | The Dreamer and the Dream | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| One Little Ship |
| | Overwhelmed | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Jem'Hadar Strike Force | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Attack at Rare Phenomenon | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Plot Invasion | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Study Rare Phenomenon | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Study Rare Phenomenon | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Duran'Adar | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Duran'Adar, Attentive Sixth | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Gelnon | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Gelnon, Accurate Estimator | Personnel | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Ixtana'Rax | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Ixtana'Rax, Honored Elder | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Keevan, Conniving Liar | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Kudak'Etan | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Kudak'Etan, Arrogant First | Personnel | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | Lamat'Ukan | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Lamat'Ukan, Resourceful Third | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Umat'Adan | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Umat'Adan, Eager Fifth | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Ammut'alar, Unexpected Threat | Ship | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | U.S.S. Defiant (Ships of the Line) | Ship | Ships of the Line |
| | U.S.S. Defiant, Commandeered Warship | Ship | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| Honor Among Thieves |
| | Pulling the Strings | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Bank Heist | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Farius Prime, Political Intrigue | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Gelnon, Aloof Tactician | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Liam Bilby | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Liam Bilby, Family Man | Personnel | Energize |
| | Miles O'Brien, Connelly | Personnel | Legacy |
| | Raimus | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Raimus, Criminal Master | Personnel | Energize |
| | Yint | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| Change of Heart |
| | The Demands of Duty | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Threading the Needle | Dilemma | Shattered Mirror |
| | The Beating Heart | Event | Equilibrium |
| | Extract Defector | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | 100 Tribbles - Party | Tribble | Star Trek 50 |
| | 100 Tribbles - Score | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100 Tribbles - Utilize | Tribble | Nothing But Tribble |
| Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night |
| | Overburdened | Dilemma | Matter of Time |
| | Orb of Time | Equipment | Return to Grace |
| | Casualties of the Occupation | Event | Symbiosis |
| | Labor Camp | Event | Second Edition |
| | No Love for the Spoon Heads | Event | Second Edition |
| | Steeled By Loss | Event | Call to Arms |
| | The Pillage of Bajor | Event | Second Edition |
| | Comfort Women | Incident | Virtual Promos |
| | Labor Camp | Incident | Emissary |
| | Comfort Women | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Azeni Meressa, Resistance Spy | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Basso Tromac | Personnel | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | Basso Tromac, Smug Subordinate | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Dukat, Prefect of Bajor | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | Gantt | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Halb Daier, Resistance Contact | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Kira Meru | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Kira Meru, Comfort Woman | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Kira Taban | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Kira Taban, Husband and Father | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | Legate Parek | Personnel | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | Oran | Personnel | Emissary |
| | Oran, Irritable Gul | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Parek, Privileged Legate | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Prefect Dukat | Personnel | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | Yaltar, Draft Supervisor | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Singha Refugee Camp | Time Location | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| Inquisition |
| | Kukalaka | Equipment | Virtual Promos |
| | Luther Sloan, Man of Secrets | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Luther Sloan, Man of Action | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Luther Sloan, Man of Secrets | Personnel | Adversaries Collection |
| In the Pale Moonlight |
| | In the Pale Moonlight | Dilemma | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Are You Offering Me ... a Bribe? | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Confessions in the Pale Moonlight | Event | Energize |
| | Getting Under Your Skin | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Discreet Inquiry | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Vile Deception | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Betazed Invasion | Mission | The Dominion |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Man of Resolve | Personnel | Energize |
| | Grathon Tolar, Hologram Forger | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | M'Pella, Seductive Employee | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Navok | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Navok | Personnel | Face of the Enemy |
