Show First Edition Show Second Edition Show Tribbles Show AllOpening Credits |
| | Stellar Flare | Dilemma | Blaze of Glory |
| | Homeward Bound | Interrupt | Lower Decks |
Season 1 |
| Caretaker, Part I |
| | Caretaker's Wave | Dilemma | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Caretaker's Wave | Dilemma | What You Leave Behind |
| | Ready Room Door | Doorway | Voyager |
| | Federation Compression Rifle | Equipment | Captain's Log |
| | Confessions of a Captain | Event | Captain's Log |
| | Improvised Modifications | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Whisked Away | Event | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | Kazon Outpost | Facility | Voyager |
| | Caretaker's Array | Incident | Voyager |
| | Covert Agent | Incident | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Caretaker's Array | Mission | Captain's Log |
| | Evade Patrolling Squadron | Mission | Virtual Promos |
| | Liberation | Mission | Voyager |
| | Plasma Storm Depths, Search for Missing Vessel | Mission | Caretaker |
| | Ayala, Patriot | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | B'Elanna | Personnel | The Borg |
| | B'Elanna Torres, Creative Engineer | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Cavit | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Cavit, Apprehensive First Officer | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Chakotay, Bridge Between Two Crews | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Dr. Fitzgerald | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Harry Kim, Eager to Please | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Jabin | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Kathryn Janeway (Chain of Command) | Personnel | Chain of Command |
| | Kathryn Janeway, Forceful Captain | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Lagren | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Quark, Cordial Host | Personnel | Star Trek 50 |
| | Rollins | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Rollins, Trusted Subordinate | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Stadi | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Stadi, Focused | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Tom Paris (The Maquis) | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Tom Paris, Best Pilot You Could Have | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Tom Paris, "Starfleet Observer" | Personnel | Genesis |
| | Tuvok (The Maquis) | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Tuvok, Undercover | Personnel | Genesis |
| | Tuvok, Chief of Security | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Tuvok, Undercover | Personnel | Genesis |
| | Liberty | Ship | The Borg |
| | Maquis Raider | Ship | Energize |
| | U.S.S. Voyager (Chain of Command) | Ship | Chain of Command |
| | U.S.S. Voyager, Home Away From Home | Ship | Captain's Log |
| | Val Jean | Ship | The Maquis |
| | Valjean | Ship | Energize |
| | Vetar | Ship | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Vetar | Ship | Second Edition |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Recycle | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Caretaker, Part II |
| | Moral Choice | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Subterranean Barrier | Dilemma | Genesis |
| | The Caretaker's "Guests" | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | The Caretaker's "Guests" | Dilemma | Genesis |
| | Point Blank Strike | Event | Second Edition |
| | Standing Your Ground | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Ocampa System, Salvage Debris | Mission | Caretaker |
| | Salvage Operation | Mission | Voyager |
| | The Only Way Home | Objective | The Maquis |
| | B'Elanna Torres, Chief Engineer | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Chakotay, First Officer | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Kes, Curious Ocampa | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Neelix, Morale Officer | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Rielat | Personnel | Shades of Gray |
| | Ril | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Kazon Warship | Ship | Voyager |
| | U.S.S. Voyager, Home Away From Home | Ship | Virtual Promo Cards |
| Parallax |
| | Staffing Shortage | Dilemma | Unnatural Selection |
| | The Long Journey Home | Event | Captain's Log |
| | Event Horizon | Interrupt | Extreme Measures |
| | Investigate Quantum Singularity | Mission | Voyager |
| | Joe Carey, Next In Line | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| Time and Again |
| | Civil Unrest | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Flashpoint | Dilemma | Zero Hour |
| | Subspace Fracture | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Subspace Fracture | Dilemma | Dead Stop |
| | Aftermath | Mission | Voyager |
| | Aftermath II | Mission | Life From Lifelessness |
| Phage |
| | Deadly Donation | Dilemma | Lifesigns |
| | Hall of Mirrors | Dilemma | Phage |
| | Organ Theft | Dilemma | Phage |
| | Scout Encounter | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Vidiian Harvester | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Vidiian Harvester | Equipment | Phage |
| | Downfallen Civilization | Event | Phage |
| | Vidiian Organ Bank | Event | Phage |
| | Vidiian Outpost | Facility | Voyager |
| | Superior Surgical Knowledge | Incident | Lifesigns |
| | The Search for Spares | Incident | Lifesigns |
| | The Vidiian Sodality | Incident | Voyager |
| | Honatta | Interrupt | Lifesigns |
| | Honatta | Interrupt | Phage |
| | Dereth | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Dereth, Determined Honatta | Personnel | Phage |
| | Morulla | Personnel | Shades of Gray |
| | Motura | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Motura, Eminent Sculptor | Personnel | Phage |
| | Neelix | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Vidiian Scout Vessel | Ship | Voyager |
| | 10 Tribbles - Generosity | Tribble | A Tribble of a Different Color |
| The Cloud |
| | Hot Mess | Dilemma | Shore Leave |
| | The Cloud | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Thirst for Knowledge | Event | Lower Decks |
| | Collect Omicron Particles | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Collect Omicron Particles | Mission | Captain's Log |
| | Heal Life-form | Mission | Voyager |
| | Neelix | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Neelix, Culinary Usurper | Personnel | Shore Leave |
| Eye of the Needle |
| | Temporal Micro-Wormhole | Doorway | Voyager |
| | Medical Tricorder | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | Explore Micro-Wormhole | Mission | Captain's Log |
| | B'Elanna Torres, Straightforward Engineer | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Dr. Telek R'Mor | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Telek R'Mor, Astrophysical Researcher | Personnel | Second Edition |
| | The Doctor, Emergency Medical Hologram | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | U.S.S. Voyager | Ship | Voyager |
| Ex Post Facto |
| | Expose Plot | Mission | Voyager |
| | Investigate Alleged Murder | Mission | Captain's Log |
| Emanations |
| | Emanations | Event | Matter of Time |
| | The Next Emanation | Event | Voyager |
| | Study Interment Site | Mission | Voyager |
| | Vhnori Graveyard, Investigate Unknown Element | Mission | Captain's Log |
| | Dr. Neria | Personnel | Voyager |
| Prime Factors |
| | Security Lockout | Dilemma | Phage |
| | Acquire Technology | Mission | Voyager |
| | Obtain Advanced Technology | Mission | Captain's Log |
| | Joseph Carey | Personnel | Voyager |
| State of Flux |
| | Replicator Accident | Dilemma | The Borg |
| | Containment Field | Incident | Voyager |
| | Seska, Cardassian Agent | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Kazon Raider | Ship | Voyager |
| Heroes and Demons |
| | Photonic Energy Being | Dilemma | The Borg |
| | U.S.S. Intrepid | Ship | Voyager |
| Cathexis |
| | Komar Possession | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Suspicion | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | Running a Tight Ship | Event | Necessary Evil |
| Faces |
| | Toe to Toe | Dilemma | What You Leave Behind |
| | Face Off | Event | Phage |
| | Superior Surgical Techniques | Incident | Lifesigns |
| | Reconstituted Genome | Interrupt | Phage |
| | Avery III, Develop Cure | Mission | Phage |
| | Research Phage | Mission | Voyager |
| | Organ Theft | Objective | Voyager |
| | Bridon | Personnel | Lifesigns |
| | Bridon | Personnel | Phage |
