Show First Edition Show Second Edition Show Tribbles Show AllNot Yet Placed |
| | Advanced Combat Training | Mission | Engage |
| | Breach Detection Grid | Mission | The Neutral Zone |
| | Forcas Sector, Fissure Research | Mission | Promo Cards |
| | Hromi Cluster, Amnesty Talks | Mission | Promo Cards |
| | Probe Alpha Quadrant System | Mission | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Consume: Outpost | Objective | Q Who? |
| | Q of Borg | Personnel | Q Who? |
Logos and Graphics |
| | Persistent Individuality | Dilemma | Virtual Promos |
| | Organian Peace Treaty | Event | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Technology Sharing Treaty | Event | A Private Little War |
| | Treaty: Bajoran/Dominion | Event | The Dominion |
| | Treaty: Bajoran/Klingon | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Treaty: Cardassian/Bajoran | Event | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Treaty: Cardassian/Dominion | Event | The Dominion |
| | Treaty: Cardassian/Kazon | Event | The Gift |
| | Treaty: Federation/Bajoran | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Treaty: Federation/Cardassian | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Treaty: Federation/Dominion | Event | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Treaty: Federation/Klingon | Event | Premiere |
| | Treaty: Federation/Romulan | Event | Premiere |
| | Treaty: Federation/Romulan/Klingon | Event | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Treaty: Romulan/Bajoran | Event | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Treaty: Romulan/Cardassian | Event | Deep Space 9 |
| | Treaty: Romulan/Dominion | Event | The Dominion |
| | Treaty: Romulan/Klingon | Event | Premiere |
| | Treaty: Romulan/Vulcan | Event | Cold Front |
| | Treaty: Starfleet/Klingon | Event | Straight and Steady |
| | Treaty: Starfleet/Vulcan | Event | Pre-Warp Pack |
| | Treaty: The Alliance | Event | Crossover |
| | The Kazon Collective | Incident | Voyager |
| | They Call Themselves the Maquis | Incident | The Maquis |
| | Qapla'! | Interrupt | Fajo Collection |
| | Plans of the Obsidian Order | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
| | Plans of the Tal Shiar | Objective | Deep Space 9 |
Computer Generated Images |
| | Coil Spanner | Equipment | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Hyperspanner | Equipment | Strange Bedfellows |
| | Red Alert! | Event | Premiere |
| | Yellow Alert | Event | Warp Pack |
| | Ferengi Trading Post | Facility | Starter Deck II |
| | Husnock Outpost | Facility | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Imperial Palace | Facility | The Terran Empire |
| | Klingon Empire Outpost | Facility | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Starbase One | Facility | Shades of Gray |
| | Starfleet Outpost | Facility | The Terran Empire |
| | Always a Chess Game | Incident | Virtual Promos |
| | Collect Sample | Mission | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Deliver Prisoners | Mission | Strange New Worlds |
| | Establish Relations | Mission | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Geological Survey | Mission | Starter Deck II |
| | Impose Order | Mission | The Next Generation: Supplemental |
| | Investigate Stalled Ship | Mission | To Boldly Go |
| | Lapideas System, Geological Survey | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Mineral Survey | Mission | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
| | Renovate Starbase | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Resupply Marauder | Mission | Homefront IV |
| | Resupply Marauder II | Mission | Engage |
| | Reunion | Mission | Alternate Universe |
| | Satvintri Cloud, Collect Sample | Mission | Second Edition |
| | Search for Weapons | Mission | Starter Deck II |
| | Survey Star System | Mission | Deep Space 9 |
| | Survey Star System | Mission | Call to Arms |
| | Establish Trade Route | Objective | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Hero of the Empire | Objective | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | Bareil of Borg | Personnel | Enhanced First Contact |
| | Brunt of Borg | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Captain B'Etor | Personnel | Life From Lifelessness |
| | Dukat of Borg | Personnel | Enhanced First Contact |
| | Gowron of Borg | Personnel | Enhanced First Contact |
| | Ja'rod | Personnel | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Mogh | Personnel | Introductory 2-Player Game |
| | Tomalak of Borg | Personnel | Enhanced First Contact |
| | Weyoun of Borg | Personnel | Mirror, Mirror |
| | Penalty Box | Q Event | Q Continuum |
| | U.S.S. Akira | Ship | Second Edition |