| | Parthok | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Senator Vreenak | Personnel | The Dominion |
| | Vreenak, Scornful Senator | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Romulan Shuttle | Ship | Blaze of Glory |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Reveal | Tribble | A Tribble of a Different Color |
| His Way |
| | Quark's Isolinear Rods | Incident | Virtual Promos |
| | Vic Fontaine | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Holosuite | Site | Holodeck Adventures |
| The Reckoning |
| | The Reckoning | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Trial of Faith | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Cryptic Revelation | Interrupt | The Menagerie |
| | Mouth of the Wormhole, Deep Space 9 | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Jadzia Dax, Problem Solver | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Shandor | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Shandor | Personnel | Second Edition |
| Valiant |
| | Arrogance | Dilemma | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Tactical Console | Event | The Dominion |
| | Training Cruise | Incident | Metamorphosis |
| | Deliver Message | Mission | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Tactical Observation | Mission | Metamorphosis |
| | Dorian Collins | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Dorian Collins, Acting Chief Petty Officer | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Karen Farris | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Karen Farris, Rigorous Leader | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Riley Shepard | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Riley Shepard, Confident Cadet | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Seth Matthews | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Seth Matthews, Red Squad Cadet | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Tim Watters | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Tim Watters, Valiant Captain | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Dominion Battleship | Ship | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Dominion Battleship | Ship | Reflections 2.0 |
| | U.S.S. Valiant | Ship | Metamorphosis |
| | U.S.S. Valiant, Red Squad Training Ship | Ship | Necessary Evil |
| Profit and Lace |
| | Hostile Takeover | Dilemma | Qpid |
| | Rule of Acquisition #6 | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Aluura | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Aluura, Nice to Everyone | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Brunt, Acting Grand Nagus | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Lumba | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Nilva | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Nilva, Lascivious Chairman | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Quark, Lumba | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Uri'lash | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Uri'lash, Silent Servant | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| Time's Orphan |
| | Molly O'Brien, Time's Orphan | Personnel | The Nth Degree |
| | 1 Tribble - Kindness | Tribble | A Tribble of a Different Color |
| The Sound of Her Voice |
| | Denevan Crystals | Event | Hard Time |
| Tears of the Prophets |
| | Shipboard Fire | Dilemma | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Sorting Things Out | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Orb of Contemplation | Equipment | Return to Grace |
| | Collateral Damage | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Common Cause | Event | Second Skin |
| | Deploy the Fleet | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | In the Pah-wraith's Wake | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Seal the Temple's Door | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Staunch Determination | Event | Energize |
| | Straying from the Path | Event | Energize |
| | The Key to Victory | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Call for Reinforcements | Incident | Homefront VI |
| | HQ: Orbital Weapons Platform | Incident | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Clash at Chin'toka | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Delta Pavonis, Secure Expansion | Mission | Zero Hour |
| | Dukat, Pah-Wraith Puppet | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Letant, Sneering Liaison | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Senator Letant | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
Season 7 |
| Image in the Sand |
| | Cultist Attack | Interrupt | Call to Arms |
| | Shrouded Assailant | Interrupt | Crossover |
| | Honor the Fallen | Mission | Raise the Stakes |
| | Tyree, Follow Cryptic Vision | Mission | The Omega Directive |
| | Colonel Kira | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Cretak, Supporter of the Alliance | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Kaas Dromand, Devoted Fanatic | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Senator Cretak | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| Shadows and Symbols |
| | Meaningless Words | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Orb of the Emissary | Equipment | The Menagerie |
| | Boon of the Celestial Temple | Event | Matter of Time |
| | Forcing Their Hand | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Common Enemy | Interrupt | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Derna Perimeter, Run Blockade | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Establish Medical Complex | Mission | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Construct Starship | Objective | Virtual Promos |
| | Disguise Encroachment | Objective | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | HQ: Return Orb to Bajor | Objective | Virtual Promos |