| | Chakotay (Lifesigns) | Personnel | Lifesigns |
| | Daughter of Miral | Personnel | Lifesigns |
| | Dilanum | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Dilanum | Personnel | Phage |
| | Hophalin | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Hophalin | Personnel | Phage |
| | Losarus | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Losarus | Personnel | Phage |
| | Lt. Torres | Personnel | Lifesigns |
| | Maleth | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Maleth | Personnel | Phage |
| | Sethis | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Sorum | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Sulan | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Sulan, Chief Surgeon | Personnel | Phage |
| Jetrel |
| | Medical PADD | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Restore Victims | Mission | Voyager |
| | Rinax, Salvage Devastated Colony | Mission | Phage |
| | Dr. Ma'Bor Jetrel | Personnel | Voyager |
| Learning Curve |
| | In Development | Dilemma | Infinite Diversity |
| | Bio-Neural Gel Pack | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Learning Curve | Event | Genesis |
| | Lower Decks | Event | Voyager |
| | Learning Curve | Incident | The Maquis |
| | Chell, Incessant Chatterbox | Personnel | Warp Pack: Access Denied |
| | Kenneth Dalby, Insubordinate Crewman | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Mariah Henley | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Mariah Henley | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Tuvok | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
Season 2 |
| The 37's |
| | Modified Tricorder | Equipment | Captain's Log |
| | A New Earth | Incident | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | Blue Alert | Incident | Voyager |
| | Briori Sector, Investigate Corrosion | Mission | Lower Decks |
| | Former Briori Colony, Investigate SOS | Mission | Caretaker |
| | Make New Home | Mission | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | Karyn Berlin | Personnel | Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 |
| | Marquay | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Tom Paris | Personnel | Voyager |
| Initiations |
| | Medical Crisis | Dilemma | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Kazon Disruptor | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Combat Training | Mission | Voyager |
| | Tarok, Observe Kazon Ritual | Mission | Captain's Log |
| | Haliz | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Karden | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Razik | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Kazon Fighter | Ship | The Borg |
| Projections |
| Elogium |
| | Aggressive Behavior | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Aggressive Behavior | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Study Interstellar Colony | Mission | Voyager |
| | Samantha Wildman | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Samantha Wildman, First Mother on Voyager | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| Non Sequitur |
| | Thomas Paris | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Drake, Voyager Shuttle | Ship | Captain's Log |
| Twisted |
| | Twisted | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | I'm a Doctor, Not a Bartender | Interrupt | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Assign Mission Specialists | Objective | Voyager |
| | Baxter, Wandering Security Officer | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| Parturition |
| | Restock Supplies | Mission | Voyager |
| Persistence of Vision |
| | Telepathic Deception | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Home Away From Home | Incident | Voyager |
| | Small Oversight | Interrupt | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Bothan Vessel | Ship | Voyager |
| Tattoo |
| | Ancestral Vision | Event | Voyager |
| | Kolopak, Bound to Tradition | Personnel | A Time to Stand |
| Cold Fire |
| | Psycho-Kinetic Attack | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | The Power | Interrupt | Voyager |
| | Tanis | Personnel | Voyager |
| Maneuvers |
| | Breached | Dilemma | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Starfleet Type II Phaser | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Transporter Control Module | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Ambush Ship | Mission | Voyager |
| | Boarding Party | Objective | Voyager |
| | Culluh and Seska | Personnel | The Gift |
| | Haron | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Kazat | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Loran | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Seska | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Tanar | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Valek | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Kazon Shuttle | Ship | Voyager |
| Resistance |
| | Contact Resistance | Mission | Voyager |
| | Mokra-Controlled Planet, Exploit Strife | Mission | Phage |
| Prototype |
| | Derelict Robot | Dilemma | Phage |
| | Cybernetics Expertise | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Cravic Unit 122 | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Pralor Unit 3947 | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Pralor Unit 6263 | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Cravic Warship | Ship | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Pralor Warship | Ship | Holodeck Adventures |
| Alliances |
| | Sabotaged Negotiations | Dilemma | The Borg |
| | Trabe Grenade | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Trabe Grenade | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Kazon PADD | Equipment | The Gift |
| | Leader of the Sect | Event | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Kazon Conference | Mission | Voyager |
| | Corez | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Culluh | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Mabus | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Minnis | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Rettick | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Saldin | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Surat | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Tersa | Personnel | Voyager |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Famine | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Threshold |
| | Primal Urges | Dilemma | The Cage |
| | Mutation | Interrupt | Voyager |
| | Cochrane, Voyager Shuttle | Ship | Captain's Log |
| | Type 9 Shuttlecraft | Ship | Voyager |
| Meld |
| | Contamination | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Justice or Vengeance | Dilemma | Homefront VI |
| | Justice or Vengeance | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Murder Investigation | Dilemma | Homefront |
| | Murder Investigation | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Fair Play | Event | Voyager |
| | Ayala | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Lon Suder | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Lon Suder, Casual Killer | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| Dreadnought |
| | DNA Security Scan | Dilemma | Crossover |
| | DNA Security Scan | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Engineering Kit | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Engineering Kit | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | Dreadnought | Event | Second Chances |
| | Prevent Annihilation | Mission | Voyager |
| | Rakosa System, Intercept "Dreadnought" | Mission | Caretaker |
| | Harry Kim | Personnel | Voyager |
| Death Wish |
| | Q | Dilemma | Homefront VI |
| | Q: A Dazzling Flash | Dilemma | The Trial Never Ended |
| | Q: A Road in a Desert | Dilemma | Alternate Universe: Twilight |
| | The Big Picture | Event | Voyager |
| | Q2 | Interrupt | Virtual Promos |
| | Quinn | Interrupt | Voyager |
| | Quinn | Interrupt | Extreme Measures |
| | Mortal Quinn | Personnel | The Trial Never Ended |
| | William T. Riker, Surprised Witness | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | An Absence of Manners | Q Event | The Trial Never Ended |
| Lifesigns |
| | The Phage | Dilemma | What You Leave Behind |
| | The Phage | Interrupt | Voyager |
| | Enhance Treatment Research | Mission | Lifesigns |
| | Respond to Distress Call | Mission | Lifesigns |
| | Chakotay | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Danara Pel | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Danara Pel, Ethical Hematologist | Personnel | Phage |