| | U.S.S. Drake | Ship | The Next Generation: Supplemental |
| | 22nd-Century Japan | Time Location | The Terran Empire |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Antidote | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Assimilate | Tribble | Nothing But Tribble |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Bah! | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Clone | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Dance | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Discard | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Draw | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Kill | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Mutate | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Replay | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Rescue | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Rescue | Tribble | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Safety | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Tally | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Time Warp | Tribble | Nothing But Tribble |
Star Trek: A Klingon Challenge |
| | Experience Bij! | Dilemma | The Neutral Zone |
| | Commandeer Ship | Objective | Blaze of Glory |
| | Kavok | Personnel | Blaze of Glory |
| | Kavok, Challenging Captain | Personnel | Sacrifice of Angels |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - BiJ | Tribble | Big Tribble in Little Qo'noS |
Star Trek: Borg Q-Uest |
| | Q the Referee | Incident | The Trouble with Tribbles |
Star Trek: Armada |
| | Chain Reaction Ricochet | Incident | The Trouble with Tribbles |
| | U.S.S. Jupiter | Ship | Armada |
| | Chain Reaction Pulsar | Tactic | The Trouble with Tribbles |
Promotional or Prop shots |
| | Ready Room Door | Doorway | Homefront III |
| | Bajoran PADD | Equipment | Deep Space 9 |
| | Bajoran Phaser Rifle | Equipment | Deep Space 9 |
| | Engineering Kit | Equipment | Premiere |
| | Engineering PADD | Equipment | Premiere |
| | Engineering PADD | Equipment | Second Edition |
| | Gold-Pressed Latinum | Equipment | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Hypospray | Equipment | Deep Space 9 |
| | Kar'takin | Equipment | Blaze of Glory |
| | Kazon Disruptor Rifle | Equipment | Voyager |
| | Ketracel-White | Equipment | The Dominion |
| | Klingon Disruptor | Equipment | Premiere |
| | Klingon Disruptor Rifle | Equipment | Blaze of Glory |
| | Klingon PADD | Equipment | Premiere |
| | Romulan Disruptor | Equipment | Premiere |
| | Romulan PADD | Equipment | Premiere |
| | Science Kit | Equipment | Deep Space 9 |
| | Science PADD | Equipment | Deep Space 9 |
| | Starfleet Type I Phaser | Equipment | Blaze of Glory |
| | Starfleet Type II Phaser | Equipment | Premiere |
| | Dabo! | Event | To Boldly Go |
| | Continuing Mission | Incident | Homefront VI |
| | Dabo | Incident | Rules of Acquisition |
| | Reshape the Quadrant | Incident | Homefront VI |
| | Charles Tucker III | Personnel | Enterprise Collection |
| | D'Lors | Personnel | Engage |
| | Kathryn Janeway, Clever Captain | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | Phlox | Personnel | Enterprise Collection |
| | Seven of Nine, Reclaimed Drone | Personnel | Captain's Log |
| | T'Pol, Subcommander | Personnel | To Boldly Go |
| | Worf, Defiant Commander | Personnel | In A Mirror Darkly |
| | U.S.S. Defiant | Ship | The Dominion |
| | Promenade Shops | Site | Deep Space 9 |
| | Quark's Bar | Site | Rules of Acquisition |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Assimilate | Tribble | Nothing But Tribble |
Multiple episode sources |
| | Alien Parasites & REM Fatigue | Dilemma | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Anaphasic Organism & Nagilum | Dilemma | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Ancient Computer & Microvirus | Dilemma | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Computer Weapon & Hyper-Aging | Dilemma | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Female's Love Interest & Garbage Scow | Dilemma | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Male's Love Interest & Plague Ship | Dilemma | Enhanced Premiere |
| | Ferengi Commerce Operation | Objective | The Next Generation |
| | Administrator Weyoun | Personnel | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | Ferengi Freighter | Ship | The Gamma Quadrant |
| | 1,000 Tribbles - Safety | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Clone | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 10,000 Tribbles - Go | Tribble | No Tribble at All |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Dabo | Tribble | Virtual Promos |
| | 100,000 Tribbles - Fizzbin | Tribble | Tribbles Royale |