| | Benjamin Sisko, Man of Two Worlds | Personnel | Peak Performance |
| | Colonel Kira (Warp Pack) | Personnel | Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 |
| | Cretak, Friendly Envoy | Personnel | Continuing Mission |
| | Kira Nerys, Blockade Commander | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Bajoran Interceptor | Ship | Second Edition |
| | I.K.S. Rotarran | Ship | Borderless Promos |
| | I.K.S. Rotarran, Ship of Tears | Ship | Second Skin |
| | Kitara | Ship | Metamorphosis |
| | Kitara | Ship | Energize |
| | Taluno, Guardian | Ship | Matter of Time |
| | Te'nari, Resistance Flagship | Ship | Extreme Measures |
| Afterimage |
| | Ezri Dax, Resourceful Counselor | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| Take Me Out to the Holosuite |
| | Manufactured Triumph | Dilemma | Lineage |
| | Playing by the Rules | Event | Apocalypse Rising |
| | Solok, Calculating Rival | Personnel | Lineage |
| | U.S.S. T'Kumbra, Behind the Lines | Ship | Lineage |
| | The Celestial Temple | Time Location | Virtual Promos |
| Chrysalis |
| | Adopted Authority | Dilemma | Unnatural Selection |
| | Oh No! | Dilemma | Life From Lifelessness |
| | That's a Stupid Question! | Interrupt | Metamorphosis |
| | Admiral Patrick | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| Treachery, Faith, and the Great River |
| | Search and Destroy | Event | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | The Great Material Continuum | Event | Lineage |
| | Evade Dominion Squadron | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Evade Dominion Squadron | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Nog, Eager Ensign | Personnel | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Weyoun, "Defective" Clone | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Weyoun 6 | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Subek'somac, Alpha Attack Ship | Ship | Unity |
| Once More Unto the Breach |
| | Cavalry Raid | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Darok, Martok's Aide | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Kor, Noble Warrior to the End | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | I.K.C. Ning'tao | Ship | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | I.K.S. Ning'tao | Ship | Necessary Evil |
| | 100 Tribbles - Qapla' | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| The Siege of AR-558 |
| | Houdini Mines | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Savagery to Match Their Numbers | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Stir Crazy | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Valuable Real Estate | Event | Apocalypse Rising |
| | Defend It and Hope | Interrupt | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | The Siege of AR-558 | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | The Siege of AR-558 | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Kellin, Losing Faith | Personnel | Apocalypse Rising |
| | Nadia Larkin, Dutiful Soldier | Personnel | Apocalypse Rising |
| | Quark, Frontline Observer | Personnel | Apocalypse Rising |
| | Reese, Grizzled Survivor | Personnel | The Omega Directive |
| | Vargas, Shell-shocked | Personnel | Apocalypse Rising |
| Covenant |
| | Covenant | Interrupt | What You Leave Behind |
| | Brin | Personnel | Hard Time |
| It's Only a Paper Moon |
| | It's Only a Paper Moon | Dilemma | Raise the Stakes |
| | Vic Fontaine, Vegas Crooner | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| Prodigal Daughter |
| | Ezri Dax, Station Counselor | Personnel | Energize |
| The Emperor's New Cloak |
| | Stolen Cloaking Device | Equipment | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Stolen Cloaking Device | Equipment | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | The Emperor's New Cloak | Objective | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Banya | Personnel | Crossover |
| | Brunt, Nice Guy | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Commander Leeta | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Ezri | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Ezri Tigan, Soldier of Fortune | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Fontaine | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Fontaine, Enigmatic Rebel | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Grand Nagus Zek (Through the Looking Glass) | Personnel | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Julian Bashir, Rebel Captain | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Korvek | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Leeta, Enticing Rebel | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Mr. Brunt | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Quark (Through the Looking Glass) | Personnel | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Rom (Through the Looking Glass) | Personnel | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Defiant, Mirror Warship | Ship | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Mirror Ferengi Shuttle | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Discard | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Field of Fire |
| | Unsound Logic | Dilemma | Face of the Enemy |
| | TR-116 Rifle | Equipment | The Nth Degree |
| | The Rite of Emergence | Interrupt | Necessary Evil |
| | Chu'lak, Calculating Killer | Personnel | The Nth Degree |
| | Ezri Dax (Cold Front) | Personnel | Cold Front |
| Chimera |
| | Laas | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Laas, One of the 100 | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Laas, Rejoining the Link | Personnel | Continuing Mission |
| Badda-Bing Badda-Bang |
| | Deal With the Count Man | Event | This Side of Paradise |
| | ... At Vic's Lounge | Tribble | Star Trek 50 |
| Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges |
| | Broken Captive | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges | Dilemma | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Unorthodox Recruitment | Dilemma | Hard Time |
| | Continuing Committee Hearing | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Sent Back | Event | Peak Performance |
| | Continuing Committee | Facility | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Handshake | Incident | Virtual Promos |
| | Cretak, Supporter of the Alliance | Personnel | Second Skin |
| | Koval | Personnel | Second Anthology |
| | Koval, Chairman of the Tal Shiar | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Luther Sloan | Personnel | Second Anthology |
| | Neral, Seasoned Politician | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| | Praetor Neral | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Senator Cretak | Personnel | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Setek | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | William Ross, "Temporary" Ally | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | U.S.S. Bellerophon, Conference Host | Ship | Raise the Stakes |
| Penumbra |
| | Plasma Currents | Dilemma | Dogs of War |
| | Some Day I'll Retire Here | Dilemma | Dogs of War |
| | Increase White Production | Mission | Dogs of War |
| | Belva | Personnel | Emissary |
| | I.K.C. Koraga | Ship | Blaze of Glory |
| ’Til Death Do Us Part |
| | Captured by the Breen | Dilemma | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Rousing Reminiscence | Event | The Menagerie |
| | Baas | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Damar, Cardassian Liberator | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Draz | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Draz, Overeager | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Dukat, Anjohl Tennan | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Fel | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Fel, Hands-on | Personnel | Lineage |
| Strange Bedfellows |
| | Forsaken | Dilemma | Homefront II |
| | Forsaken | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Strange Bedfellows | Dilemma | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Apprehended | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Spiteful Strategy | Event | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Vorta Cloning | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Distorted Reflection | Interrupt | Dogs of War |
| | Recruit Ally | Mission | Lineage |
| | One Big Happy Family | Objective | Dogs of War |
| | Crom, Open-minded | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Legate Damar | Personnel | Second Anthology |
| | Martok, Welcome Presence | Personnel | Strange Bedfellows |
| The Changing Face of Evil |
| | Abrasive Allies | Dilemma | Strange Bedfellows |
| | VR Headset | Equipment | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Audacious Assault | Event | Lineage |
| | HQ: War Room | Event | Homefront II |
| | Spreading Fear | Event | Fractured Time |
| | The Dominion Will Prevail | Event | Captain's Log |
| | The Text of the Kosst Amojan | Event | Energize |
| | Dark Secrets | Interrupt | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Clash at Chin'toka | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Decimate Homeworld | Objective | Dogs of War |
| | Dukat, Anjohl Tennan | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Gor, Thot | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Lam | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Lam | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Solbor | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Solbor, Faithful Attendant | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Thot Gor | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Breen Energy-Dampening Weapon | Tactic | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| When It Rains… |
| | Attack Plans | Event | Dogs of War |
| | Cardassian Liberation Front | Incident | Dogs of War |
| | Resist Occupying Forces | Mission | Dogs of War |
| | Vanden Prime, Coordinate Resistance Operations | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Ezri Dax | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Kira | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Kira Nerys, Starfleet Emissary | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Rusot | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Seskal | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Velal | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Velal, Reluctant Aggressor | Personnel | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | I.K.C. Ki'tang | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Mantle of the Empire | Equipment | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Delirium | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Coordinated Attack | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Secret Sabotage | Interrupt | Dogs of War |
| | Kelvas V, Steal Breen Armament | Mission | A Time to Stand |
| | Steal Breen Armament | Mission | Dogs of War |
| | Council of Warriors | Objective | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Bronok | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Bronok | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Chancellor Gowron | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Chancellor Martok | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Chu'vok | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Elim Garak, Imposing Patriot | Personnel | Far Beyond the Stars |