| | Dr. Pel | Personnel | Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 |
| Investigations |
| | Traitor Exposed | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Hogan | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Hogan | Personnel | Continuing Mission |
| | Michael Jonas, Crafty Mechanic | Personnel | Zero Hour |
| Deadlock |
| | Face to Face | Dilemma | Crossover |
| | Face to Face | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Hull Breach | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Spatial Rift | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Alternate Universe Door | Doorway | Homefront VI |
| | Organ Harvesting | Event | Phage |
| | Delta Quadrant Spatial Scission | Incident | Voyager |
| | Auto-Destruct Sequence | Interrupt | Voyager |
| | Nadirum | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Nadirum, Grim Reaper | Personnel | Phage |
| | Nirata | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Nirata | Personnel | Phage |
| | Saneel | Personnel | Lifesigns |
| | Sinaren | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Sinaren | Personnel | Phage |
| | Telari | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Telari | Personnel | Phage |
| | Thaden | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Thaden, Procurement Specialist | Personnel | Phage |
| | Organ Bank | Ship | Lifesigns |
| | Solace, Bio-Matter Collector | Ship | Phage |
| | Vidiian Cruiser | Ship | Voyager |
| | Vidiian Cruiser | Ship | Phage |
| | Hyper-thermic Charges | Tactic | Lifesigns |
| Innocence |
| | Hazardous Duty | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Bennet | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| The Thaw |
| | The Clown: Beneath the Mask | Dilemma | The Borg |
| | The Clown: Bitter Medicine | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | The Clown: Bitter Medicine | Dilemma | Fractured Time |
| | The Clown: Celebration | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | The Clown: Cloaking Device | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | The Clown: Fear Incarnate | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | The Clown: Go Away | Dilemma | Infinite Diversity |
| | The Clown: Guillotine | Dilemma | Holodeck Adventures |
| | The Clown: Guillotine | Dilemma | What You Leave Behind |
| | The Clown: My Festival | Dilemma | The Borg |
| | The Clown: On His Throne | Dilemma | Metamorphosis |
| | The Clown: On His Throne | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | The Clown: Playing Doctor | Dilemma | Holodeck Adventures |
| | The Clown: Ultimatum | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | Engineering Tricorder | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Kohl Settlement, Thaw Hibernating Survivors | Mission | Caretaker |
| | Revive Settlers | Mission | Voyager |
| Tuvix |
| | Tuvix, Symbiogenesis | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| Resolutions |
| | Flash Plasma Storm | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Left Behind | Dilemma | Legacy |
| | Terminal Resignation | Dilemma | Unnatural Selection |
| | Cure Deadly Virus | Mission | Voyager |
| | New Earth, Quarantine Infected Crew | Mission | Caretaker |
| | Redemption, Medical Vessel | Ship | Phage |
| | Vidiian Interceptor | Ship | Voyager |
| | Vidiian Interceptor | Ship | Phage |
| Basics, Part I |
| | Hanonian Land Eel | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Kazon Bomb | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Meditation | Event | The Borg |
| | Commandeer Ship | Objective | Voyager |
| | Andreas Colter | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Rabek | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Seska | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Tierna | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Voyager | Ship | Engage |
Season 3 |
| Basics, Part II |
| | Hanonian Land Eel | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Primitive Humanoids | Dilemma | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Volcanic Eruption | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Halok | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Maniz | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Narret | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Paxim | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Seska, Pragmatic Agent | Personnel | Star Trek 50 |
| Flashback |
| | Subspace Shock Wave | Dilemma | The Motion Pictures |
| | Emergency Treatment | Interrupt | Energize |
| | Captain Kang | Personnel | The Motion Pictures |
| | Captain Sulu | Personnel | The Motion Pictures |
| | Commander Rand | Personnel | The Motion Pictures |
| | Dmitri Valtane | Personnel | The Motion Pictures |
| | Ensign Tuvok | Personnel | The Motion Pictures |
| | Hikaru Sulu, Cunning Tactician | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Lojur | Personnel | The Motion Pictures |
| | Tuvok, Stolid Ensign | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | I.K.S. K'elric | Ship | The Motion Pictures |
| | Starship Excelsior | Ship | The Motion Pictures |
| The Chute |
| | Akritirian Detention Facility, Prison Break | Mission | Caretaker |
| | Prison Break | Mission | Voyager |
| | Baxial | Ship | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Baxial, Salvage Ship | Ship | Captain's Log |
| The Swarm |
| | The Swarm | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Cluttering Irrelevancies | Interrupt | Shades of Gray |
| | Cluttering Irrelevancies | Interrupt | Strange New Worlds |
| | Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, Diagnostic Program Alpha One One | Personnel | Caretaker |
| False Profits |
| | Barzan Wormhole | Doorway | Voyager |
| | Oo-mox | Event | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Villagers With Torches | Event | Voyager |
| | A Royal Welcome | Interrupt | This Side of Paradise |
| | Barzan Wormhole, Preliminary Incursion | Mission | Phage |
| | Takar, Exploit Populace | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Arridor, "Great Sage" | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Dr. Arridor | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Kol | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Kol | Personnel | Strange New Worlds |
| | Neelix, Grand Proxy | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | 100 Tribbles - Evade | Tribble | Star Trek 50 |
| Remember |
| | Transport Colonists | Mission | Holodeck Adventures |
| Sacred Ground |
| | Nechani Homeworld, Participate in Sacred Ritual | Mission | Phage |
| | Kathryn Janeway | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Magistrate Drang | Personnel | Voyager |
| Future's End, Part I |
| | Dial-Up | Dilemma | Straight and Steady |
| | Distracted by Thoughts of Home | Dilemma | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Making It Work | Event | Captain's Log |
| | Handshake | Incident | Voyager |
| Future's End, Part II |
| | Mobile Emitter | Equipment | The Nth Degree |
| | Mobile Holo-Emitter | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Henry Starling, CEO of Chronowerx Industries | Personnel | Caretaker |
| Warlord |
| | War Council | Incident | Voyager |
| | Ilari, Oust Warlord | Mission | Phage |
| | Unseat Dictator | Mission | Voyager |
| The Q and the Grey |
| | Q: Enter the Supernova | Dilemma | The Trial Never Ended |
| | Q's Tent: Civil War | Doorway | Virtual Promos |
| | Omnipotent Armament | Equipment | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Bigger Tattoo | Event | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | A Q Scorned | Interrupt | This Side of Paradise |
| | Miss Q | Interrupt | The Trial Never Ended |
| | Divert Power | Objective | Voyager |
| Macrocosm |
| | Macrovirus | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Tak Tak Negotiations | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | Tak Tak Negotiation | Mission | Voyager |
| Fair Trade |
| | Implication | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Nekrit Supply Depot | Facility | Voyager |
| | Bahrat's Space Station, Negotiate for Supplies | Mission | Caretaker |
| | Catalog Phenomena | Mission | Voyager |
| | Vorik, Unflappable | Personnel | A Less Perfect Union |
| | Wixiban, Old Friend | Personnel | A Time to Stand |
| Alter Ego |
| | Kal-Toh | Event | Voyager |
| | Party Atmosphere | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Inversion Mystery | Mission | Voyager |
| | Inversion Mystery | Mission | Favor the Bold |
| Coda |
| | Delanh | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Delanh | Personnel | Phage |
| Blood Fever |
| | Mine Gallicite | Mission | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Sakari Colony, Assimilate Resources | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Vorik | Personnel | Voyager |
| Unity |
| | Assist Cooperative | Mission | Voyager |
| | Reestablish Neural Cooperative | Mission | Raise the Stakes |
| | Computation Drone | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Eight of Fifteen | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Isotope Drone | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | Marie Kaplan | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Marie Kaplan, Observant Officer | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Nine of Fifteen | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Orum | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Riley Frazier | Personnel | The Borg |
| Darkling |
| | Best Interests at Heart | Dilemma | Favor the Bold |
| | Reprogrammed | Interrupt | Favor the Bold |
| | Mikhal Outpost, Exchange Information | Mission | Phage |
| Rise |
| | Balancing Act | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Stop Bombardment | Mission | Voyager |
| Favorite Son |
| | Female's Love Interest | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Matriarchal Society | Dilemma | Voyager |
| Before and After |
| Real Life |
| | Assassin's Blade | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Astral Eddy | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Kes, Experienced Ocampa | Personnel | The Undiscovered Country |
| Distant Origin |
| | Voth City Ship, Challenge Doctrine | Mission | Timeless |
| Displaced |
| | Displaced | Dilemma | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Nyrian Translocation | Event | Caretaker |
| | Nyria III, Exact Retribution | Mission | Phage |
| | Taleen, Sanctimonious Turnkey | Personnel | Caretaker |
| Worst Case Scenario |
| | Feedback Surge | Incident | The Borg |
| | Alex Porter, Campaign Veteran | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Captain Chakotay | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Carlson | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Larson, Security Team Member | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Seska, Complicated Loyalties | Personnel | Caretaker |
| Scorpion, Part I |
| | Gravimetric Distortion | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | The Weak Will Perish | Dilemma | The Borg |
| | The Weak Will Perish | Dilemma | Balance of Terror |
| | Your Galaxy Is Impure | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | Borg Nanoprobes | Equipment | The Borg |
| | Borg Nanoprobes | Equipment | Inheritance |
| | Combined Attack | Event | Balance of Terror |
| | Mission Debriefing | Event | Voyager |
| | Narrow Escape | Interrupt | The Borg |
| | Adelaar System, Battle Reconnaissance | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Battle Reconnaissance | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Northwest Passage, Resist Extradimensional Invasion | Mission | The Omega Directive |
| | Leonardo da Vinci | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Seven of Nine (The Borg) | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Borg Cube | Ship | The Borg |
Season 4 |
| Scorpion, Part II |
| | Bio-ship Attack | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | Gravimetric Distortion | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Your Galaxy Is Impure | Dilemma | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Regeneration Alcoves | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Assault on Species 8472 | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Northwest Passage, Contact Extradimensional Species | Mission | Balance of Terror |
| | Annexation Drone | Personnel | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Preservation Drone | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Seven of Nine (The Borg) | Personnel | The Dominion |
| The Gift |
| | Starting Over | Event | Homefront IV |
| | Starting Over | Event | Captain's Log |
| | Transcendent Farewell | Event | Qpid |
| | Beyond the Subatomic | Interrupt | Voyager |
| | The Gift | Interrupt | Voyager |
| | Kes | Personnel | Voyager |
| | The Doctor | Personnel | Voyager |
| Day of Honor |
| | Seven of Nine | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Seven of Nine, Efficient Analyst | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| Nemesis |
| | Brainwash | Event | Virtual Promos |
| | Vori Planet, Intervene in Local Conflict | Mission | Phage |
| Revulsion |
| | Dejaren | Dilemma | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Medical Kit | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Hate | Interrupt | Extreme Measures |
| | Answer Distress Signal | Mission | Voyager |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Hate | Tribble | Bad Brood Rising |
| The Raven |
| | B'omar Stipulations | Dilemma | Necessary Evil |
| | B'omar Sovereignty, Traverse Restricted Space | Mission | Unnatural Selection |
| | Tuvok | Personnel | Voyager |
| Scientific Method |
| | Invasive Procedures | Dilemma | The Borg |
| | Scientific Method | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Mutation | Interrupt | Virtual Promos |
| Year of Hell, Part I |
| | Abandon Ship! | Dilemma | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Astrometrics Lab (Ships of the Line) | Event | Ships of the Line |
| | Emergency Evacuation | Event | Face of the Enemy |
| | Temporal Incursion | Event | Strange New Worlds |
| | Distortion of Space/Time Continuum | Interrupt | Voyager |
| | Escape Pod | Interrupt | Voyager |
| | Class 9 Nebula, Bypass Disputed Region | Mission | Phage |
| | Annorax, Temporal Architect | Personnel | The Undiscovered Country |
| Year of Hell, Part II |
| | Resilience | Event | Face of the Enemy |
| | Bypass Warzone | Mission | The Gift |
| | Obrist, Temporal Tactician | Personnel | Lineage |
| | Kyana's Hope, Temporal Weapon | Ship | The Undiscovered Country |
| Random Thoughts |
| | Male's Love Interest | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Nimira | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Nimira | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| Concerning Flight |
| | Common Thief | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Crisis | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Stolen Computer Core | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Starfleet Type III Phaser Rifle | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Organized Crime | Event | Unnatural Selection |
| | Leonardo da Vinci, Renaissance Man | Personnel | A Less Perfect Union |
| | Translocation Raider | Ship | Unnatural Selection |
| Mortal Coil |
| | Nanoprobe Resuscitation | Interrupt | Voyager |
| Waking Moments |
| | Neurogenic Field | Dilemma | What You Leave Behind |
| Message in a Bottle |
| | Navigational Hazards | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Not Easily Destroyed | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Multivector Assault Mode | Interrupt | The Borg |
| | Sector 21396, Commandeer Prototype | Mission | What You Leave Behind |
| | Secure Station | Mission | The Borg |
| | B'Elanna Torres | Personnel | Voyager |
| | E.M.H. Mark II, Newborn but Filled with Courage | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | E.M.H.-Mark II | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Nevala | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Nevala | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Rekar | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Rekar, Tool of the Tal'Shiar | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Thenelak | Personnel | The Borg |
| | T'Met, Timely Reinforcement | Ship | Face of the Enemy |
| | U.S.S. Prometheus | Ship | The Borg |
| | U.S.S. Prometheus, Stolen Prototype | Ship | What You Leave Behind |
| | U.S.S. Prometheus, Experimental Prototype | Ship | What You Leave Behind |
| | U.S.S. Prometheus, Stolen Prototype | Ship | What You Leave Behind |
| Hunters |
| | Impressive Trophies | Dilemma | The Borg |
| | Impressive Trophies | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Hirogen Talon | Equipment | The Borg |
| | Astrometrics Lab | Event | Second Edition |
| | Raise the Stakes | Event | This Side of Paradise |
| | Relics of the Chase | Incident | The Borg |
| | Rituals of the Hunt | Incident | The Borg |