| | Luaran | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Luaran, Critical Coordinator | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Luaran 9 | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Martok, Leader of Destiny | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Rusot (Things Past) | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Rusot, Proud Nationalist | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Vornar | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Vornar | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Worf Son of Mogh (Dogs of War) | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Enhanced Attack Ship | Ship | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Modified Vor'Cha | Ship | Dogs of War |
| | Stolen Attack Ship | Ship | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| Extreme Measures |
| | Romulan Mind Probes | Dilemma | Dogs of War |
| | In the Zone | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Frantic Probe | Interrupt | Balance of Terror |
| | Bandee | Personnel | Second Edition |
| The Dogs of War |
| | 33rd Rule of Acquisition | Event | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Defiant Dedication Plaque | Event | Homefront VI |
| | Ferengi Tradition | Event | Extreme Measures |
| | Revolutionaries | Event | Cold Front |
| | The Unrelenting Lust for Profit | Event | Cold Front |
| | Undaunted | Event | The Menagerie |
| | For Cardassia! | Interrupt | Lower Decks |
| | Rule of Acquisition #33 | Interrupt | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | For Cardassia! | Objective | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Borven | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Grand Nagus Rom | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Kasidy Yates, Resolute Bride | Personnel | The Menagerie |
| | Leeta, Devoted Wife | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Mila, Trusted Confidante | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | U.S.S. Sao Paulo | Ship | Rules of Acquisition |
| | U.S.S. Sao Paulo, NCC-75633 | Ship | This Side of Paradise |
| What You Leave Behind, Part I |
| | Dignitaries and Witnesses | Dilemma | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Patriotic Spirit | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Rejecting the Past | Dilemma | Return to Grace |
| | Dominion War Efforts | Event | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Invocation of Kosst Amojan | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Mobilization Points | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Explicit Orders | Interrupt | Fractured Time |
| | I Want the Cardassians Exterminated! | Interrupt | Dogs of War |
| | I Won't Miss Him | Interrupt | Apocalypse Rising |
| | Remember the Alamo | Interrupt | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Battle of Cardassia | Mission | Dogs of War |
| | Cardassia Prime, Secure Homeworld | Mission | The Omega Directive |
| | Cardassia Prime, Subjugated Planet | Mission | Move Along Home |
| | Defend Homeworld | Objective | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Benjamin Sisko, The Emissary of the Prophets | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Broca | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Broca, Grovelling Lackey | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Ekoor | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Ekoor | Personnel | The Nth Degree |
| | Founder Leader, Desperate Dictator | Personnel | Apocalypse Rising |
| | Lieutenant Nog | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Mila | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Pran, Thot | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Rayva, Bureaucratic Ally | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Thot Pran | Personnel | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Turan'Ekan | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Weyoun, Instrument of the Founders | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Winn Adami, Renegade Priest | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Breen Warship | Ship | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Rovaran | Ship | Tenth Anniversary Collection |
| | Tykk | Ship | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Breen Disruptor Burst | Tactic | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| What You Leave Behind, Part II |
| | Dignitaries and Witnesses | Dilemma | Homefront II |
| | Morphogenic Virus | Dilemma | Classification: Civilian |
| | At What Cost? | Event | Infinite Diversity Remastered |
| | Mobilization Points | Event | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Orbital Weapon Platform | Event | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | The Cost of Freedom | Event | The Undiscovered Country |
| | Ancient Grudge | Interrupt | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Dear Friends | Interrupt | What You Leave Behind |
| | Surprise Snag | Interrupt | Captain's Log |
| | Brian Evethers | Personnel | Unnatural Selection |
| | Dukat (Things Past) | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Dukat, Pah-Wraith Puppet | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | General Lar | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Jiten'parekh | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Kira Nerys, Colonel Kira | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | Odo (Homefront II) | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Odo, The Great Link's Savior | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Rayva | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Tholun | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Tholun | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Vic Fontaine (Dogs of War) | Personnel | Dogs of War |
| | Weyoun Hologram, Inquisitor's Tool | Personnel | Apocalypse Rising |
| | 1 Tribble - Process | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 10 Tribbles - Toxin | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Toxin | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Confront | Tribble | Virtual Promos |