| | Idrin | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Ranjen | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Hunting Vessel | Ship | The Borg |
| Prey |
| | Body Armor | Equipment | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Hirogen Hunt: Coordinated Effort | Event | The Gift |
| | Hirogen Hunt | Incident | The Borg |
| | Akusei Belt, Hunt Alien | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Hunt Alien | Mission | The Borg |
| | Karon | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Vurond | Personnel | The Borg |
| Retrospect |
| The Killing Game, Part I |
| | Simulated Prey | Dilemma | Lower Decks |
| | The Killing Game | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | Implant Neural Interface | Event | Caretaker |
| | Davar | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Janeway | Personnel | The Gift |
| | Karr | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Pequod | Ship | Ships of the Line |
| The Killing Game, Part II |
| | Sainte Claire Wargame | Event | Caretaker |
| | Hunting Group | Objective | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Jetarn | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Jorik | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Takirac | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Turanj | Personnel | The Borg |
| Vis à Vis |
| The Omega Directive |
| | Omega Particle | Event | The Borg |
| | Particle 010 | Event | Zero Hour |
| | Harness Omega Particle | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Harness Particle 010 | Objective | The Borg |
| | Omega Directive | Objective | The Borg |
| Unforgettable |
| Living Witness |
| | Earn Your Rank! | Event | Metamorphosis |
| | Holoprogram: The Voyager Encounter | Incident | Metamorphosis |
| | Conduct Perilous Trade | Mission | Metamorphosis |
| | Curator Quarren | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Revised Chakotay | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Revised Chakotay, Imposturous First Officer | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Revised Doctor | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Revised Doctor, Mass Murderer | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Revised Janeway | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Revised Janeway, Cold-Blooded Killer | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Revised Kim | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Revised Kim, Interrogator | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Revised Kizar | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Revised Kizar | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Revised Neelix | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Revised Neelix, Hedgehog Ops Officer | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Revised Paris | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Revised Paris, Female Ensign Chaser | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Revised Seven of Nine | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Revised Seven of Nine, Shock-Trooper | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Revised Tuvok | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Revised Tuvok, Evil Instrument of Destruction | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Museum of Kyrian Heritage | Time Location | Metamorphosis |
| Demon |
| One |
| | 100 Tribbles - Replicate | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Hope and Fear |
| | Quantum Slipstream Drive | Event | The Borg |
| | Assimilate Starship | Mission | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Arturis | Personnel | Voyager |
| | U.S.S. Dauntless | Ship | The Borg |
| | U.S.S. Dauntless, False Hope | Ship | Raise the Stakes |
Season 5 |
| Night |
| | Becalmed | Dilemma | A Time to Stand |
| | Satan's Robot | Equipment | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Discard By-Product | Mission | Lineage |
| | Buster Kincaid | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Emck, Export Controller | Personnel | Extreme Measures |
| | Satan's Robot, Dangerous Minion | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Eleventh Gradient, Export Vessel | Ship | Extreme Measures |
| | U.S.S. Voyager | Ship | Virtual Promos |
| Drone |
| | Borg Outpost | Facility | The Borg |
| | One with the Borg | Incident | Cold Front |
| | Instruct Advanced Drone | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Study Protonebula | Mission | Holodeck Adventures |
| | One | Personnel | The Borg |
| | One, Peerless | Personnel | The Nth Degree |
| Extreme Risk |
| | Radioactive Garbage Scow | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Holodeck Safety Protocols | Interrupt | Caretaker |
| | Delta Flyer, Innovative Vessel | Ship | These Are The Voyages |
| In the Flesh |
| | Charismatic Mimic | Dilemma | Balance of Terror |
| | Commanding Presence | Dilemma | Balance of Terror |
| | Dubious Decoy | Dilemma | Balance of Terror |
| | On Guard | Dilemma | Balance of Terror |
| | Race Relations | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | Unusual Simulacrum | Dilemma | Balance of Terror |
| | Invasion Plans | Event | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Terrasphere 8, Starfleet Command Re-creation | Mission | Balance of Terror |
| Once Upon a Time |
| Timeless |
| | Quantum Slipstream Drive | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| | Chakotay, The Galaxy's Most Wanted | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Geordi La Forge, Temporal Enforcer | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Harry Kim, Remorseful Survivor | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | Tessa Omond, Temporal Conspirator | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Freeze | Tribble | Trials and Tribble-ations |
| Infinite Regress |
| | Borg Vinculum | Equipment | The Borg |
| | Drapanas, Outbreak Historian | Personnel | Phage |
| | Seven of Nine, Immersed in Chaos | Personnel | The Nth Degree |
| Nothing Human |
| | Cytoplasmic Life-form | Dilemma | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Crell Moset | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Crell Moset, Notorious Exobiologist | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Dr. Crell Moset, Medical Consultant Program | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Tabor (The Maquis) | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Tabor | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Tabor (The Maquis) | Personnel | The Maquis |
| | Tabor, Apoplectic Bajoran | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| Thirty Days |
| | Subspace "Sandbar", Contact Photonic Lifeforms | Mission | Caretaker |
| | The Waters, Aid Maritime Sovereignty | Mission | Favor the Bold |
| | Captain Proton | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | The Twin Mistresses of Evil | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Double | Tribble | A Tribble of a Different Color |
| Counterpoint |
| | Plans Within Plans | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| Latent Image |
| Bride of Chaotica! |
| | Holoprogram: Fortress of Doom | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Arachnia | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Chaotica | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Doctor Chaotica, Ruler of the Cosmos | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Lonzak, Loyal Henchman | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | The President of Earth | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| Gravity |
| Bliss |
| | Qatai | Personnel | The Cage |
| | Qatai, Determined Hunter | Personnel | Symbiosis |
| Dark Frontier, Part I |
| | Transwarp Network Gateway | Doorway | The Borg |
| | Borg Data Node | Equipment | The Borg |
| | Activate Subcommands | Event | The Borg |
| | Field Studies | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | You've Always Been My Favorite | Event | Necessary Evil |
| | Adapt: Modulate Shields | Interrupt | The Borg |
| | Awaken | Interrupt | The Borg |
| | Unrelenting | Interrupt | Peak Performance |
| | Assimilate Starship | Objective | The Borg |
| | Establish Gateway | Objective | The Borg |
| | Allocation Drone | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Appraisal Drone | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Borg Queen (The Borg) | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Eight of Eighteen | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Research Drone | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Seventeen of Eighteen | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Borg Probe | Ship | The Borg |
| | Borg Queen's Ship | Ship | The Borg |
| Dark Frontier, Part II |
| | You've Always Been My Favorite | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Grid 532, Assimilate Species 10026 | Mission | Lower Decks |
| | Assimilate Planet | Objective | The Borg |
| | Assimilate Species | Objective | The Borg |
| | Eliminate Starship | Objective | The Borg |
| | Reassimilate Lost Drone | Objective | The Borg |
| | Borg Queen (Shades of Gray) | Personnel | Shades of Gray |
| | Eleven of Eighteen | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Eleven of Eighteen, Augmentation Drone | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | Seven of Nine, Prodigal Daughter | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Two of Two, Adaptation Drone | Personnel | Favor the Bold |
| | Borg Queen's Vessel, Borg Flagship | Ship | What You Leave Behind |
| The Disease |
| | For Better or For Worse | Event | Raise the Stakes |
| | Derran Tal | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| Course: Oblivion |
| The Fight |
| Think Tank |
| | Sheer Lunacy | Dilemma | Call to Arms |
| | Unconventional Consideration | Dilemma | Balance of Terror |
| | Think Tank Assistance | Incident | Lifesigns |
| | Bevvox, Ancient Intellect | Personnel | The Omega Directive |
| | Fennim | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Fennim, Incisive Physician | Personnel | The Omega Directive |
| | Kurros | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Kurros, Brilliant Tactician | Personnel | The Omega Directive |
| | Seven of Nine, Ideal Candidate | Personnel | Classification: Civilian |
| | Sullin | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Sullin, Gifted Researcher | Personnel | The Omega Directive |
| | The Artificial Intelligence | Personnel | The Borg |
| | The Artificial Intelligence, Soul of an Artist | Personnel | The Omega Directive |
| | The Think Tank's Ship | Ship | The Borg |
| | Think Tank Ship, Ivory Tower | Ship | The Omega Directive |
| | Determined Assault | Tactic | Life From Lifelessness |
| Juggernaut |
| | Lack of Preparation | Dilemma | Voyager |
| | Theta-Radiation Poisoning | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Feqma | Personnel | Lineage |
| Someone to Watch Over Me |
| 11:59 |
| Relativity |
| | Unorthodox Recruitment | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Split Second | Event | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Temporal Transporters | Event | Matter of Time |
| | Out of Time | Incident | Virtual Promos |
| | Rebuilding the Fleet | Interrupt | Raise the Stakes |
| | Prevent Historical Disruption | Mission | Matter of Time |
| | Anthony Braxton, Forward-thinking Recruiter | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Ensign Jameson | Personnel | Straight and Steady |
| | Juel Ducane, Above Reproach | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Marris | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Seven of Nine, Undercover Operative | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Simmons | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | U.S.S. Relativity, Federation Timeship | Ship | Matter of Time |
| | U.S.S. Wells | Ship | Matter of Time |
| Warhead |
| | Tricia Jenkins, Relaxed Pilot | Personnel | Caretaker |
| Equinox, Part I |
| | Ankari "Spirits" | Dilemma | The Borg |
| | Equinox Conspiracy | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | Captain's Log | Event | Voyager |
| | Cold Calculations | Interrupt | Lower Decks |
| | Forcing Their Way | Interrupt | Allegiance |
| | Interspatial Fissures | Interrupt | Allegiance |
| | Relentless Attacks | Interrupt | Allegiance |
| | Triquadric Algorithms | Interrupt | Caretaker |
| | Locate Fuel Source | Mission | Allegiance |
| | Equinox Doctor | Personnel | The Borg |
| | James Morrow, Survivor | Personnel | Zero Hour |
| | Marla Gilmore | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Noah Lessing | Personnel | Voyager |
| | U.S.S. Equinox | Ship | Virtual Promos |
Season 6 |
| Equinox, Part II |
| | Last Stand | Dilemma | Unity |
| | Finding Our Way | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Pressing On | Event | Zero Hour |
| | Deleted Subroutines | Interrupt | Unnatural Selection |
| | Left with No Choice | Interrupt | Unnatural Selection |
| | Angelo Tassoni | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Angelo Tassoni | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Brian Sofin | Personnel | Return to Grace |
| | Equinox Doctor, Unethical Medical Hologram | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Jones | Personnel | Unity |
| | Marla Gilmore, Conflicted Engineer | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Maxwell Burke | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Maxwell Burke, Arrogant First Officer | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Noah Lessing, Driven Officer | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Rudolph Ransom | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Rudolph Ransom, Devious Captain | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | Sidney Albert, Hardhearted | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Thompson | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Thompson | Personnel | Allegiance |
| | U.S.S. Equinox | Ship | Voyager |
| | U.S.S. Equinox, Determined To Get Home | Ship | Allegiance |
| Survival Instinct |
| | Interlink Module | Event | Second Chances |
| | The Will of the Collective | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Neural Transceiver | Interrupt | These Are The Voyages |
| | Planet 1865-Alpha, Preserve Individuality | Mission | A Time to Stand |
| | Four of Nine | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Four of Nine, Heuristics Drone | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Lansor | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Marika | Personnel | The Borg |
| | P'Chan | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Seven of Nine, Part of the Greater Whole | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Three of Nine | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Three of Nine, Tactician Drone | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Two of Nine | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Two of Nine, Transtator Drone | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| Barge of the Dead |
| | Barge of the Dead | Event | The Menagerie |
| | Kortar, Slayer of Gods | Personnel | Shattered Mirror |
| Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy |
| | The E.C.H. | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| Alice |
| | Alice | Dilemma | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Christening | Event | Tacking Into the Wind |
| Riddles |
| | Grid 216, Trade with Ba'Neth Outpost | Mission | Phage |
| Dragon's Teeth |
| | Dragon's Teeth | Dilemma | Zero Hour |
| One Small Step |
| | Graviton Ellipse | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| The Voyager Conspiracy |
| | Repair Null Space Catapult | Mission | The Borg |
| | Repair Null Space Catapult | Mission | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | 100 Tribbles - Scan | Tribble | Nothing But Tribble |
| Pathfinder |
| | Deanna Troi (The Borg) | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Reginald Barclay (The Borg) | Personnel | The Borg |
| Fair Haven |
| | Wavefront | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| Blink of an Eye |
| | Research Rapid Rotation | Mission | Virtual Promos |
| | Weird Planet Displaced in Time, Research Rapid Rotation | Mission | Timeless |
| | Study Cultural Evolution | Objective | Virtual Promos |
| Virtuoso |
| Memorial |
| | Repair Memorial | Mission | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Tarakis, Repair Memorial | Mission | Lower Decks |
| | Naomi Wildman | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Naomi Wildman, Obliging Assistant | Personnel | Inheritance |
| Tsunkatse |
| | Inferiority | Dilemma | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Blue Match | Event | Lower Decks |
| | Red Match | Event | Lower Decks |
| | Target the Main Generator | Event | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | Target of Opportunity | Interrupt | Lower Decks |
| | Norcadia Prime, Shore Leave | Mission | Continuing Mission |
| | Feykaab | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | Hajur | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Hajur, Veteran Fighter | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Penk | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Penk, Unscrupulous Promoter | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | Seven of Nine (League Promo) | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Seven of Nine, Notorious Scapegoat | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | The Pendari Champion | Personnel | Voyager |
| | The Pendari Champion, Electrifying Favorite | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Nammoch, Travelling Carnival | Ship | Lower Decks |
| | Tsunkatse Ship | Ship | All Good Things |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Advance | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Kill | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100 Tribbles - Battle | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Collective |
| | Dangerous Standoff | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Outclassed | Dilemma | To Boldly Go |
| | Maturation Chamber | Equipment | The Borg |
| | Assimilation Techniques | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | And Raise You | Interrupt | Captain's Log |
| | Reconfigure | Interrupt | Caretaker |
| | Fifth | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Fifth, Neonatal Drone | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | First | Personnel | The Borg |
| | First, Unstable | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Fourth, Neonatal Drone | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Second | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Second, Neonatal Drone | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Third, Neonatal Drone | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Third and Fourth | Personnel | The Borg |
| | 10 Tribbles - Ante | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| Spirit Folk |
| | Sermon | Interrupt | Second Edition |
| Ashes to Ashes |
| | Lyndsay Ballard, Back From the Dead | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Q'ret, Adoptive Father | Personnel | Caretaker |
| Child's Play |
| | Icheb, Genetic Weapon | Personnel | Unnatural Selection |
| | Mezoti | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Rebi and Azan | Personnel | The Borg |
| Good Shepherd |
| | Good Shepherd | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Rise to the Occasion | Interrupt | Lower Decks |
| | Orlitus Cluster, Astronomical Survey | Mission | Lower Decks |
| | Reinitialize Warp Reaction | Mission | Voyager |
| | Kathryn Janeway, Mindful Keeper | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | Mitchell | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Mitchell | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | Mortimer Harren | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Mortimer Harren, Reclusive Genius | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | Tal Celes, Imprecise Analyst | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | William Telfer | Personnel | Voyager |
| | William Telfer, Misguided Hypochondriac | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | Delta Flyer | Ship | Voyager |
| Live Fast and Prosper |
| | Damaged Reputation | Dilemma | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Damaged Reputation | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Dala | Personnel | Virtual Promos |
| | Dala, Con Artist | Personnel | Unnatural Selection |
| | Mobar | Personnel | Unnatural Selection |
| Muse |
| | Artistic License | Dilemma | Balance of Terror |
| Fury |
| | Vidiian Grappling Claw | Event | Phage |
| | Vindictive Reprise | Event | Phage |
| | Full Complement of Shuttles | Incident | Through the Looking Glass |
| | Vidiian Boarding Claw | Incident | Voyager |
| | Alter History | Mission | Lifesigns |
| | Drenol | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Drenol | Personnel | Phage |
| | Kes (The Borg) | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Kes, Getting Back | Personnel | Phage |
| Life Line |
| | Unfair Comparison | Dilemma | Peak Performance |
| | Lewis Zimmerman | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| The Haunting of Deck Twelve |
| | Ghost Stories | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Return Life-form | Mission | Voyager |
| Unimatrix Zero, Part I |
| | Adapted to Service Us | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Adding to Our Perfection | Event | Call to Arms |
| | Alas, Poor Drone | Event | The Borg |
| | Quintessence | Event | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Regenerate | Event | Homefront III |
| | The New Resistance | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Unimatrix Zero | Event | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | You Have a Disease | Event | These Are The Voyages |
| | Unicomplex | Facility | The Borg |
| | Adapt: Negate Obstruction | Interrupt | The Borg |
| | Analyze | Interrupt | Call to Arms |
| | Indomitable | Interrupt | Necessary Evil |
| | Recessive Mutation | Interrupt | Warp Pack: Access Denied |
| | Unicomplex, Root of the Hive Mind | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Borg Queen, Bringer of Order | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Calibration Drone | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Eight of Eleven, Laura | Personnel | Unity |
| | Eleven of Ninety | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Five of Twelve, Secondary Adjunct of Trimatrix 942 | Personnel | Necessary Evil |
| | Four of Twelve, Standardization Drone | Personnel | These Are The Voyages |
| | Guidance Drone | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Reclamation Drone | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Seven of Nine, Annika | Personnel | Unity |
| | Six of Ten, Korok | Personnel | Unity |
| | Six of Twelve | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Two of Twelve | Personnel | The Borg |
Season 7 |
| Unimatrix Zero, Part II |
| | Persistent Individuality | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Cranial Transceiver Implant | Event | The Borg |
| | B'Elanna Torres, Mostly Assimilated | Personnel | Unity |
| | Borg Queen, Bringer of Order | Personnel | Promo Cards |
| | Connectivity Drone | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Eleven of Twelve | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Evaluation Drone | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Five of Twelve, Axum | Personnel | Unity |
| | General Korok | Personnel | 20th Anniversary Collection |
| | Kathryn Janeway, Mostly Assimilated | Personnel | Unity |
| | Nine of Twelve | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Six of Ten, Invalidation Drone | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Tuvok, Mostly Assimilated | Personnel | Unity |
| | Borg Tactical Cube | Ship | The Borg |
| | Renegade Borg Sphere | Ship | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Sphere 117, Renegade Borg Sphere | Ship | Unity |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Assimilate | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| Imperfection |
| | Debris Field | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Cortical Node Implant | Incident | The Borg |
| | Icheb | Personnel | The Borg |
| Drive |
| | Antarian Sector, Host Trans-stellar Rally | Mission | Classification: Civilian |
| | Tom Paris, Competitive Pilot | Personnel | Tacking Into the Wind |
| | Delta Flyer, Rebuilt "Hot Rod" | Ship | Tacking Into the Wind |
| Repression |
| | Repressed Message | Dilemma | Legacy |
| | Chell | Personnel | Voyager |
| | Doyle | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Teero Anaydis | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Teero Anaydis, Misguided Vedek | Personnel | A Time to Stand |
| Critical Care |
| | Critical Care | Mission | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Monala | Personnel | Lifesigns |
| | Monala | Personnel | Phage |
| Inside Man |
| | Borg Nanoprobes | Equipment | Homefront II |
| | Strictly Business | Interrupt | Qpid |
| | Gegis | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Gegis, Exploitative Profiteer | Personnel | Inheritance |
| | Leosa | Personnel | Metamorphosis |
| | Leosa, Grifter | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Nunk | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Reg, Inside Man | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Yeggie | Personnel | The Borg |
| | D'Kora Transport | Ship | Lineage |
| | Trullux | Ship | Holodeck Adventures |
| Body and Soul |
| | Seven of Nine, Efficient Analyst | Personnel | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Lokirrim Vessel | Ship | All Good Things |
| Nightingale |
| | Maintenance Overhaul | Mission | The Borg |
| Flesh and Blood, Part I |
| | Intelligent Design | Dilemma | Lower Decks |
| | Photonic Turncoat | Dilemma | Caretaker |
| | Training Accident | Dilemma | Energize |
| | Hirogen Disruptor Rifle | Equipment | The Borg |
| | Hunters' Training Program | Event | Unity |
| | Hirogen Outpost | Facility | The Borg |
| | Alsuran Sector, Utilize Abandoned Relay Station | Mission | Lower Decks |
| | Grid 296, Holographic Training Facility | Mission | A Time to Stand |
| | Liberate Photonic Servants | Mission | Unity |
| | Ovion, Deliver Academic Presentation | Mission | Phage |
| | Decaren | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Donik | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Doran | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Gann | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Garren | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Harkan | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Iden | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | K'wov | Personnel | Infinite Diversity |
| | Kejal | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Kejal, Radiant Mender | Personnel | Unity |
| | Konuric | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Mellis | Personnel | Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 |
| | The Doctor, Brilliant Template | Personnel | Unity |
| | Zivan | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Olarra | Ship | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Olarra | Ship | Virtual Promo Cards |
| Flesh and Blood, Part II |
| | Blind Spot | Event | Second Edition |
| | Ha'Dara Simulation | Event | Caretaker |
| | Holo-Projectors | Event | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Persistent Strike | Event | Infinite Diversity |
| | Children of Light | Incident | Holodeck Adventures |
| | We Require Your Expertise | Interrupt | Caretaker |
| | Corner Enemy Ship | Mission | The Borg |
| | Establish Home Planet | Mission | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Settle Holographic Colony | Mission | Unity |
| | Dar | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Dar | Personnel | Hard Time |
| | Doran | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Doran | Personnel | Infinite Diversity |
| | Garren | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Garren | Personnel | Infinite Diversity |
| | Harath | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Iden, Lustrous Demagogue | Personnel | Unity |
| | Netek | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Olamu | Personnel | Symbiosis |
| | Sumek | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Sumek | Personnel | Infinite Diversity |
| | Weiss | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Weiss, Glaring Tactician | Personnel | Unity |
| | Wodek'idan | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Olarra, Chariot of Light | Ship | Unity |
| | Olarra | Ship | Infinite Diversity Remastered |
| | Venatic Hunter | Ship | The Borg |
| Shattered |
| | Macrovirus | Dilemma | Dead Stop |
| | Shattered | Dilemma | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | Icheb, Second Officer | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Lonzak | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Naomi Wildman, Astrometrics Officer | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Rulat | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Seven of Nine, Representative of the Hive | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| Lineage |
| Repentance |
| | Kadis-kot | Dilemma | Zero Hour |
| Prophecy |
| | Crowd Control | Event | Energize |
| | Let Honor Guide You | Event | Second Edition |
| | Establish Settlement | Mission | The Borg |
| | Kelsid II, Establish Settlement | Mission | Lower Decks |
| | Seek Savior | Mission | Raise the Stakes |
| | B'Elanna Daughter of Miral | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | B'Elanna Torres, Mother of the Kuvah'magh | Personnel | Matter of Time |
| | Ch'Regha | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Ch'Regha, Open-Minded | Personnel | This Side of Paradise |
| | Kamok | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Kamok | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | Kar'meth | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Kar'meth | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | Kohlar | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Kohlar, Pilgrim Commander | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | M'tokra | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Morak | Personnel | The Borg |
| | Morak, Pilgrim Cynic | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Neelix, "Fearless Warrior" | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Nirok | Personnel | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Nirok | Personnel | Lower Decks |
| | T'Greth | Personnel | The Borg |
| | T'Greth, Pilgrim Contender | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Tom Paris, Father of the Kuvah'magh | Personnel | Caretaker |
| | Tom Son of Owen | Personnel | The Gift |
| | I.K.C. Voq'leng | Ship | The Borg |
| | I.K.S. Voq'leng, Ship of Prophecy | Ship | Raise the Stakes |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Cycle | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| The Void |
| | The Void Alliance | Event | The Undiscovered Country |
| Workforce, Part I |
| | Quarren Labor Shortage | Dilemma | Second Edition |
| | Workforce | Dilemma | Matter of Time |
| Workforce, Part II |
| Human Error |
| Q2 |
| | Qualification | Dilemma | Lower Decks |
| | Vacation from the Continuum | Event | What You Leave Behind |
| | Tribunal of Q | Incident | Virtual Promos |
| | It's a Party! | Q Event | The Trial Never Ended |
| | Don't Provoke the Borg! | Q Interrupt | The Trial Never Ended |
| | Futile Attempt | Q Interrupt | The Trial Never Ended |
| Author, Author |
| | Photons Be Free | Event | Unity |
| | Repurposed E.M.H. | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | ... In the Holodeck | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |
| Friendship One |
| Natural Law |
| | Ledos, Preserve Isolated Culture | Mission | Phage |
| Homestead |
| | Homestead | Incident | The Gift |
| | Axiana, Secure Colony | Mission | Shattered Mirror |
| | Neelix, Valued Guide | Personnel | Tacking Into the Wind |
| Renaissance Man |
| | The Doctor, Emergency Command Hologram | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| Endgame, Part I |
| | Ablative Armor | Equipment | Homefront II |
| | Transwarp Hub | Facility | Holodeck Adventures |
| | A Change of Plans | Interrupt | Homefront III |
| | Seal Rift | Mission | Holodeck Adventures |
| | Admiral Janeway | Personnel | Homefront II |
| | Borg Queen, Obsessed | Personnel | What You Leave Behind |
| | Harry Kim, Diligent Ensign | Personnel | Balance of Terror |
| | Kathryn Janeway, Regretful Leader | Personnel | Raise the Stakes |
| | Korath | Personnel | Cold Front |
| | Korath, Duplicitous Tinkerer | Personnel | Fractured Time |
| | Miral Paris | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Miral Paris, Daughter of B'Elanna | Personnel | A Less Perfect Union |
| | Sphere 634 | Ship | Fractured Time |
| Endgame, Part II |
| | Rotation Damage Marker (Voyager) | Damage Marker | Virtual Promos |
| | Ablative Armor | Equipment | Holodeck Adventures |
| | The Long Journey Home | Event | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Transwarp Hub | Facility | Homefront II |
| | Unicomplex | Facility | Homefront |
| | Parting Shot | Interrupt | Call to Arms |
| | Transwarp Conduit | Interrupt | Reflections 2.0 |
| | Destroy Transwarp Hub | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Unicomplex, Root of the Hive Mind | Mission | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | Set a Course for Home | Objective | Star Trek 50 |
| | Admiral Janeway | Personnel | All Good Things |
| | Borg Queen, Guardian of the Hive | Personnel | Call to Arms |
| | Borg Sphere | Ship | Call to Arms |
| | Sphere 634 | Ship | Virtual Promo Cards |
| | 10 Tribbles - Replicate | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Assimilate | Tribble | Virtual Promos |